Avian Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases continue to threaten the sustainability, productivity and growth of the poultry industry worldwide and some present a risk to public health. Many are also present in wild bird populations, with the potential to spill over into domestic birds.
Previously curated by Professor Paul Britton and Dr Mike Skinner, in line with the ‘Pathogenesis and Molecular Biology of Avian Viruses’ Focused Meeting, this collection and the Focused Meeting have been expanded to include bacteria and parasites.
Guest-edited by organisers of the Avian Infectious Diseases 2021 Focused Meeting, Dr Holly Shelton (The Pirbright Institute) and Dr Andrew Broadbent (The Pirbright Institute and University of Maryland), this collection presents high-quality work from Journal of General Virology and Journal of Medical Microbiology on important avian pathogens: their interactions with the host, cell biology, molecular epidemiology and methods of control.
Image credit: iStock/Sonja Filitz.
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 38 results
Fiber1, but not fiber2, is the essential fiber gene for fowl adenovirus 4 (FAdV-4)
More LessFibre is the viral protein that mediates the attachment and infection of adenovirus to the host cell. Fowl adenovirus 4 (FAdV-4) possesses two different fibre trimers on each penton capsomere, and roles of the separate fibres remain elusive. Here, we attempted to investigate the function of FAdV-4 fibres by using reverse genetics approaches. Adenoviral plasmids carrying fiber1 or fiber2 mutant genes were constructed and used to transfect chicken LMH cells. Fiber1-mutated recombinant virus could not be rescued. Such defective phenotype was complemented when a fiber1-bearing helper plasmid was included for co-transfection. The infection of fiber-intact FAdV-4 (FAdV4-GFP) to LMH cells could be blocked with purified fiber1 knob protein in a dose-dependent manner, while purifed fiber2 knob had no such function. On the contrary, fiber2-mutated FAdV-4, FAdV4XF2-GFP, was successfully rescued. The results of one-step growth curves showed that proliferative capacity of FAdV4XF2-GFP was 10 times lower than that of the control FAdV4-GFP. FAdV4XF2-GFP also caused fewer deaths of infected chicken embryos than FAdV4-GFP did, which resulted from poorer virus replication in vivo. These data illustrated that fiber1 mediated virus adsorption and was essential for FAdV-4, while fiber2 was dispensable although it significantly contributed to the virulence.
Genetic and biological characterization of Newcastle disease viruses circulating in Bangladesh during 2010–2017: further genetic diversification of class II genotype XIII in Southcentral Asia
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is endemic in Bangladesh and is a major threat to commercial poultry operations. While complete fusion (F) genes are recommended for molecular characterization and classification of NDV isolates, heretofore, only partial F gene data have been available for Bangladeshi NDVs. To this end, we obtained the full-length F gene coding sequences of 11 representative NDVs isolated in Bangladesh between 2010 and 2017. In addition, one of the viruses (MK934289/chicken/Bangladesh/C161/2010) was used in an experimental infection of chickens to establish the viral pathotype and study gross and microscopic lesions. Phylogenetic analysis provided evidence that all studied Bangladeshi isolates belong to genotype XIII.2 of class II NDVs. Six of the viruses were isolated between 2010 and 2017 and grouped together with isolates from neighbouring India during 2013–2016. Another four Bangladeshi isolates (2010–2016) formed a separate monophyletic branch within XIII.2 and showed high nucleotide distance from the isolates from India and the other six Bangladeshi viruses within the sub-genotype; however, none of these groups fulfils all classification criteria to be named as a separate sub-genotype. The eleventh Bangladeshi virus studied here (C162) was genetically more distant from the remaining isolates. It out-grouped the viruses from sub-genotypes XIII.2.1 and XIII.2.2 and showed more than 9.5 % nucleotide distance from all genotype XIII sub-genotypes. This isolate may represent an NDV variant that is evolving independently from the other viruses in the region. The experimental infection in chickens revealed that the tested isolate (C161) is a velogenic viscerotropic virus. Massive haemorrhages, congestion and necrosis in different visceral organs, and lymphoid depletion in lymphoid tissues, typical for infection with velogenic NDV, were observed. Our findings demonstrate the endemic circulation of sub-genotype XIII.2 in Southcentral Asia and further genetic diversification of these viruses in Bangladesh and neighbouring India. This constant evolution of the viruses may lead to the establishment of new genetic groups in the region. Additional historical and prospective virus and surveillance data from the region and neighbouring countries will allow a more detailed epidemiological inference.
