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Three strains of a novel mucoralean fungus were isolated from samples of decayed wood, which were collected from three locations near the city of Chuxiong, Yunnan province, China. These isolates were identified as a novel species through comparison of sequences in the ITS sequence, the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rRNA gene, and other taxonomic characteristics. The results demonstrated that these isolates represent a novel mucoralean fungus species belonging to the genus Mucor. The ITS sequence of Mucor chuxiongensissp. nov. differed from its closest relative, Mucor guilliermondii CBS 174.27, by 13.1 % sequence divergence (39 substitutions and 38 gaps), and the D1/D2 sequences of the novel strains differed by 13 nt substitutions and one gap (1.9 %) from the ex-type strain. On potato dextrose agar, malt extract agar and synthetic mucor agar, the isolates grew slowly below 10 °C, rapidly at 25–30 °C, and could not grow well at 35 °C. The holotype strain of Mucor chuxiongensis sp. nov. is NYNU 174111 (CICC 41666=CBS 143707).

Keyword(s): ITS , LSU , taxonomy and zygomycete

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