Microbe Profiles

Microbiology is now publishing ‘Microbe Profiles’ – concise, review-type articles that provide overviews of the classification, structure and properties of microbes, written by leading microbiologists. These profiles will provide insights into key microbes within the field.
Collection Contents
Microbe Profile: Cryptococcus neoformans species complex
More LessCryptococcus neoformans is a lethal fungus disguised in a polysaccharide coat. It can remain dormant in the host for decades prior to reactivation, causing systemic cryptococcosis in humans and other mammals. Cryptococcus deploys a multitude of traits to adapt to and survive within the host, including immunosuppression, an ability to replicate intra- and extra-cellularly in phagocytes, changes in morphology and ploidy, a predilection to infect the CNS, and the capacity to utilize neurotransmitters and unique carbon sources available in the brain. These pathogenic strategies displayed by this fungus might have evolved through its interactions with microbial predators in the environment.
Microbe Profile: Campylobacter jejuni – survival instincts
More LessCampylobacter jejuni is considered to be the most common bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. C. jejuni can cause bloody diarrhoea, fever and abdominal pain in humans along with post-infectious sequelae such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (a paralytic autoimmune complication). C. jejuni infections can be fatal, particularly among young children. C. jejuni are distributed in most warm-blooded animals, and therefore the main route of transmission is generally foodborne, via the consumption and handling of meat products (particularly poultry). C. jejuni is microaerophilic and oxygen-sensitive, although it appears to be omnipresent in the environment, one of the many contradictions of Campylobacter .
Microbe Profile: Corynebacterium diphtheriae – an old foe always ready to seize opportunity
More LessCorynebacterium diphtheriae is a globally important Gram-positive aerobic Actinobacterium capable of causing the toxin-mediated disease, diphtheria. Diphtheria was a major cause of childhood mortality prior to the introduction of the toxoid vaccine, yet it is capable of rapid resurgence following the breakdown of healthcare provision, vaccination or displacement of people. The mechanism and treatment of toxin-mediated disease is well understood, however there are key gaps in our knowledge on the basic biology of C. diphtheriae particularly relating to host colonisation, the nature of asymptomatic carriage, population genomics and host adaptation.
Microbe Profile: Candida albicans: a shape-changing, opportunistic pathogenic fungus of humans
More LessCandida albicans is normally a harmless commensal of human beings, but it can cause superficial infections of the mucosa (oral/vaginal thrush) in healthy individuals and (rarely) infections of the skin or nails. It can also become invasive, causing life-threatening systemic and bloodstream infections in immunocompromised hosts, where the mortality rate can be as high as 50 %. It is the most common cause of serious fungal infection and is a common cause of nosocomial infections in hospitals. Some strains have been recognized that are resistant to azoles or echinocandins, which are the first-line antifungals for treatment of C. albicans infections.