PA-X is an avian virulence factor in H9N2 avian influenza virus
Influenza A viruses encode several accessory proteins that have host- and strain-specific effects on virulence and replication. The accessory protein PA-X is expressed due to a ribosomal frameshift during translation of the PA gene. Depending on the particular combination of virus strain and host species, PA-X has been described as either acting to reduce or increase virulence and/or virus replication. In this study, we set out to investigate the role PA-X plays in H9N2 avian influenza viruses, focusing on the natural avian host, chickens. We found that the G1 lineage A/chicken/Pakistan/UDL-01/2008 (H9N2) PA-X induced robust host shutoff in both mammalian and avian cells and increased virus replication in mammalian, but not avian cells. We further showed that PA-X affected embryonic lethality in ovo and led to more rapid viral shedding and widespread organ dissemination in vivo in chickens. Overall, we conclude PA-X may act as a virulence factor for H9N2 viruses in chickens, allowing faster replication and wider organ tropism.
The role of Meq-vIL8 in regulating Marek’s disease virus pathogenesis
More LessMarek’s disease virus (MDV) is a highly cell-associated oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes T cell lymphoma in chickens. MDV-encoded Meq and vIL8 proteins play important roles in transformation and early cytolytic infection, respectively. Previous studies identified a spliced transcript, meq-vIL8, formed by alternative splicing of meq and vIL8 genes in MDV lymphoblastoid tumour cells. To determine the role of Meq-vIL8 in MDV pathogenesis, we generated a recombinant MDV (MDV-meqΔSD) by mutating the splice donor site in the meq gene to abrogate the expression of Meq-vIL8. As expected, our results show that MDV-meqΔSD virus grows similarly to the parental and revertant viruses in cell culture, suggesting that Meq-vIL8 is dispensable for MDV growth in vitro. We further characterized the pathogenic properties of MDV-meqΔSD virus in chickens. Our results show that lack of Meq-vIL8 did not affect virus replication during the early cytolytic phase, as determined by immunohistochemistry analysis and/or viral genome copy number, but significantly enhanced viral DNA load in the late phase of infection in the spleen and brain of infected chickens. In addition, we observed that abrogation of Meq-vIL8 expression reduced the mean death time and increased the prevalence of persistent neurological disease, common features of highly virulent strains of MDV, in inoculated chickens. In conclusion, our study shows that Meq-vIL8 is an important virulence factor of MDV.
Multiple novel non-canonically transcribed sub-genomic mRNAs produced by avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus
Coronavirus sub-genomic mRNA (sgmRNA) synthesis occurs via a process of discontinuous transcription involving complementary transcription regulatory sequences (TRSs), one (TRS-L) encompassing the leader sequence of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR), and the other upstream of each structural and accessory gene (TRS-B). Several coronaviruses have an ORF located between the N gene and the 3′-UTR, an area previously thought to be non-coding in the Gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) due to a lack of a canonical TRS-B. Here, we identify a non-canonical TRS-B allowing for a novel sgmRNA relating to this ORF to be produced in several strains of IBV: Beaudette, CR88, H120, D1466, Italy-02 and QX. Interestingly, the potential protein produced by this ORF is prematurely truncated in the Beaudette strain. A single nucleotide deletion was made in the Beaudette strain allowing for the generation of a recombinant IBV (rIBV) that had the potential to express a full-length protein. Assessment of this rIBV in vitro demonstrated that restoration of the full-length potential protein had no effect on viral replication. Further assessment of the Beaudette-derived RNA identified a second non-canonically transcribed sgmRNA located within gene 2. Deep sequencing analysis of allantoic fluid from Beaudette-infected embryonated eggs confirmed the presence of both the newly identified non-canonically transcribed sgmRNAs and highlighted the potential for further yet unidentified sgmRNAs. This HiSeq data, alongside the confirmation of non-canonically transcribed sgmRNAs, indicates the potential of the coronavirus genome to encode a larger repertoire of genes than has currently been identified.
