Microbe Profiles

Microbiology is now publishing ‘Microbe Profiles’ – concise, review-type articles that provide overviews of the classification, structure and properties of microbes, written by leading microbiologists. These profiles will provide insights into key microbes within the field.
Collection Contents
21 - 40 of 46 results
Microbe Profile: Xylella fastidiosa – a devastating agricultural pathogen with an endophytic lifestyle
More LessXylella fastidiosa is a vector-borne plant vascular pathogen that has caused devastating disease outbreaks in diverse agricultural crops worldwide. A major global quarantine pathogen, X. fastidiosa can infect hundreds of plant species and can be transmitted by many different xylem sap-feeding insects. Several decades of research have revealed a complex lifestyle dependent on adaptation to the xylem and insect environments and interactions with host plant tissues.
Microbe Profile: Aeromonas salmonicida: an opportunistic pathogen with multiple personalities
More LessThe bacterial species Aeromonas salmonicida is a fish pathogen. Feared by fish farmers everywhere on Earth over the past century, this species has turned out to be more diverse than initially suspected. While some psychrophilic subspecies cannot grow at temperatures above 25 °C or 30 °C, other mesophilic strains growing up to 37 °C and above are now characterized. Adding to the surprising diversity of this species, some of the mesophilic strains infect mammals and birds. The remarkable diversity is explained in part by the presence of numerous mobile genetic elements, which sculpt and modify the genome of the various strains of this species.
Microbe Profile: Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus: a specialized bacterial predator of bacteria
More LessBdellovibrio bacteriovorus is an environmentally-ubiquitous bacterium that uses unique adaptations to kill other bacteria. The best-characterized strain, HD100, has a multistage lifestyle, with both a free-living attack phase and an intraperiplasmic growth and division phase inside the prey cell. Advances in understanding the basic biology and regulation of predation processes are paving the way for future potential therapeutic and bioremediation applications of this unusual bacterium.
Microbe Profile: Dictyostelium discoideum: model system for development, chemotaxis and biomedical research
More LessThe social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is a versatile organism that is unusual in alternating between single-celled and multi-celled forms. It possesses highly-developed systems for cell motility and chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and developmental pattern formation. As a soil amoeba growing on microorganisms, it is exposed to many potential pathogens; it thus provides fruitful ways of investigating host-pathogen interactions and is emerging as an influential model for biomedical research.
Microbe Profile: Aquifex aeolicus: an extreme heat-loving bacterium that feeds on gases and inorganic chemicals
More LessThe bacterium ‘ Aquifex aeolicus ’ is the model organism for the deeply rooted phylum Aquificae . This ‘water-maker’ is an H2-oxidizing microaerophile that flourishes in extremely hot marine habitats, and it also thrives on the sulphur compounds commonly found in volcanic environments. ‘ A. aeolicus ’ has hyper-stable proteins and a fully sequenced genome, with some of its essential metabolic pathways deciphered (including energy conservation). Many of its proteins have also been characterized (especially structurally), including many of the enzymes involved in replication, transcription, RNA processing and cell envelope biosynthesis. Enzymes that are of promise for biotechnological applications have been widely investigated in this species. ‘ A. aeolicus ’ has also added to our understanding of the origins of life and evolution.
Microbe Profile: Cryptococcus neoformans species complex
More LessCryptococcus neoformans is a lethal fungus disguised in a polysaccharide coat. It can remain dormant in the host for decades prior to reactivation, causing systemic cryptococcosis in humans and other mammals. Cryptococcus deploys a multitude of traits to adapt to and survive within the host, including immunosuppression, an ability to replicate intra- and extra-cellularly in phagocytes, changes in morphology and ploidy, a predilection to infect the CNS, and the capacity to utilize neurotransmitters and unique carbon sources available in the brain. These pathogenic strategies displayed by this fungus might have evolved through its interactions with microbial predators in the environment.
Microbe Profile: Komagataella phaffii: a methanol devouring biotech yeast formerly known as Pichia pastoris
More LessMethylotrophic yeasts of the genus Komagataella are abundantly found in tree exudates. Their ability to utilize methanol as carbon and energy source relies on an assimilation pathway localized in largely expanded peroxisomes, and a cytosolic methanol dissimilation pathway. Other substrates like glucose or glycerol are readily utilized as well. Komagataella yeasts usually grow as haploid cells and are secondary homothallic as they can switch mating type. Upon mating diploid cells sporulate readily, forming asci with four haploid spores. Their ability to secrete high amounts of heterologous proteins made them interesting for biotechnology, which expands today also to other products of primary and secondary metabolism.
