Clostridioides difficile
Clostridioides difficile

Despite increasing incidence of Clostridioides difficile infection, there has been little international focus on the importance of this Gram-positive microorganism in infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance. Microbial evolution occurs in response to natural and artificial stressors; and C. difficile is no exception. The organism is fascinating in its ability to survive harsh environments, produce spores and resist the effects of antibiotic treatment.
The role of C. difficile in infection is complex and there is a need to review current knowledge and standardise research methods. The Journal of Medical Microbiology is therefore pleased to announce the launch of a new C. difficile collection which brings together and showcases the latest international research developments in the area. Topics within this collection range from C. difficile interaction with host microbiota to One Health, CDI rodent models, disinfection, testing and detection from leading C. difficile researchers, forming a comprehensive and diverse collection.
The collection is also open for new submissions from all researchers working in the area.
Editors: Tina Joshi, Steve Michell
Guest Editors: Fidelma Fitzpatrick, John Heritage, Ed Kuijper
Status: Open for submissions
Deadline for submissions: 20 December 2024
Journals submission links: