Bacterial Cell Envelopes

Over the years, Microbiology has published many important findings that have contributed enormously to our understanding of the structure, function and biogenesis of bacterial envelopes. Here we celebrate the journal’s 75th year with a special collection of reviews guest-edited by Professor Tracy Palmer and Dr Yinka Somorin that highlights some of the most important areas of current research in this vibrant research field.
Image shows transmission electron micrograph of a dividing Citrobacter rodentium cell attached to infected mouse colonic epithelium. Characteristic ‘Attaching and Effacing lesions’ or raised pedestals can be seen beneath adhered C. rodentium, formed by the accumulation of host cell actin mediated by the bacterial type III protein secretion system. Effacement of the local brush border villi around the site of attachment is also observed. Courtesy of Dr James Connolly (Newcastle University).
Collection Contents
Flipping the switch: dynamic modulation of membrane transporter activity in bacteria
More LessThe controlled entry and expulsion of small molecules across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane is essential for efficient cell growth and cellular homeostasis. While much is known about the transcriptional regulation of genes encoding transporters, less is understood about how transporter activity is modulated once the protein is functional in the membrane, a potentially more rapid and dynamic level of control. In this review, we bring together literature from the bacterial transport community exemplifying the extensive and diverse mechanisms that have evolved to rapidly modulate transporter function, predominantly by switching activity off. This includes small molecule feedback, inhibition by interaction with small peptides, regulation through binding larger signal transduction proteins and, finally, the emerging area of controlled proteolysis. Many of these examples have been discovered in the context of metal transport, which has to finely balance active accumulation of elements that are essential for growth but can also quickly become toxic if intracellular homeostasis is not tightly controlled. Consistent with this, these transporters appear to be regulated at multiple levels. Finally, we find common regulatory themes, most often through the fusion of additional regulatory domains to transporters, which suggest the potential for even more widespread regulation of transporter activity in biology.
Prokaryotic ammonium transporters: what has three decades of research revealed?
More LessThe exchange of ammonium across cellular membranes is a fundamental process in all domains of life. In plants, bacteria and fungi, ammonium represents a vital source of nitrogen, which is scavenged from the external environment. In contrast, in animal cells ammonium is a cytotoxic metabolic waste product and must be excreted to prevent cell death. Transport of ammonium is facilitated by the ubiquitous Amt/Mep/Rh transporter superfamily. In addition to their function as transporters, Amt/Mep/Rh proteins play roles in a diverse array of biological processes and human physiopathology. Despite this clear physiological importance and medical relevance, the molecular mechanism of Amt/Mep/Rh proteins has remained elusive. Crystal structures of bacterial Amt/Rh proteins suggest electroneutral transport, whilst functional evidence supports an electrogenic mechanism. Here, focusing on bacterial members of the family, we summarize the structure of Amt/Rh proteins and what three decades of research tells us concerning the general mechanisms of ammonium translocation, in particular the possibility that the transport mechanism might differ in various members of the Amt/Mep/Rh superfamily.
Speaking the host language: how Salmonella effector proteins manipulate the host
Salmonella injects over 40 virulence factors, termed effectors, into host cells to subvert diverse host cellular processes. Of these 40 Salmonella effectors, at least 25 have been described as mediating eukaryotic-like, biochemical post-translational modifications (PTMs) of host proteins, altering the outcome of infection. The downstream changes mediated by an effector’s enzymatic activity range from highly specific to multifunctional, and altogether their combined action impacts the function of an impressive array of host cellular processes, including signal transduction, membrane trafficking, and both innate and adaptive immune responses. Salmonella and related Gram-negative pathogens have been a rich resource for the discovery of unique enzymatic activities, expanding our understanding of host signalling networks, bacterial pathogenesis as well as basic biochemistry. In this review, we provide an up-to-date assessment of host manipulation mediated by the Salmonella type III secretion system injectosome, exploring the cellular effects of diverse effector activities with a particular focus on PTMs and the implications for infection outcomes. We also highlight activities and functions of numerous effectors that remain poorly characterized.
