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To characterize Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) strains recently prevalent in Japan, JEV surveillance was performed in pigs from 2002 to 2004. Eleven new JEV isolates were obtained and compared with previous isolates from Japan and other Asian countries. All of the isolates were classified into genotype 1 by nucleotide sequence analysis of the E gene. Two new isolates with different levels of neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness, but with only one nucleotide difference in the E gene, Sw/Mie/34/2004 and Sw/Mie/40/2004, were isolated at the same farm on the same day. Sw/Mie/40/2004 displayed higher neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness in mice than the other four new isolates. Another new isolate, Sw/Hiroshima/25/2002, was neutralized by antiserum to Beijing-1 at a level similar to the homologous Beijing-1 strain, whilst seven other new isolates were neutralized at 10-fold-lower titres. However, there were no amino acid differences in the E protein among these eight isolates. The present study indicated that the 11 new JEV isolates were genetically similar, but biologically and serologically heterogeneous.


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