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Phytophthora pseudopolonica sp. nov., a new species recovered from stream water in subtropical forests of China
A new species of the genus Phytophthora was isolated from stream water in the subtropical forests of China during a survey of forest Phytophthora from 2011 to 2013. This new species is formally described here and named Phytophthora pseudopolonica sp. nov. This new homothallic species is distinct from other known Phytophthora species in morphology and produces nonpapillate and noncaducous sporangia with internal proliferation. Spherical hyphal swellings and thin-walled chlamydospores are abundant when the species is kept in sterile water. The P. pseudopolonica sp. nov. forms smooth oogonia with paragynous and sometimes amphigynous antheridia. The optimum growth temperature of the species is 30 °C in V8-juice agar with β-sitosterol yet it barely grows at 5 °C and 35 °C. Based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer and the combined β-tubulin and elongation factor 1α gene sequence data isolates of the new species cluster together into a single branch and are close to Phytophthora polonicabelonging to clade 9.
Phylogenetically distant clade of Nostoc-like taxa with the description of Aliinostoc gen. nov. and Aliinostoc morphoplasticum sp. nov.
Nostoc is a complex and tough genus to differentiate and its morphological plasticity makes it taxonomically complicated. Its cryptic diversity and almost no distinguishable morphological characteristics make this genus incredibly heterogeneous to evaluate on taxonomic scales. The strain NOS isolated from a eutrophic water body is being described as a new genus Aliinostoc with the strain showing motile hormogonia with gas vesicles as an atypical feature which is currently considered as the diacritical feature of the genus but should be subjected to critical evaluation in the near future. The phylogenetic placement of Aliinostoc along with some other related sequences of Nostoc clearly separated this clade from Nostoc sensu stricto with high bootstrap support and robust topology in all the methods tested thus providing strong proof of the taxa being representative of a new genus which morphologically appears to be Nostoc -like. Subsequent phylogenetic assessment using the rbcL psbA rpoC1 and tufA genes was done with the aim of facilitating future multi-locus studies on the proposed genus for better taxonomic clarity and resolution. Folding of the 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer region and subsequent comparisons with members of the genera Nostoc Anabaena Aulosira Cylindrospermum Sphaerospermopsis Raphidiopsis Desmonostoc and Mojavia gave entirely new secondary structures for the D1-D1′ and box-B helix. Clear and separate clustering from Nostoc sensu stricto supports the establishment of Aliinostoc gen. nov. with the type species being Aliinostoc morphoplasticum sp. nov. in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for algae fungi and plants.
Disentangling identity of species of the genus Taphrina parasitizing herbaceous Rosaceae, with proposal of Taphrina gei-montani sp. nov.
Five strains (CCY 058-007-001T CCY 058-007-002 CCY 058-007-003 CCY 058-007-004 and CCY 058-007-005) of a novel parasitic yeast belonging to the genus Taphrina were isolated from leaf tissues of Geum montanum L. (Rosaceae) collected from the Vysoké Tatry Mountains Slovakia. Genetic analyses revealed that these isolates differ by 15 unique substitutions in the ITS region and by six substitutions in the rns gene from all other species of the genus Taphrina analysed hitherto. The novel strains are also distinguished from all other species of the genus Taphrina by their morphology biochemical properties and ecology. These strains represent a novel species for which the name Taphrina gei-montani sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CCY 058-007-001T (=CBS 14159=BU001). The MycoBank number is MB815677. The present study also demonstrates that two distinct species of the genus Taphrina parasitize the herbaceous Rosaceae: Taphrina gei-montani sp. nov. on Geum montanum and Taphrina tormentillae on Potentilla species.
Comparison of conserved structural and regulatory domains within divergent 16S rRNA–23S rRNA spacer sequences of cyanobacteria
PCR amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) between the 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA genes of the cyanobacterium Nostoc PCC 7120 gave three products. Two represented true ITS regions of different sizes while the third was a heteroduplex. The longer spacer (ITS-L) contained 512 nucleotides and carried tRNAIle and tRNAAla genes separated by a large stem–loop structure (V2) composed of short tandemly repeated repetitive sequences. Both tRNA genes and the 5′ half of the intervening stem were absent from the shorter spacer (ITS-S) of length 283 nucleotides which was otherwise almost completely identical to ITS-L. The two spacer regions of Nostoc PCC 7120 were aligned to published ITS sequences of cyanobacteria the cyanelle of Cyanophora paradoxa and Escherichia coli. Although the ITS regions of cyanobacteria vary in length from 283 to 545 nucleotides and contain either both tRNAIle and tRNAAla genes only the tRNAIle gene or neither there is no correlation between ITS size and coding capacity for tRNAs. Putative secondary structures were determined for the deduced transcripts of the rrn operons of several cyanobacteria and were compared to that of E. coli. Highly conserved motifs important for folding and for maturation of the rRNA transcripts were identified and regions homologous to bacterial antiterminators (box B–box A) were located. The conserved and variable regions of the cyanobacterial ITS are potential targets of PCR primers and oligonucleotide probes for detection and identification of cyanobacteria at different taxonomic levels.