The A domain of clonal complex 1-type fibronectin binding protein B promotes adherence and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus
More LessAdhesive interactions between Staphylococcus aureus and the host rely on cell-wall-anchored proteins such as fibronectin-binding protein B (FnBPB). Recently we showed that the FnBPB protein expressed by clonal complex (CC) 1 isolates of S. aureus mediates bacterial adhesion to corneodesmosin. The proposed ligand-binding region of CC1-type FnBPB shares just 60 % amino acid identity with the archetypal FnBPB protein from CC8. Here we investigated ligand binding and biofilm formation by CC1-type FnBPB. We found that the A domain of FnBPB binds to fibrinogen and corneodesmosin and identified residues within the hydrophobic ligand trench in the A domain that are essential for the binding of CC1-type FnBPB to ligands and during biofilm formation. We further investigated the interplay between different ligands and the influence of ligand binding on biofilm formation. Overall, our study provides new insights into the requirements for CC1-type FnBPB-mediated adhesion to host proteins and FnBPB-mediated biofilm formation in S. aureus .
Virulence-associated type III secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria
More LessVirulence-associated bacterial type III secretion systems are multiprotein molecular machines that promote the pathogenicity of bacteria towards eukaryotic host cells. These machines form needle-like structures, named injectisomes, that span both bacterial and host membranes, forming a direct conduit for the delivery of bacterial proteins into host cells. Once within the host, these bacterial effector proteins are capable of manipulating a multitude of host cell functions. In recent years, the knowledge of assembly, structure and function of these machines has grown substantially and is presented and discussed in this review.
A journey with type IX secretion system effectors: selection, transport, processing and activities
More LessThe type IX secretion system (T9SS) is a multiprotein machine distributed in Bacteroidota and responsible for the secretion of various proteins across the outer membrane. Secreted effectors can be either delivered into the medium or anchored to the cell surface. The T9SS is composed of a transenvelope complex consisting of proton-motive force-dependent motors connected to a membrane-associated ring and outer membrane translocons, and a cell-surface anchoring complex that processes effectors once translocated. The T9SS is involved in pathogenesis, metal acquisition, carbohydrate degradation, S-layer biogenesis and gliding motility. The broad spectrum of functions is linked to a highly versatile repertoire of effectors including metallophores, enzymes, toxins and adhesins, that all possess specific signatures to be recruited and transported by the apparatus. This review summarizes the current knowledge on T9SS substrate secretion signals, transport, processing and activities.
Mechanism of assembly of type 4 filaments: everything you always wanted to know (but were afraid to ask)
More LessType 4 filaments (T4F) are a superfamily of filamentous nanomachines – virtually ubiquitous in prokaryotes and functionally versatile – of which type 4 pili (T4P) are the defining member. T4F are polymers of type 4 pilins, assembled by conserved multi-protein machineries. They have long been an important topic for research because they are key virulence factors in numerous bacterial pathogens. Our poor understanding of the molecular mechanisms of T4F assembly is a serious hindrance to the design of anti-T4F therapeutics. This review attempts to shed light on the fundamental mechanistic principles at play in T4F assembly by focusing on similarities rather than differences between several (mostly bacterial) T4F. This holistic approach, complemented by the revolutionary ability of artificial intelligence to predict protein structures, led to an intriguing mechanistic model of T4F assembly.
Membrane lipids from gut microbiome-associated bacteria as structural and signalling molecules
More LessBacteria produce an array of diverse, dynamic and often complex lipid structures, some of which function beyond their typical role in membrane structure. The model organism, E. coli , has three major membrane lipids, which are glycerophosphoglycerol (phosphatidylglycerol), glycerophosphoethanolamine (phosphatidylethanolamine) and cardiolipin. However, it is now appreciated that some bacteria have the capacity to synthesize a range of lipids, including glycerophosphocholines, glycerophosphoinositols, ‘phosphorous-free’ N-acyl amines, sphingolipids and plasmalogens. In recent years, some of these bacterial lipids have emerged as influential contributors to the microbe–host molecular dialogue. This review outlines our current knowledge of bacterial lipid diversity, with a focus on the membrane lipids of microbiome-associated bacteria that have documented roles as signalling molecules.
The biogenesis of β-lactamase enzymes
The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming marked a new era for modern medicine, allowing not only the treatment of infectious diseases, but also the safe performance of life-saving interventions, like surgery and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, resistance against penicillin, as well as more complex β-lactam antibiotics, has rapidly emerged since the introduction of these drugs in the clinic, and is largely driven by a single type of extra-cytoplasmic proteins, hydrolytic enzymes called β-lactamases. While the structures, biochemistry and epidemiology of these resistance determinants have been extensively characterized, their biogenesis, a complex process including multiple steps and involving several fundamental biochemical pathways, is rarely discussed. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the journey of β-lactamases, from the moment they exit the ribosomal channel until they reach their final cellular destination as folded and active enzymes.
The Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm type IV secretion system and its effectors
More LessTo prevail in the interaction with eukaryotic hosts, many bacterial pathogens use protein secretion systems to release virulence factors at the host–pathogen interface and/or deliver them directly into host cells. An outstanding example of the complexity and sophistication of secretion systems and the diversity of their protein substrates, effectors, is the Defective in organelle trafficking/Intracellular multiplication (Dot/Icm) Type IVB secretion system (T4BSS) of Legionella pneumophila and related species. Legionella species are facultative intracellular pathogens of environmental protozoa and opportunistic human respiratory pathogens. The Dot/Icm T4BSS translocates an exceptionally large number of effectors, more than 300 per L. pneumophila strain, and is essential for evasion of phagolysosomal degradation and exploitation of protozoa and human macrophages as replicative niches. Recent technological advancements in the imaging of large protein complexes have provided new insight into the architecture of the T4BSS and allowed us to propose models for the transport mechanism. At the same time, significant progress has been made in assigning functions to about a third of L. pneumophila effectors, discovering unprecedented new enzymatic activities and concepts of host subversion. In this review, we describe the current knowledge of the workings of the Dot/Icm T4BSS machinery and provide an overview of the activities and functions of the to-date characterized effectors in the interaction of L. pneumophila with host cells.
Microcins reveal natural mechanisms of bacterial manipulation to inform therapeutic development
More LessMicrocins are an understudied and poorly characterized class of antimicrobial peptides. Despite the existence of only 15 examples, all identified from the Enterobacteriaceae , microcins display diversity in sequence, structure, target cell uptake, cytotoxic mechanism of action and target specificity. Collectively, these features describe some of the unique means nature has contrived for molecules to cross the ‘impermeable’ barrier of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane and inflict cytotoxic effects. Microcins appear to be widely dispersed among different species and in different environments, where they function in regulating microbial communities in diverse ways, including through competition. Growing evidence suggests that microcins may be adapted for therapeutic uses such as antimicrobial drugs, microbiome modulators or facilitators of peptide uptake into cells. Advancing our biological, ecological and biochemical understanding of the roles of microcins in bacterial interactions, and learning how to regulate and modify microcin activity, is essential to enable such therapeutic applications.
Of zones, bridges and chaperones – phospholipid transport in bacterial outer membrane assembly and homeostasis
More LessThe outer membrane (OM) is a formidable permeability barrier that protects Gram-negative bacteria from detergents and antibiotics. It possesses exquisite lipid asymmetry, requiring the placement and retention of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the outer leaflet, and phospholipids (PLs) in the inner leaflet. To establish OM lipid asymmetry, LPS are transported from the inner membrane (IM) directly to the outer leaflet of the OM. In contrast, mechanisms for PL trafficking across the cell envelope are much less understood. In this review, we summarize and discuss recent advances in our understanding of PL transport, making parallel comparisons to well-established pathways for OM lipoprotein (Lol) and LPS (Lpt). Insights into putative PL transport systems highlight possible connections back to the ‘Bayer bridges’, adhesion zones between the IM and the OM that had been observed more than 50 years ago, and proposed as passages for export of OM components, including LPS and PLs.
Presence and absence of type VI secretion systems in bacteria
More LessThe type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a molecular puncturing device that enables Gram-negative bacteria to kill competitors, manipulate host cells and take up nutrients. Who would want to miss such superpowers? Indeed, many studies show how widespread the secretion apparatus is among microbes. However, it is becoming evident that, on multiple taxonomic levels, from phyla to species and strains, some bacteria lack a T6SS. Here, we review who does and does not have a type VI secretion apparatus and speculate on the dynamic process of gaining and losing the secretion system to better understand its spread and distribution across the microbial world.