Mutations in PB2 and HA enhanced pathogenicity of H4N6 avian influenza virus in mice
The H4 subtype avian influenza virus (AIV) continues to circulate in both wild birds and poultry, and occasionally infects mammals (e.g. pigs). H4-specific antibodies have also been detected in poultry farm workers, which suggests that H4 AIV poses a potential threat to public health. However, the molecular mechanism by which H4 AIVs could gain adaptation to mammals and whether this has occurred remain largely unknown. To better understand this mechanism, an avirulent H4N6 strain (A/mallard/Beijing/21/2011, BJ21) was serially passaged in mice and mutations were characterized after passaging. A virulent mouse-adapted strain was generated after 12 passages, which was tentatively designated BJ21-MA. The BJ21-MA strain replicated more efficiently than the parental BJ21, both in vivo and in vitro. Molecular analysis of BJ21-MA identified four mutations, located in proteins PB2 (E158K and E627K) and HA (L331I and G453R, H3 numbering). Further studies showed that the introduction of E158K and/or E627K substitutions into PB2 significantly increased polymerase activity, which led to the enhanced replication and virulence of BJ21-MA. Although individual L331I or G453R substitutions in HA did not change the pathogenicity of BJ21 in mice, both mutations significantly enhanced virulence. In conclusion, our data presented in this study demonstrate that avian H4 virus can adapt to mammals by point mutations in PB2 or HA, which consequently poses a potential threat to public health.
Negligible effect of chicken cytokine IL-12 integration into recombinant fowlpox viruses expressing avian influenza virus neuraminidase N1 on host cellular immune responses
More LessIn comparison to the extensive characterization of haemagglutinin antibodies of avian influenza virus (AIV), the role of neuraminidase (NA) as an immunogen is less well understood. This study describes the construction and cellular responses of recombinant fowlpox viruses (rFWPV) strain FP9, co-expressing NA N1 gene of AIV A/Chicken/Malaysia/5858/2004, and chicken IL-12 gene. Our data shows that the N1 and IL-12 proteins were successfully expressed from the recombinants with 48 kD and 70 kD molecular weights, respectively. Upon inoculation into specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens at 105 p.f.u. ml−1, levels of CD3+/CD4+ and CD3+/CD8+ populations were higher in the wild-type fowlpox virus FP9 strain, compared to those of rFWPV-N1 and rFWPV-N1-IL-12 at weeks 2 and 5 time points. Furthermore, rFWPV-N1-IL-12 showed a suppressive effect on chicken body weight within 4 weeks after inoculation. We suggest that co-expression of N1 with or without IL-12 offers undesirable quality as a potential AIV vaccine candidate.
Turkey adenovirus 3, a siadenovirus, uses sialic acid on N-linked glycoproteins as a cellular receptor
More LessTurkey adenovirus 3 (TAdV-3) is the causative agent of an immune-mediated disease in turkeys, haemorrhagic enteritis, through targeting B lymphocytes. In the present study, we investigated the role of sialic acid in TAdV-3 entry and characterized the structural components of TAdV-3 receptor(s) on RP19, B lymphoblastoid cells. Removal of the cell-surface sialic acids by neuraminidases or blocking of sialic acids by wheat germ agglutinin lectin reduced virus infection. Pre-incubation of cells with Maackia amurensis lectin or Sambucus nigra agglutinin resulted in virus reduction, suggesting that TAdV-3 uses both α2,3-linked and α2,6-linked sialic acids as attachment receptor. Virus infectivity data from RP19 cells treated with sodium periodate, proteases (trypsin or bromelain) or metabolic inhibitors (dl-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol, tunicamycin, or benzyl N-acetyl-α-d-galactosaminide) indicated that N-linked, but not O-linked, carbohydrates are part of the sialylated receptor and they are likely based on a membrane glycoprotein, rather than a glycolipid. Furthermore, our data, in conjunction with previous findings, implies that the secondary receptor for TAdV-3 is a protein molecule since the inhibition of glycolipid biosynthesis did not affect the virus infection, which was rather reduced by protease treatment. We can conclude that terminal sialic acids attached to N-linked membrane glycoproteins on B cells are used for virus attachment and are essential for successful virus infection.