Intragenomic and intraspecific polymorphism of the 16S–23S rDNA internally transcribed sequences of Streptomyces ambofaciens The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences reported in this paper can be found in Table 1.
The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences reported in this paper can be found in Table 1.
The nucleotide composition of the internally transcribed sequences (ITSs) of the six rDNA operons of two strains of Streptomyces ambofaciens were determined. Four variable and five conserved nucleotide blocks were distinguished. Five different modular organizations were revealed for each strain and no homologous loci showed the same succession of blocks. This suggests that recombination frequently occurs between the rDNA loci leading to the exchange of nucleotide blocks. The modular structure was also observed within the ITSs of Streptomyces coelicolor M145 which is closely related to Streptomyces ambofaciens and Streptomyces griseus 2247 showing the same number of constant blocks but with fewer variable regions. This confirms that a high degree of ITS variability is a common characteristic among Streptomyces spp. The functional significance of the combinations of variable and constant nucleotide blocks of the ITS was examined by in silico prediction of secondary structures from nucleotide sequences. The secondary structures were shown to be analogous whatever the combination of variable/constant blocks at the intragenomic intraspecific and interspecific levels.
Rapid identification of pathogens from positive blood culture bottles with the MinION nanopore sequencer
Purpose. Bloodstream infections are major causes of morbidity and mortality that lead to prolonged hospital stays and higher medical costs. In this study we aimed to evaluate the MinION nanopore sequencer for the identification of the most dominant pathogens in positive blood culture bottles.
Methodology. 16S and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA genes were amplified by PCR reactions with barcoded primers using nine clinical isolates obtained from positive blood bottles and 11 type strains including five types of Candida species. Barcoded amplicons were mixed and multiplex sequencing with the MinION sequencer was performed. In addition barcoded PCR amplicons were sequenced by Sanger sequencing to validate the performance of the MinION.
Results. The bacterial and Candida spp. identified by MinION sequencing based on the highest homology of reference sequences from the NCBI gene databases agreed with the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry results excepting the closely related species Streptococcusand Escherichia coli. The ‘pass’ reads obtained within about 10 min of sequencing were sufficient to identify the pathogens. The average values of sequence identities with 1D2 chemistry and the R9.5 flow cell were around 99 %; thus frequent sequence errors did not affect species identification based on amplicon sequencing.
Conclusion. We have established a rapid portable and economical technique for the identification of pathogens in positive blood culture bottles through a novel MinION nanopore sequencer amplicon sequencing scheme which replaces traditional Sanger sequencing.
Extending the ecological distribution of Desmonostoc genus: proposal of Desmonostoc salinum sp. nov., a novel Cyanobacteria from a saline–alkaline lake
Cyanobacteria is an ancient phylum of oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms found in almost all environments of Earth. In recent years the taxonomic placement of some cyanobacterial strains including those belonging to the genus Nostoc sensu lato have been reevaluated by means of a polyphasic approach. Thus 16S rRNA gene phylogeny and 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) secondary structures coupled with morphological ecological and physiological data are considered powerful tools for a better taxonomic and systematics resolution leading to the description of novel genera and species. Additionally underexplored and harsh environments such as saline–alkaline lakes have received special attention given they can be a source of novel cyanobacterial taxa. Here a filamentous heterocytous strain Nostocaceae CCM-UFV059 isolated from Laguna Amarga Chile was characterized applying the polyphasic approach; its fatty acid profile and physiological responses to salt (NaCl) were also determined. Morphologically this strain was related to morphotypes of the Nostoc sensu lato group being phylogenetically placed into the typical cluster of the genus Desmonostoc. CCM-UFV059 showed identity of the 16S rRNA gene as well as 16S–23S secondary structures that did not match those from known described species of the genus Desmonostoc as well as distinct ecological and physiological traits. Taken together these data allowed the description of the first strain of a member of the genus Desmonostoc from a saline–alkaline lake named Desmonostoc salinum sp. nov. under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae fungi and plants. This finding extends the ecological coverage of the genus Desmonostoc contributing to a better understanding of cyanobacterial diversity and systematics.
Desikacharya gen. nov., a phylogenetically distinct genus of Cyanobacteria along with the description of two new species, Desikacharya nostocoides sp. nov. and Desikacharya soli sp. nov., and reclassification of Nostoc thermotolerans to Desikacharya thermotolerans comb. nov.