Remodelling of the Gram-negative bacterial Kdo2-lipid A and its functional implications
More LessThe lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a characteristic molecule of the outer leaflet of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane, which consists of lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O antigen. The lipid A is embedded in outer membrane and provides an efficient permeability barrier, which is particularly important to reduce the permeability of antibiotics, toxic cationic metals, and antimicrobial peptides. LPS, an important modulator of innate immune responses ranging from localized inflammation to disseminated sepsis, displays a high level of structural and functional heterogeneity, which arise due to regulated differences in the acylation of the lipid A and the incorporation of non-stoichiometric modifications in lipid A and the core oligosaccharide. This review focuses on the current mechanistic understanding of the synthesis and assembly of the lipid A molecule and its most salient non-stoichiometric modifications.
Bacterial pore-forming toxins
More LessPore-forming toxins (PFTs) are widely distributed in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. PFTs can act as virulence factors that bacteria utilise in dissemination and host colonisation or, alternatively, they can be employed to compete with rival microbes in polymicrobial niches. PFTs transition from a soluble form to become membrane-embedded by undergoing large conformational changes. Once inserted, they perforate the membrane, causing uncontrolled efflux of ions and/or nutrients and dissipating the protonmotive force (PMF). In some instances, target cells intoxicated by PFTs display additional effects as part of the cellular response to pore formation. Significant progress has been made in the mechanistic description of pore formation for the different PFTs families, but in several cases a complete understanding of pore structure remains lacking. PFTs have evolved recognition mechanisms to bind specific receptors that define their host tropism, although this can be remarkably diverse even within the same family. Here we summarise the salient features of PFTs and highlight where additional research is necessary to fully understand the mechanism of pore formation by members of this diverse group of protein toxins.
Diverse functions for acyltransferase-3 proteins in the modification of bacterial cell surfaces
More LessThe acylation of sugars, most commonly via acetylation, is a widely used mechanism in bacteria that uses a simple chemical modification to confer useful traits. For structures like lipopolysaccharide, capsule and peptidoglycan, that function outside of the cytoplasm, their acylation during export or post-synthesis requires transport of an activated acyl group across the membrane. In bacteria this function is most commonly linked to a family of integral membrane proteins – acyltransferase-3 (AT3). Numerous studies examining production of diverse extracytoplasmic sugar-containing structures have identified roles for these proteins in O-acylation. Many of the phenotypes conferred by the action of AT3 proteins influence host colonisation and environmental survival, as well as controlling the properties of biotechnologically important polysaccharides and the modification of antibiotics and antitumour drugs by Actinobacteria. Herein we present the first systematic review, to our knowledge, of the functions of bacterial AT3 proteins, revealing an important protein family involved in a plethora of systems of importance to bacterial function that is still relatively poorly understood at the mechanistic level. By defining and comparing this set of functions we draw out common themes in the structure and mechanism of this fascinating family of membrane-bound enzymes, which, due to their role in host colonisation in many pathogens, could offer novel targets for the development of antimicrobials.
What have molecular simulations contributed to understanding of Gram-negative bacterial cell envelopes?
More LessBacterial cell envelopes are compositionally complex and crowded and while highly dynamic in some areas, their molecular motion is very limited, to the point of being almost static in others. Therefore, it is no real surprise that studying them at high resolution across a range of temporal and spatial scales requires a number of different techniques. Details at atomistic to molecular scales for up to tens of microseconds are now within range for molecular dynamics simulations. Here we review how such simulations have contributed to our current understanding of the cell envelopes of Gram-negative bacteria.
Polymyxin and lipopeptide antibiotics: membrane-targeting drugs of last resort
More LessThe polymyxin and lipopeptide classes of antibiotics are membrane-targeting drugs of last resort used to treat infections caused by multi-drug-resistant pathogens. Despite similar structures, these two antibiotic classes have distinct modes of action and clinical uses. The polymyxins target lipopolysaccharide in the membranes of most Gram-negative species and are often used to treat infections caused by carbapenem-resistant species such as Escherichia coli , Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . By contrast, the lipopeptide daptomycin requires membrane phosphatidylglycerol for activity and is only used to treat infections caused by drug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. However, despite having distinct targets, both antibiotic classes cause membrane disruption, are potently bactericidal in vitro and share similarities in resistance mechanisms. Furthermore, there are concerns about the efficacy of these antibiotics, and there is increasing interest in using both polymyxins and daptomycin in combination therapies to improve patient outcomes. In this review article, we will explore what is known about these distinct but structurally similar classes of antibiotics, discuss recent advances in the field and highlight remaining gaps in our knowledge.