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Obligately anaerobic, Gram-stain-positive, small-chain coccobacilli, strains 12EGH17 and 18CBH55, were isolated from faecal samples of healthy Japanese humans. Strain 12EGH17 showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to BR72 (95.5 %), ATCC 27758 (94.4 %) and DSM 1787 (93.7 %). The percentage of conserved proteins values between the genome of strain 12EGH17 and that of the members of the genus were >54 %, suggesting that strain 12EGH17 belongs to the genus . The digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strains 12EGH17 and 18CBH55 were higher than the cut-off values of species demarcation (90 % dDDH and 99 % ANI), indicating these two strains are the same species. However, the dDDH and ANI values of these strains were lower than the cut-off values of species demarcation against other strains (<30 % dDDH and <79 % ANI). These results indicate that the isolates should be considered to represent a new species of the genus . The isolates were differentiated from the type species, , by the ability of aesculin hydrolysis. Based on the collected data, strains 12EGH17 and 18CBH55 represent a novel species in the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is 12EGH17 (=JCM 35622=DSM 114916).

Keyword(s): chain , human faeces and Sellimonas
This study was supported by the:
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Award 19H05689)
    • Principle Award Recipient: MoriyaOhkuma
  • Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (Award JP22ae0121035)
    • Principle Award Recipient: MitsuoSakamoto
  • Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (Award JP19gm6010007)
    • Principle Award Recipient: MitsuoSakamoto

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