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Review with us

Peer review is a vital part of the publishing lifecycle. Our publications are shaped by the expertise of our community, refining and enhancing research to the benefit of everyone and helping peers to publish excellent research.

Reviewers are essential to our work as a not-for-profit organisation: supporting our publications will allow us to continue providing microbiologists of all career stages with grants, events and professional development opportunities.

Review with us to support your peers and shape the future of microbiology research.

Editors for our titles search for reviewers by identifying relevant profiles on Editorial Manager. You can make yourself available to review by setting up a profile and ensuring that your keywords and details are up-to-date. Find out more about how reviewing with the Microbiology Society works in our guidelines for reviewers.

Reviewer recognition

You will receive an email confirmation for every review you complete, but if you require a formal Certificate of Review, for example as part of a tenure application, please contact the relevant journal’s Editorial Office.

All reviewers also have the option to have their review activities deposited in their ORCID account. To do this, you should view your ‘Completed Reviewer Assignments’ in Editorial Manager and for the manuscript you would like to deposit, select ‘ORCID Deposit Authorization’ in the action links. ORCID is updated automatically each quarter and each deposit will indicate the year and the journal that the review was performed for.

Board of reviewers

We will soon be expanding our Board of Reviewers programme across our portfolio. If you would like to be notified when the next opportunities arise, please express your interest using this form.

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