Microbe Profile: Bacillus subtilis: model organism for cellular development, and industrial workhorse
More LessBacillus subtilis is the best studied model organism of the Gram-positive lineage. It is naturally transformable and has an extremely powerful genetic toolbox. It is fast growing and easy to cultivate. It is an important industrial organism, being proficient at secreting proteins and making small fine chemicals, as well as acting as a plant growth promoter. It has been an important model system for studying biofilms. Finally, it makes endospores, which have provided an exceptionally fruitful system for studying various central problems of cellular development, including the generation of asymmetry, cell fate determination and morphogenesis.
Microbe Profile: Campylobacter jejuni – survival instincts
More LessCampylobacter jejuni is considered to be the most common bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. C. jejuni can cause bloody diarrhoea, fever and abdominal pain in humans along with post-infectious sequelae such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (a paralytic autoimmune complication). C. jejuni infections can be fatal, particularly among young children. C. jejuni are distributed in most warm-blooded animals, and therefore the main route of transmission is generally foodborne, via the consumption and handling of meat products (particularly poultry). C. jejuni is microaerophilic and oxygen-sensitive, although it appears to be omnipresent in the environment, one of the many contradictions of Campylobacter .
Microbe Profile: Pseudomonas aeruginosa: opportunistic pathogen and lab rat
More LessPseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen and a model bacterium for studying virulence and bacterial social traits. While it can be isolated in low numbers from a wide variety of environments including soil and water, it can readily be found in almost any human/animal-impacted environment. It is a major cause of illness and death in humans with immunosuppressive and chronic conditions, and infections in these patients are difficult to treat due to a number of antibiotic resistance mechanisms and the organism’s propensity to form multicellular biofilms.
Microbe Profile: Thermococcus kodakarensis: the model hyperthermophilic archaeon
More LessThermococcus kodakarensis is a hyperthermophilic Euryarchaeon that grows well under laboratory conditions and, being naturally competent for genetic transformation, it has become a widely studied experimental model species. With the genome sequence available since 2004, combining genetic, enzymological and structural biochemical approaches has revealed previously unknown and unanticipated features of archaeal molecular biology and metabolism. T. kodakarensis DNA polymerase is already commercialized and with the details of metabolism and hydrogenase available, generating H2 from biopolymers solubilized at high temperatures, most notably chitin, now seems a very attractive possibility as a renewable energy bioprocess.
Microbe Profile: Streptomyces coelicolor: a burlesque of pigments and phenotypes
More LessThe streptomycetes are soil-dwelling bacteria that are found in soil everywhere on Earth: the molecule geosmin, which they produce as part of their life cycle, is what gives soil its familiar ‘earthy’ smell. The species is best known for the production of biologically active small molecules called ‘natural products’. These molecules are the source of most of our antibiotics and anti-fungals, as well as many other drugs. The streptomycetes have a filamentous form rather than the more familiar rod-shaped spirochete and coccoid forms. They exhibit a complex life cycle and sporulation mechanism involving several differentiated cell types, each having specific roles in the colony life history. Streptomyces coelicolor is an important model system for this genus – research on this bacterium has provided foundational information for all of these fascinating processes.
Microbe Profile: Listeria monocytogenes: a paradigm among intracellular bacterial pathogens
More LessListeria monocytogenes is a food-borne bacterial pathogen that is responsible for listeriosis, a disease characterized by occasional febrile gastroenteritis in immunocompetent individuals, abortions in pregnant women, meningitis in the newborn and fatal bacteraemia in immunocompromised individuals or the elderly. The ability of L. monocytogenes to produce disease is intimately associated with its potential to traverse several human barriers (including the intestinal, placental and blood/brain barriers), to promote its internalization within diverse populations of epithelial cells and to proliferate in the intra-ic environment while escaping host immune responses. L. monocytogenes is often regarded as a paradigm for intracellular parasitism.