N-glycosylation of infectious bronchitis virus M41 spike determines receptor specificity
Infection of chicken coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is initiated by binding of the viral heavily N-glycosylated attachment protein spike to the alpha-2,3-linked sialic acid receptor Neu5Ac. Previously, we have shown that N-glycosylation of recombinantly expressed receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike of IBV-M41 is of critical importance for binding to chicken trachea tissue. Here we investigated the role of N-glycosylation of the RBD on receptor specificity and virus replication in the context of the virus particle. Using our reverse genetics system we were able to generate recombinant IBVs for nine-out-of-ten individual N-glycosylation mutants. In vitro growth kinetics of these viruses were comparable to the virus containing the wild-type M41-S1. Furthermore, Neu5Ac binding by the recombinant viruses containing single N-glycosylation site knock-out mutations matched the Neu5Ac binding observed with the recombinant RBDs. Five N-glycosylation mutants lost the ability to bind Neu5Ac and gained binding to a different, yet unknown, sialylated glycan receptor on host cells. These results demonstrate that N-glycosylation of IBV is a determinant for receptor specificity.
Coexpression of soluble and membrane-bound avian influenza virus H5 by recombinant Newcastle disease virus leads to an increase in antigen levels
More LessNewcastle disease virus (NDV) vectors expressing avian influenza virus (AIV) haemagglutinin (HA) of subtype H5 simultaneously protect chickens from Newcastle disease (ND) as well as avian influenza (AI). The expressed, membrane-bound surface protein HA is incorporated into virions while soluble HA has been described as a potent antigen. We tested whether co-expression of both HA variants from the same NDV vector increased the overall level of HA, which could be important for optimal immunogenicity. Recombinant NDVsolH5_H5 co-expressed membrane-bound H5 of highly pathogenic (HP) AIV H5N1, detectable in infected cells, and soluble H5, which was secreted into the supernatant. This virus was compared to recombinant NDV that express either membrane-bound (rNDVH5) or soluble H5 (rNDVsolH5). Replication in embryonated chicken eggs (ECEs) and in cell culture, as well as pathogenicity in ECEs, was not influenced by the second heterologous transcriptional unit. However, the co-expression of soluble H5 with membrane-bound H5 increased total protein level about 5.25-fold as detected by MS quantification. Hence, this virus is very interesting as a vaccine virus in chickens against HPAIV infections in situations in which previous H5-expressing NDVs have reached their limit, such as in the face of pre-existing AIV maternal immunity.
Vaccinal efficacy of molecularly cloned Gallid alphaherpesvirus 3 strain 301B/1 against very virulent Marek’s disease virus challenge
More LessMarek’s disease virus (MDV), a causative agent of Marek’s disease, has evolved its virulence partly because the current control strategies fail to provide sterilizing immunity. Gallid alphaherpesvirus 3 (GaHV-3) and turkey herpesvirus have been developed as bivalent vaccines to improve upon the level of protection elicited by single formulations. Since the in vitro passage of vaccines can result in attenuation, a GaHV-3 strain 301B/1 was cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) by inserting the mini-F replicon into the virus genome. A fully infectious virus, v301B-BAC, was reconstituted from the 301B/1 BAC clone and had similar growth kinetics comparable to that of the parental 301B/1 virus with strong reactivity against anti-301B/1 chicken sera. Protective efficacies of v301B-BAC, parental 301B/1, and SB-1 vaccine were evaluated against a very virulent MDV Md5 challenge. Clinical signs were significantly lower in the v301B-BAC vaccinated groups (24–25 %), parental 301B/1 (29 %) compare to that of non-vaccinated control (100%) and the removal of BAC sequences from v301B-BAC genome further reduced this to 17 %. The protective indices of v301B-BACs (75–76 %) were comparable with those of both the 301B/1 and the SB-1 vaccine (71%). Removal of the mini-F replicon resulted in a reconstituted virus with a protective index of 83 %. The shedding of challenge virus was notably lower in the v301B-BAC, and v301B-delBAC vaccinated groups. Overall, the protective efficacy of the 301B-BAC-derived vaccine virus against a very virulent MDV challenge was comparable to that of the parental 301B/1 virus as well as the SB-1 vaccine virus.
