Journal of Medical Microbiology
Aims and scope
As part of the Microbiology Society portfolio, the Journal of Medical Microbiology provides comprehensive coverage of medical, dental and veterinary microbiology and infection biology (‘infection science’ for short). We welcome a range of submissions spanning laboratory research to clinical trials, including bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, infectious diseases, human and veterinary public health.
We welcome articles reporting novel, original research findings that go beyond descriptive or factual reporting of observations. For example, acceptable content might uncover underlying mechanisms, explain previously observed phenomena, or provide a novel interpretation. We also encourage basic research on the biology of human and veterinary pathogens, set in the context of infection or immunity, and prefer a strong connection to a specific infection(s) for host-centred topics such as host cell biology or immunology.
If you are interested in submitting to JMM but are unsure if your paper is in scope, please contact the editorial office at [email protected].
We publish articles under the following subject categories:
Clinical microbiology
Medical bacteriology, mycology, parasitology and related entomology, and virology. Read more
Public health microbiology
High consequence investigations of case clusters, outbreaks, surveillance, emerging and epidemic infections. Read more
Mechanisms of microbial disease
Virulence factors and their mechanism of actions, their role in host-microbe interactions, novel insights into pathogenesis and pathogenicity. Read more
Antimicrobial countermeasures
Preventive measures and novel therapeutic approaches in combating microbial infections; drug discovery; basic science research to identify vaccine and drug targets. Read more
Veterinary microbiology
Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi in animals; including zoonoses and aquaculture. Read more
Crossing into more than one of the above categories, the below cross-disciplinary themes are of particular interest to the journal:
Antimicrobial resistance
Detection, control and prevention of antimicrobial susceptibility in bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites of medical importance. Read more
Microbiome and microbial ecology in health
The normal microbiome and dysbiosis, and structure of microbial ecosystems and communities. Read more
One Health
Emerging, zoonotic and environmental diseases. Read more
Clinical Profiles
Journal of Medical Microbiology also publishes Clinical Profiles. Profiles are published in one of three categories, Pathogen Profile, Antimicrobial Profile, and Diagnostic Profile. These articles aim to provide a brief summary review in each of these areas. Please contact the Editors-in-Chief if you are interested in contributing to the Clinical Profiles.
Indexing and metrics
Journal of Medical Microbiology is indexed in Adonis, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Elsevier BIOBASE/CABS, CAB Abstracts, CSA Illustrata, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), Current Contents – Life Sciences, EMBASE, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, Medical Documentation Service, Reference UpDate, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, SCOPUS, and UMI (Microfilm), as well as on Google Scholar, ensuring maximum discoverability of your research.
Visit our Impact and metrics page to learn more about the metrics for Journal of Medical Microbiology.
Information for authors
Preparing a submission? Check out our new submission checklist for a guide to what you will need.
For more information about submitting to Journal of Medical Microbiology, please see our Article types, Prepare an article and Submission and peer review pages.
Journal of Medical Microbiology provides authors with the option to publish subscription (paywalled) articles free-of-charge, or Gold Open Access articles. Microbiology Society journals offer two routes for Gold Open Access publishing: Publish and Read and Article Processing Charges. More information can be found on our Open Access costs page.
Contact us
Email the journal Editorial Office at [email protected]
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