1 - 6 of 6 for "Atsushi Hisatomi"
Desulfovibrio falkowii sp. nov., Porphyromonas miyakawae sp. nov., Mediterraneibacter flintii sp. nov. and Owariibacterium komagatae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from human faeces
Small obligately anaerobic strains 13CB8CT 13CB11CT 13CB18CT and 13GAM1GT were isolated from a faecal sample in a patient with Parkinson’s disease with a history of duodenal resection. After conducting a comprehensive polyphasic taxonomic analysis including genomic analysis we propose the establishment of one new genus and four new species. The novel bacteria are Desulfovibrio falkowii sp. nov. (type strain JCM 36128T = DSM 116810T) Porphyromonas miyakawae sp. nov. (type strain JCM 36129T = DSM 116947T) Mediterraneibacter flintii sp. nov. (type strain JCM 36130T = DSM 116866T) and Owariibacterium komagatae gen. nov. sp. nov. (type strain JCM 36131T = DSM 116982T) respectively.
Isolation and characterization of a novel Waltera species and reclassification of Brotolimicola acetigignens Hitch et al. 2022 as Waltera acetigignens comb. nov.
Obligately anaerobic Gram-stain-negative wavy rods strains 17YCFAHCo10 18YCFAH0.3Co2 and 19YCFAH0.3Co2 were isolated from faecal samples of healthy Japanese people. The three isolates showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Waltera intestinalis WCA3-601-WT-6HT (99.2–100 %) and Brotolimicola acetigignens f_CXYT (99.2–99.7 %). The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the three isolates formed a cluster with W. intestinalis WCA3-601-WT-6HT. Strain 19YCFAH0.3Co2 formed a subcluster with the type strain of W. intestinalis and did not form a cluster with the other two isolates. B. acetigignens f_CXYT also formed a cluster with W. intestinalis WCA3-601-WT-6HT and three isolates. The digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strain 19YCFAH0.3Co2 and W. intestinalis WCA3-601-WT-6HT were higher (72 % dDDH and 97 % ANI) than the cut-off values for species delimitation indicating that strain 19YCFAH0.3Co2 is W. intestinalis. On the other hand the dDDH and ANI values between strains 17YCFAHCo10 and 18YCFAH0.3Co2 and the type strain of W. intestinalis were lower (<34 % dDDH and <87 % ANI) than the cut-off values for species delimitation indicating that these two isolates are different species from W. intestinalis. The percentage of conserved proteins and the average amino acid identity values support the assignment of the isolates to the genus Waltera. Strains 17YCFAHCo10 and 18YCFAH0.3Co2 could be distinguished from W. intestinalis by their inability to ferment melibiose and ribose and lack of activity for β-glucuronidase. In addition the dDDH and ANI values between two strains (17YCFAHCo10 and 18YCFAH0.3Co2) and B. acetigignens f_CXYT were higher (>78 % dDDH and >97 % ANI) indicating these two strains and B. acetigignens are the same species. As the genus Waltera has priority B. acetigignens is transferred to the genus Waltera as Waltera acetigignens comb. nov. The type strain of W. acetigignens is f_CXYT (=JCM 34988T=DSM 107528T).
Claveliimonas bilis gen. nov., sp. nov., deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria isolated from human faeces, and reclassification of Sellimonas monacensis Zenner et al. 2021 as Claveliimonas monacensis comb. nov.
Obligately anaerobic Gram-stain-positive bacilli strains 12BBH14T 9CFEGH4 and 10CPCBH12 were isolated from faecal samples of healthy Japanese people. Strain 12BBH14T showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Sellimonas monacensis Cla-CZ-80T (97.5 %) and ‘Lachnoclostridium phocaeense’ Marseille-P3177T (97.2 %). Strain 12BBH14T was also closely related to Eubacterium sp. c-25 with 99.7 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strains 12BBH14T 9CFEGH4 and 10CPCBH12 formed a monophyletic cluster with Eubacterium sp. c-25. Near this monophyletic cluster S. monacensis Cla-CZ-80T and ‘L. phocaeense’ Marseille-P3177T formed a cluster and did not form a cluster with other Sellimonas species. The digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strains 12BBH14T 9CFEGH4 10CPCBH12 and Eubacterium sp. c-25 were higher than the cut-off values of species demarcation (>88 % dDDH and >98 % ANI) indicating that these four strains are the same species. On the other hand the dDDH and ANI values of these strains were lower than the cut-off values of species demarcation against other strains (<29 % dDDH and <76 % ANI). Moreover the average amino acid identity values among these strains were higher than the genus boundary. These results indicate that the isolates should be considered to belong to a new genus of the family Lachnospiraceae . Based on the collected data strains 12BBH14T 9CFEGH4 and 10CPCBH12 represent a novel species of a novel genus for which the name Claveliimonas bilis gen. nov. sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of C. bilis is 12BBH14T (=JCM 35899T=DSM 115701T). Eubacterium sp. c-25 belongs to C. bilis. In addition S. monacensis is transferred to the genus Claveliimonas as Claveliimonas monacensis comb. nov.
Sellimonas catena sp. nov., isolated from human faeces
Obligately anaerobic Gram-stain-positive small-chain coccobacilli strains 12EGH17T and 18CBH55 were isolated from faecal samples of healthy Japanese humans. Strain 12EGH17T showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Sellimonas intestinalis BR72T (95.5 %) Coprococcus comes ATCC 27758T (94.4 %) and Clostridium nexile DSM 1787T (93.7 %). The percentage of conserved proteins values between the genome of strain 12EGH17T and that of the members of the genus Sellimonas were >54 % suggesting that strain 12EGH17T belongs to the genus Sellimonas . The digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strains 12EGH17T and 18CBH55 were higher than the cut-off values of species demarcation (90 % dDDH and 99 % ANI) indicating these two strains are the same species. However the dDDH and ANI values of these strains were lower than the cut-off values of species demarcation against other strains (<30 % dDDH and <79 % ANI). These results indicate that the isolates should be considered to represent a new species of the genus Sellimonas . The isolates were differentiated from the type species S. intestinalis by the ability of aesculin hydrolysis. Based on the collected data strains 12EGH17T and 18CBH55 represent a novel species in the genus Sellimonas for which the name Sellimonas catena sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of S. catena is 12EGH17T (=JCM 35622T=DSM 114916T).
Corrigendum: Identification and structural characterisation of a catecholate-type siderophore produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a
Idification and structural characterisation of a catecholate-type siderophore produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a
Siderophores are produced by several bacteria that utilise iron in various environments. Elucidating the structure of a specific siderophore may have valuable applications in drug development. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia a Gram-negative bacterium that inhabits a wide range of environments and can cause pneumonia produces siderophores. However the structure was unknown and therefore in this study we aimed to elucidate it. We purified siderophores from cultures of S. maltophilia K279a using preparative reversed-phase HPLC. The structure was analysed through LC-MS and 1H and 13C NMR. The results demonstrated that S. maltophilia K279a produces 23-dihydroxybenzoylserine (DHBS) a monomer unit of enterobactin. We suggested the uptake of Iron(III) by the DHBS complex. DHBS production by S. maltophilia K279a could be attributed to an incomplete enterobactin pathway. Drugs targeting DHBS synthesis could prevent S. maltophilia infection.