Experimental pigeon paramyxovirus-1 infection in chicken: evaluation of infectivity, clinical and pathological manifestations and diagnostic methods
Several pigeon paramyxovirus-1 (PPMV-1) outbreaks in feral pigeons were described recently in Switzerland. The potential of PPMV-1 to induce the notifiable Newcastle disease in chickens is discussed controversially. Therefore, in order to study epidemiologically relevant parameters such as the kinetics of PPMV-1 replication and shedding as well as seroconversion after infection, chickens were infected experimentally with a Swiss PPMV-1 isolate. This generated also defined sample material for the comparison of diagnostic tests. The infectivity of the Swiss PPMV-1 isolate for chickens was demonstrated successfully by virus shedding after experimental inoculation. Our data suggest that long-lasting shedding for up to 60 days can occur in chickens infected with PPMV-1. The isolate used here was of low pathogenicity for chickens. Different quantitative reverse transcription PCR assays were evaluated with a set of Swiss PPMV-1 isolates, and various samples from experimentally infected chickens were analysed with respect to their suitability for viral RNA detection. At 14 days post-infection, virus genome was detected mainly in spleen, caecal tonsils, heart, cloacal swabs, liver, proventriculus, duodenum and kidney tissue samples. Overall, the level of virus replication was low. Not all assays used routinely in diagnostics were capable of detecting viral genome from the isolates tested. Possible explanations are the genetic divergence of PPMV-1 and the low level of viral RNA in the samples. In contrast, two methods that are not used routinely proved more suitable for virus-genome detection. Importantly, the collection of material from various different organs is recommended, in addition to the kidney and brain analysed routinely. In conclusion, this study shows that there is a need to reconsider the type of samples and the protocols used for the detection of PPMV-1 RNA in chickens.
Role of the head–stalk linker region (aa115-122) of Newcastle disease virus haemagglutinin–neuraminidase in regulating fusion triggering
More LessTo gain insights into the role of the head–stalk linker region in the fusion triggering, we constructed mutants by deleting or substituting the linker region (115-NGAANNSG-122) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) haemagglutinin–neuraminidase (HN) with the corresponding sequences of other paramyxoviruses. The results showed that these HN mutants exhibited different levels of fusion-triggering activity, but most of them maintained comparable levels with wide-type HN in both receptor recognition and neuraminidase activity. We tried to figure out reasons for fusion alteration through assessing the expression and the oligomeric state of HN mutants. Moreover, four mutants with significant fusion changes were introduced into the headless HN stem (HN1-123) to intensively investigate the role of the linker region in fusion triggering. Consequently, the stability of HN oligomers and the structural integrity of the 4 helical-bundle of stalk have complicated influences on the alteration of fusion-triggering activities for different mutants. These data suggested that the head–stalk linker could regulate the fusion triggering at both full-length and headless HN levels.
A highly divergent hepacivirus-like flavivirus in domestic ducks
More LessUsing random amplification and reverse transcription-PCR, a novel RNA virus was detected in sera of domestic ducks. The full genome of the virus was determined for three strains, identifying the first hepacivirus-like flavivirus in birds. The virus, that we tentatively named duck hepacivirus-like virus (DuHV), possesses several unique molecular features, such as possession of the largest hepacivirus-like polyprotein gene and a Pegivirus A-like internal ribosome entry site. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic and sliding-window analyses indicated that DuHV is most closely related to, but highly divergent from, the known hepaciviruses. DuHV was detected in 69.7 % of 185 serum samples from four duck species and in 31 of 33 flocks from five provinces of China, reflecting a high prevalence in duck populations and a wide geographical distribution. The detection of DuHV in the same flock in November 2018 and April 2019 suggested that persistent infection can be established in the infected ducks.
