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spp. are aerobic, yellow-pigmented, non-fermentative Gram-negative rods considered to be low-grade opportunistic pathogens. However, their intrinsic resistance to commonly used antibiotics necessitates prompt identification and evaluation.

Case presentation:

Here, we report a case of septicaemia caused by sp. A 36-year-old pregnant female was admitted to the intensive care unit at week 18 of gestation with a diagnosis of hydatidiform mole with acute renal failure and anaemia. Blood culture under aerobic conditions showed growth of round, smooth, convex, yellow-pigmented colonies on blood agar but which failed to grow on MacConkey agar, and the organism was identified as sp. Susceptibility testing showed that it was susceptible only to piperacillin+tazobactam and, following treatment, the patient recovered.


spp. has, until now, been regarded as an opportunistic pathogen and a rare cause of serious disease in immunocompromised subjects. However, it may cause serious disease, even in immunocompetent hosts, and its intrinsic resistance warrants appropriate testing and timely intervention.


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