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Mucor chuxiongensis sp. nov., a novel fungal species isolated from rotten wood
Three strains of a novel mucoralean fungus were isolated from samples of decayed wood which were collected from three locations near the city of Chuxiong Yunnan province China. These isolates were identified as a novel species through comparison of sequences in the ITS sequence the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rRNA gene and other taxonomic characteristics. The results demonstrated that these isolates represent a novel mucoralean fungus species belonging to the genus Mucor. The ITS sequence of Mucor chuxiongensissp. nov. differed from its closest relative Mucor guilliermondii CBS 174.27T by 13.1 % sequence divergence (39 substitutions and 38 gaps) and the D1/D2 sequences of the novel strains differed by 13 nt substitutions and one gap (1.9 %) from the ex-type strain. On potato dextrose agar malt extract agar and synthetic mucor agar the isolates grew slowly below 10 °C rapidly at 25–30 °C and could not grow well at 35 °C. The holotype strain of Mucor chuxiongensis sp. nov. is NYNU 174111 (CICC 41666T=CBS 143707T).
Gongronella eborensis sp. nov., from vineyard soil of Alentejo (Portugal)
This study describes a novel fungal species belonging to the genus Gongronella. During a previous work focusing on metalaxyl degradation by Mucorales strains two isolates from vineyard soil samples collected in the Alentejo region south Portugal were identified as a putative novel species based on combined molecular and MALDI-TOF MS data. This new species is described here using a polyphasic approach that combines morphology internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS) and 28S ribosomal DNA (LSU) sequence data analysis and proteomic profiling by MALDI-TOF MS. Phenotypic and molecular data enabled this novel species to be clearly distinguished from other Gongronella species with results of combined ITS+LSU analysis showing that the Gongronella species is related to Gongronella butleri and Gongronella brasiliensis. Therefore from the results of morphological and molecular analyses isolates MUM 10.262 and MUM 10.263 seem to represent a new Gongronella species and the name Gongronella eborensis sp. nov. is proposed with the ex-type strain MUM 10.262 (=CCMI 1100=CBS 128763).