Detection and quantification of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in blood from infected chickens – addressing challenges with detection of DNA from infectious agents in host species with nucleated red blood cells
Purpose. The present study aimed to establish pretreatment protocols as well as real-time and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodologies to detect and quantify Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (ER) DNA in blood samples from infected chickens, as tools for routine diagnostics and monitoring of experimental infections. Chicken blood is a problematic matrix for PCR analysis because nucleated erythrocytes contribute large amounts of host DNA that inhibit amplification.
Methodology. Using artificially spiked samples of fresh chicken blood, as well as blood samples from three experimental infection studies, the performance of pretreatment protocols, including choice of blood stabilization agent, centrifugation speeds and Ficoll gradient separation, was evaluated. The results were compared with those from traditional culture-based protocols combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS).
Results/Key findings. Simple preparations producing cell-free samples performed well on artificial spike-in samples, providing high sensitivity. However, performance was poor in clinical samples or artificial samples where the bacteria were incubated for 4 h or more in fresh blood prior to DNA extraction. In these samples, a Ficoll separation protocol that creates samples rich in lymphocytes, monocytes and thrombocytes prior to DNA extraction was far more effective.
Conclusions. Our results indicate that ER bacteria undergo rapid phagocytosis in chicken blood and that analysis of a blood fraction enriched for phagocytic cells is necessary for reliable detection and quantification. The presented results explain the poor performance of PCR detection reported in previously published experimental ER infection studies, and the proposed solutions are likely to have broader implications for PCR-based veterinary diagnostics in non-mammalian host species such as poultry and fish.
Identification of Marek’s disease virus genes associated with virulence of US strains
More LessMarek’s disease virus (MDV) is the most well-cited example of vaccine-driven virulence evolution. MDV induces a lymphoproliferative disease in chickens, which is currently controlled by widespread vaccination of flocks. Unfortunately, Marek’s disease (MD) vaccines, while effective in preventing tumours, do not prevent viral replication and mutation, which has been hypothesized as the major driving force for increased MDV virulence of field strains during the past 40 years in US commercial flocks. To limit future virulence increases, there is interest in characterizing MDV strain genomes collected over the years and associating genetic variations with variation in virulence. In this study, we characterized 70 MDV genomes with known virulence by complete or targeted DNA sequencing, and identified genetic variants that showed association with virulence. Our results revealed a number of MDV genes as would be expected for a complex trait. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed a clear separation of strains that varied by virulence. Interestingly, high virulence isolates from the same farms persisted over years despite eradication attempts, which has implications on control efforts. Given the growing ability to bioengineer the MDV genome, it should be feasible to experimentally test whether these individual variants influence virulence markers alone or combinations. Once validated, these markers may provide an alternative to live bird testing for evaluating virulence of new MDV field strains.
The Ntail region of nucleocapsid protein is associated with the pathogenicity of pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 in chickens
More LessThe nucleoprotein (NP) of pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 (PPMV-1) and other paramyxoviruses plays an important role in virus proliferation. A previous study found that NP is associated with the low pathogenicity of PPMV-1 strains in chickens. Here, we investigated which domain of NP is responsible for regulating the pathogenicity of PPMV-1. We found that the Ntail sequences were more diverse for different viral genotypes compared to Ncore sequences. The chimeric rBJ-SG10Ntail strain caused more severe clinical symptoms than the parental rBJ strain, increased the viral copy number in sampled tissues and induced higher IFN-γ gene expression. This demonstrated that the Ntail sequence plays a role in regulating viral virulence. These findings increase our understanding of the Ntail of NP protein and the virulence factors associated with PPMV-1.
