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The number of fungal infections caused by uncommon fungi has increased in recent years. is a yeast species that is a rare cause of human infections. In previous cases, isolation of has been reported only from blood specimens and only infrequently. This report describes what we believe is the first case of isolation of from a urine specimen of an immunocompromised 5-year-old child who had a history of prolonged hospitalization and exposure to multiple antibacterial agents and who was neutropenic.

Case presentation:

A 5-year-old male child presented in paediatric emergency in a febrile (103 °F), conscious but confused and irritable state. A number of risk factors were present in the child including an immunocompromised state, prolonged prior hospitalization, exposure to multiple antibiotics, indwelling catheters and neutropenia. A urine culture showed pure and significant growth of sp., which was identified as (resistant to amphotericin B) by Vitek 2 Compact (bioMérieux). Subsequent 26S rRNA gene sequencing identified it as .


Molecular assays have a major role in confirming the identity of uncommon fungal isolates, as correct identification is important for epidemiological purposes. It is imperative that antifungal susceptibility should be performed along with identification of the sp.


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