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Pseudobensingtonia carpini sp. nov., a novel yeast species isolated from plant leaves in China
Two novel yeast strains NYNU 236247 and NYNU 23523 were isolated from the leaves of Carpinus turczaninowii Hance collected in the Tianchi Mountain National Forest Park Henan Province central China. Phylogenetic analysis of the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region revealed the closest relatives of the strains are three described Pseudobensingtonia species: Ps. fusiformis Ps. musae and Ps. ingoldii. The novel species differed from the type strains of these three species by 12 to 22 nucleotide substitutions and 1 gap (~2.0–4.0%) in the D1/D2 domain and by 78 to 100 nucleotide mismatches (~12.0–16%) in the ITS region. Physiologically the novel species differs from Ps. fusiformis and Ps. musae in its ability to assimilate dl-lactate and melezitose and from Ps. ingoldii by its inability to assimilate melibiose soluble starch and ethanol. Pseudobensingtonia carpini sp. nov. is proposed for those two strains with the holotype designated as GDMCC 2.483T (MycoBank MB 857072).
Starmerella anomalae f.a., sp. nov., Starmerella asiatica f.a., sp. nov., Starmerella henanensis f.a., sp. nov. and Starmerella scarabaei f.a., sp. nov., four yeast species isolated from scarab beetles
Eleven yeast strains representing four novel species of the genus Starmerella were isolated from scarabs beetles collected in Nanyang Henan Province Central China. Phylogenetic analysis using combined sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions placed all the novel species in a clade distinct from the other known species in the clade representing the members of the genus Starmerella. These novel species differed from each other or their closest known species by more than 4.9 % nucleotide substitutions in the D1/D2 domains and by more than 9.1 % nucleotide substitutions in the ITS regions. The four novel species can also be separated from their closest relatives in terms of physiological characteristics. No asci or signs of conjugation were found in the novel species on the most common sporulation media. The novel species are designated as Starmerella anomalae f.a. sp. nov. (type strain NYNU 157145T=CICC 33094T=CBS 14178T) Starmerella asiatica f.a. sp. nov. (type strain NYNU 15782T=CICC 33089T=CBS 14173T) Starmerella henanensis f.a. sp. nov. (type strain NYNU 15766T=CICC 33088T=CBS 14172T) and Starmerella scarabaei f.a. sp. nov. (type strain NYNU 15821T=CICC 33090T=CBS 14174T).