Two Nostoc-like strains have been isolated purified cultured and identified on the basis of the polyphasic approach using morphological ecological molecular and phylogenetic methods. Both strains were found to have morphology similar to the genus Nostoc but clustered strongly in a group distant from the Nostoc sensu stricto clade. Further analysis using the folded structures of the 16S–23S ITS region revealed strong differences from closely related members of the genus Nostoc . Distinct phylogenetic clustering and strong tree topologies using Bayesian inference maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods indicated the need to revisit the taxonomy of the members of this particular clade with a clear need for giving a generic status distinct from the genus Nostoc . In accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae Fungi and Plants the name Desikacharya gen. nov. is proposed for the new genus along with the description of two new species Desikacharya nostocoides sp. nov. and Desikacharya soli sp. nov. and reclassification of Nostoc thermotolerans to Desikacharya thermotolerans comb. nov.
Mucor chuxiongensis sp. nov., a novel fungal species isolated from rotten wood
Three strains of a novel mucoralean fungus were isolated from samples of decayed wood which were collected from three locations near the city of Chuxiong Yunnan province China. These isolates were identified as a novel species through comparison of sequences in the ITS sequence the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rRNA gene and other taxonomic characteristics. The results demonstrated that these isolates represent a novel mucoralean fungus species belonging to the genus Mucor. The ITS sequence of Mucor chuxiongensissp. nov. differed from its closest relative Mucor guilliermondii CBS 174.27T by 13.1 % sequence divergence (39 substitutions and 38 gaps) and the D1/D2 sequences of the novel strains differed by 13 nt substitutions and one gap (1.9 %) from the ex-type strain. On potato dextrose agar malt extract agar and synthetic mucor agar the isolates grew slowly below 10 °C rapidly at 25–30 °C and could not grow well at 35 °C. The holotype strain of Mucor chuxiongensis sp. nov. is NYNU 174111 (CICC 41666T=CBS 143707T).
Phylogenetic evaluation of the genus Nostoc and description of Nostoc neudorfense sp. nov., from the Czech Republic
Cyanobacterial strain ARC8 was isolated from seepage coming into the river Dračice Františkov Czech Republic and was characterized using a polyphasic approach. Strain ARC8 showed a typical Nostoc -like morphology and in-depth morphological characterization indicated that it is a member of the genus Nostoc . Furthermore in the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny inferred using Bayesian inference maximum likelihood and neighbour joining methods strain ARC8 clustered within the Nostoc sensu stricto clade. The phylogenetic distance and the positioning of strain ARC8 also indicated that it is a member of the genus Nostoc . Furthermore the rbcL gene phylogeny along with the 16S–23S ITS secondary structure analysis also supported the findings from the 16S rRNA gene tree. In accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae Fungi and Plants we describe a novel species of Nostoc with the name Nostoc neudorfense sp. nov.
Trichoderma panacis sp. nov., an endophyte isolated from Panax notoginseng
An endophytic member of the genus Trichoderma was isolated from the root of a healthy 3-year-old Panax notoginseng in Yunnan province PR China. The results of phylogenetic analyses based on a combined of ITS tef1 and rpb2 indicated that this isolate was distinct from other species of the genus Trichoderma and closely related to Trichoderma songyi. It can be distinguished from T. songyi by its slower growth rates on PDA and colony morphology. The novel isolate formed conidia in thick white pustules scattered mostly at the margin. Its conidiophores tended to be regularly verticillium-like little branched sometimes substituted by phialides singly or in whorls. Conidia are smooth mostly broadly subglobose to ellipsoidal. In combination with the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics all data demonstrated that the fungus studied represented a unique and distinguishable novel species of the genus Trichoderma for which the name Trichoderma panacis sp. nov. is proposed.
Gongronella eborensis sp. nov., from vineyard soil of Alentejo (Portugal)
This study describes a novel fungal species belonging to the genus Gongronella. During a previous work focusing on metalaxyl degradation by Mucorales strains two isolates from vineyard soil samples collected in the Alentejo region south Portugal were identified as a putative novel species based on combined molecular and MALDI-TOF MS data. This new species is described here using a polyphasic approach that combines morphology internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS) and 28S ribosomal DNA (LSU) sequence data analysis and proteomic profiling by MALDI-TOF MS. Phenotypic and molecular data enabled this novel species to be clearly distinguished from other Gongronella species with results of combined ITS+LSU analysis showing that the Gongronella species is related to Gongronella butleri and Gongronella brasiliensis. Therefore from the results of morphological and molecular analyses isolates MUM 10.262 and MUM 10.263 seem to represent a new Gongronella species and the name Gongronella eborensis sp. nov. is proposed with the ex-type strain MUM 10.262 (=CCMI 1100=CBS 128763).