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Tuberculosis is a real scourge, posing a real public health problem in countries where the disease is endemic. Osteoarticular tuberculosis represents 3% to 5% of all tuberculosis cases and 10% to 15% of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis cases. Involvement of the foot and ankle is rarer. We report the case of osteoarticular tuberculosis of the ankle in a 71-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes and hypertension who presented to the trauma department of the Mohammed V Military Hospital with a painful swelling of the ankle. Standard X-rays and CT scan of the ankle showed inflammatory involvement of the bone and joints. Antitubercular therapy was instituted. Given the context of endemicity, any atypical presentation of lingering bone lesions should raise the suspicion of an osteoarticular tuberculosis in order to ensure early therapeutic management.

Keyword(s): PCR , Tuberculosis and Ankle
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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