More LessThe protozoan Cryptosporidium is notorious for its resistance to chlorine disinfection, a mainstay of water treatment. Human infections, mainly of the small intestine, arise from consumption of faecally contaminated food or water, environmental exposure, and person-to-person or animal-to-person spread. Acute gastrointestinal symptoms can be prolonged but are usually self-limiting. Problems arise with immune-deficient, including malnourished, people including chronic diarrhoea, hepato-biliary tree and extra-gastrointestinal site infection, and few options for treatment or prevention exist. Although genomics has enabled refined classification, identification of chemotherapeutic targets and vaccine candidates, and putative factors for host adaption and pathogenesis, their confirmation has been hampered by a lack of biological tools.
Pseudomonas syringae: enterprising epiphyte and stealthy parasite
More LessPseudomonas syringae is best known as a plant pathogenic bacterium that causes diseases in a multitude of hosts, and it has been used as a model organism to understand the biology of plant disease. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic isolates of P. syringae are also commonly found living as epiphytes and in the wider environment, including water sources such as rivers and precipitation. Ice-nucleating strains of P. syringae are associated with frost damage to crops. The genomes of numerous strains of P. syringae have been sequenced and molecular genetic studies have elucidated many aspects of this pathogen’s interaction with its host plants.
Coxiella burnetii: A Pathogenic Intracellular Acidophile
More LessCoxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular pathogen that causes acute and chronic Q fever. C. burnetii grows within a eukaryotic host cell in a vacuole highly similar to a phagolysosome. Found worldwide, this environmentally stable pathogen is maintained in nature via chronic infection of ruminants. Aerosol-mediated infection of humans results in infection and usurpation of alveolar macrophages through mechanisms using a bacterial Type 4B Secretion System and secreted effector proteins. Advances in axenic culture and genetic systems are changing our understanding of the pathogen’s physiology and intimate molecular manipulations of host cells during infection.
Microbe Profile: Wolbachia: a sex selector, a viral protector and a target to treat filarial nematodes
More LessWolbachia is the most widespread genus of endosymbiotic bacteria in the animal world, infecting a diverse range of arthropods and nematodes. A broad spectrum of associations from parasitism to mutualism occur, with a tendency to drive reproductive manipulation or influence host fecundity to spread infection through host populations. These varied effects of Wolbachia are exploited for public health benefits. Notably, the protection of insect hosts from viruses is being tested as a potential control strategy for human arboviruses, and the mutualistic relationship with filarial nematodes makes Wolbachia a target for antibiotic therapy of human and veterinary nematode diseases.
Microbe Profile: Saccharomyces eubayanus, the missing link to lager beer yeasts
More LessSaccharomyces eubayanus was described less than 10 years ago and its discovery settled the long-lasting debate on the origins of the cold-tolerant yeast responsible for lager beer fermentation. The largest share of the genetic diversity of S. eubayanus is located in South America, and strains of this species have not yet been found in Europe. One or more hybridization events between S. eubayanus and S. cerevisiae ale beer strains gave rise to S. pastorianus, the allopolyploid yeasts responsible for lager beer production worldwide. The identification of the missing progenitor of lager yeast opened new avenues for brewing yeast research. It allowed not only the selective breeding of new lager strains, but revealed also a wild yeast with interesting brewing abilities so that a beer solely fermented by S. eubayanus is currently on the market.
Microbe Profile: Aspergillus fumigatus: a saprotrophic and opportunistic fungal pathogen
More LessAspergillus fumigatus is a saprotrophic fungus that continuously disseminates spores (conidia) into the environment. It is also the most common and opportunistic aerial fungal pathogen, causing allergic and chronic lung pathologies including the fatal invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. The pathobiology of aspergillosis is complex and depends on the competence of the host immune system. Moreover, A. fumigatus has become a model to study unique features of fungi. This includes the fungal cell wall, which not only acts as a rigid skeleton for protection against hostile environments but also plays significant roles during infection by manipulating the host immune response.
Microbe Profile: Corynebacterium diphtheriae – an old foe always ready to seize opportunity
More LessCorynebacterium diphtheriae is a globally important Gram-positive aerobic Actinobacterium capable of causing the toxin-mediated disease, diphtheria. Diphtheria was a major cause of childhood mortality prior to the introduction of the toxoid vaccine, yet it is capable of rapid resurgence following the breakdown of healthcare provision, vaccination or displacement of people. The mechanism and treatment of toxin-mediated disease is well understood, however there are key gaps in our knowledge on the basic biology of C. diphtheriae particularly relating to host colonisation, the nature of asymptomatic carriage, population genomics and host adaptation.