Virus-like particles in a new vaccination approach against infectious laryngotracheitis
More LessGallid alphaherpesvirus 1 (syn. infectious laryngotracheitis virus; ILTV) is the causative agent of infectious laryngotracheitis, a respiratory disease of chickens causing substantial economic losses in the poultry industry every year. Currently, the most efficient way to achieve protection against infection is immunization with live-attenuated vaccines. However, this vaccination strategy entails the risk of generating new pathogenic viruses resulting from spontaneous mutations or from recombination with field strains. This work presents a new approach based on virus-like particles (VLPs) displaying ILTV glycoproteins B (gB) or G (gG) on their surface. The main focus of this pilot study was to determine the tolerability of VLPs delivered in ovo and intramuscularly (i.m.) into chickens and to investigate the nature of the immune response elicited. The study revealed that the new vaccines were well tolerated in hybrid layer chicks independent of the administration method (in ovo or i.m.). Upon in ovo injection, vaccination with VLP-gG led to an antibody response, while a cellular immune response in VLP-gB-immunized chickens was hardly detectable. Since the administration of VLPs had no visible side effects in vivo and was shown to elicit an antibody-based immune response, we anticipate that VLPs will become a valuable platform for the development of new safe vaccines for poultry.
The cellular localization of avian influenza virus PB1-F2 protein alters the magnitude of IFN2 promoter and NFκB-dependent promoter antagonism in chicken cells
The accessory protein, PB1-F2, of influenza A virus (IAV) functions in a chicken host to prolong infectious virus shedding and thus the transmission window. Here we show that this delay in virus clearance by PB1-F2 in chickens is accompanied by reduced transcript levels of type 1 interferon (IFN)-induced genes and NFκB-activated pro-inflammation cytokines. In vitro, two avian influenza isolate-derived PB1-F2 proteins, H9N2 UDL01 and H5N1 5092, exhibited the same antagonism of the IFN and pro-inflammation induction pathways seen in vivo, but to different extents. The two PB1-F2 proteins had different cellular localization in chicken cells, with H5N1 5092 being predominantly mitochondrial-associated and H9N2 UDL being cytoplasmic but not mitochondrial-localized. We hypothesized that PB1-F2 localization might influence the functionality of the protein during infection and that the protein sequence could alter cellular localization. We demonstrated that the sequence of the C-terminus of PB1-F2 determined cytoplasmic localization in chicken cells and this was linked with protein instability. Mitochondrial localization of PB1-F2 resulted in reduced antagonism of an NFκB-dependent promoter. In parallel, mitochondrial localization of PB1-F2 increased the potency of chicken IFN 2 induction antagonism. We suggest that mitochondrial localization of PB1-F2 restricts interaction with cytoplasmic-located IKKβ, reducing NFκB-responsive promoter antagonism, but enhances antagonism of the IFN2 promoter through interaction with the mitochondrial adaptor MAVS. Our study highlights the differential mechanisms by which IAV PB1-F2 protein can dampen the avian host innate signalling response.
Characterization of a colistin-resistant Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli ST69 isolate recovered from a broiler chicken in Germany
In recent years, several plasmids harbouring genes encoding phosphoethanolamine transferases conferring colistin resistance have been described in multiple Enterobacteriaceae species. Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC) causes colibacillosis and is responsible for a considerable proportion of the disease burden in commercial poultry flocks, and may be linked to zoonotic infections in humans. Here, we describe the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of a multidrug-resistant APEC ST69 isolate (APECA2), recovered in 2016 from a diseased broiler at post-mortem examination in Germany. The isolate was resistant to several antibiotics of human and veterinary importance, including colistin. The mcr-1 gene was detected on a mobile genetic element located on an IncHI2/ST4 plasmid, which was characterized using long-read Nanopore and short-read Illumina sequencing of purified plasmid. Isolate APECA2 displayed resistance to chicken serum and harbours numerous virulence genes. This study highlights the public health importance of enhanced antimicrobial resistance surveillance and strict antimicrobial stewardship in human and veterinary healthcare.