Publish and Read Resources
For Librarians
Thank you for signing up to our Publish and Read programme. Find out more about your Publish and Read with our curated resources below.
Maximise the value of your existing Publish and Read deal by sharing these resources (by email, on your intranet, in newsletters) to inform researchers of their eligibility for fee-free OA publishing and full read access in our journals.
Resources to Share:
- Librarian factsheet
- Publications brochure
- This video is a great way to understand the benefits of your Publish and Read deal.
- OA Switchboard
- CCC Rightslink Agreement Manager
- Institutional Portal Resource Center provides documentation and training videos that new institution users will find helpful.
Journal and Society Logos
- Microbiology Society (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- All journals portfolio (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- Microbial Genomics (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- Access Microbiology (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- Microbiology (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- Journal of Medical Microbiology (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- Journal of General Virology (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (RGB for web, png) (CMYK for print, jpg)
Please use the Society and journal logos provided above as required.
For Authors
Recommendation Form
If your institution is currently not a part of a Publish and Read deal, fill out this form and share with your librarian to recommend fee-free Open Access publishing for researchers in your institution.
Find out more about benefits of Open Access with the Microbiology Society and share with your colleagues. You can also share with your librarian to recommend our Publish and Read deals.
- Why publish OA with us? - Slide
- Why publish OA with us? - Poster
- Publish and Read video for authors
Please contact us at [email protected] if you think of any other resource that would be helpful.