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Command-line annotation software tools have continuously gained popularity compared to centralized online services due to the worldwide increase of sequenced bacterial genomes. However, results of existing command-line software pipelines heavily depend on taxon-specific databases or sufficiently well annotated reference genomes. Here, we introduce Bakta, a new command-line software tool for the robust, taxon-independent, thorough and, nonetheless, fast annotation of bacterial genomes. Bakta conducts a comprehensive annotation workflow including the detection of small proteins taking into account replicon metadata. The annotation of coding sequences is accelerated via an alignment-free sequence identification approach that in addition facilitates the precise assignment of public database cross-references. Annotation results are exported in GFF3 and International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC)-compliant flat files, as well as comprehensive JSON files, facilitating automated downstream analysis. We compared Bakta to other rapid contemporary command-line annotation software tools in both targeted and taxonomically broad benchmarks including isolates and metagenomic-assembled genomes. We demonstrated that Bakta outperforms other tools in terms of functional annotations, the assignment of functional categories and database cross-references, whilst providing comparable wall-clock runtimes. Bakta is implemented in Python 3 and runs on MacOS and Linux systems. It is freely available under a GPLv3 license at An accompanying web version is available at

This study was supported by the:
  • BMBF (Award 031A533)
    • Principle Award Recipient: AlexanderGoesmann
  • BMBF (Award 031L0209A)
    • Principle Award Recipient: AlexanderGoesmann
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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