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Many species of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) can be infected by a virus that causes salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH). The genomes of viruses isolated from (GpSGHV) and (MdSGHV) have recently been sequenced. Tsetse flies with SGH have reduced fecundity and fertility which cause a serious problem for mass rearing in the frame of sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes to control and eradicate tsetse populations in the wild. A potential intervention strategy to mitigate viral infections in fly colonies is neutralizing of the GpSGHV infection with specific antibodies against virion proteins. Two major GpSGHV virion proteins of about 130 and 50 kDa, respectively, were identified by Western analysis using a polyclonal rabbit antibody raised against whole GpSHGV virions. The proteome of GpSGHV, containing the antigens responsible for the immune-response, was investigated by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and 61 virion proteins were identified by comparison with the genome sequence. Specific antibodies were produced in rabbits against seven candidate proteins, including the ORF10/C-terminal fragment, ORF47 and ORF96 as well as proteins involved in peroral infectivity PIF-1 (ORF102), PIF-2 (ORF53), PIF-3 (ORF76) and P74 (ORF1). Antiserum against ORF10 specifically reacted to the 130 kDa protein in a Western blot analysis and to the envelope protein of GpSGHV, detected by using immunogold-electron microscopy. This result suggests that immune intervention of viral infections in colonies of is a realistic option.


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vol. , part 12, pp. 3065 - 3074

Primer sequences used for the amplification of the candidate GpSGHV genes* [PDF](54 KB)

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