Microbial Evolution

This collection is open for new submissions from all researchers across the full breadth of the microbial evolution field and is guest edited by Michael Brockhurst (University of Manchester, UK), Jenna Gallie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany), James Hall (University of Liverpool, UK), and Stineke Van Houte (University of Exeter, UK).
Collection Contents
21 - 40 of 45 results
Escherichia coli mutation rates and spectra with combinations of environmental limitations
More LessMicro-organisms often face multiple stresses in natural habitats. Individual stresses are well known to influence mutation rates and the spectra of mutational types, but the extent to which multiple stresses affect the genetic variation in populations is unknown. Here we investigate pair-wise combinations of nutritional stresses in Escherichia coli to determine their effect on mutation rates and mutational types. Environmental interactions modified both the rate and spectrum of mutations in double-limited environments, but the effects were not additive or synergistic relative to single stresses. Generally, bacteria in the mixed environments behaved as if one of the two single-stress stimuli was more dominant and the genetic variation seen with every dual limitation was intermediate between known patterns with individual stresses. The composition of mutational types with double stresses was also intermediate between individual stress patterns. At least with mutations, the single stressor results available are reasonable indicators of stress-induced genetic variation in multifaceted natural habitats. With the influence of 11 conditions available on mutational patterns, we can now also see the clustering of mutational types as a function of these environments.
Intergenic evolution during host adaptation increases expression of the metallophore pseudopaline in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Regulating intracellular levels of biological metal ions is essential for all bacterial species, as they are needed for virulence and a range of metabolic processes. Zinc is the second most abundant metal ion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but little is known about its regulation. Recent studies have identified a novel operon, zrmABCD (also called cntOLMI), encoding a metallophore system (pseudopaline) involved in zinc acquisition. Expression of this operon has been implicated in human infections and is regulated by the transcriptional regulator Zur (Zn2+ uptake regulator). In this study, we show that the intergenic promoter region in front of zrmABCD is a target for recurrent adaptive mutations during chronic infection of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We characterize the inter- and intraclonal sequence polymorphisms found in the promoter region of the metallophore system and find that most alterations increase promoter activity. One of the evolved promoters displays a more than 10-fold increase compared to the ancestral strain due to the combined effect of an altered binding site of Zur and changes to the RpoD-binding motif. This specific evolved promoter responds differently to changes in metal ion concentrations in chelated medium. We have previously shown that P. aeruginosa evolves toward iron acquisition from haemoglobin during long-term CF infections. We hereby provide the second example of adaptive mutations targeting intergenic regions that affect metal ion uptake systems during CF infections, and the first involving zinc uptake. Our results suggest that the scarcity of metal ions (including iron and zinc) is an important evolutionary driver in CF host adaptation.
Natural Escherichia coli isolates rapidly acquire genetic changes upon laboratory domestication
More LessThe adaptation of environmental bacteria to laboratory conditions was analysed through the exploration of genomic changes in four strains of Escherichia coli freshly isolated from their natural habitats and belonging to different taxonomic clusters. Up to 25 mutations were present in all cultures of natural isolates within 10 days of transfer in rich media or with a single growth cycle involving an extended stationary phase. Among numerous individual mutations, two genes were affected in parallel in distinct backgrounds. Mutations in rpoS (encoding sigma factor RpoS), altering a multiplication–survival trade-off in E. coli, were present in isolates derived from all four different ancestors. More surprisingly, two different natural isolates acquired mutations in mutL, affecting DNA mismatch repair, and a third also involved higher mutation rates. The elevated mutation rates in these isolates indicate the danger of increased genetic instability arising from laboratory domestication. Neither rpoS nor mutator mutations were detected in the already-acclimatized MG1655 laboratory strain; only one or no new mutations were present in the laboratory strain under the same culture conditions. Our results indicate rapid adaptation to the laboratory environment. Ancestor-specific responses also arise in the laboratory and mutational events are also sensitive to culture conditions such as extended stationary phase. To maintain natural isolates in a stable state, our data suggest that the transition of strains to the laboratory should minimize culture cycles and extended stationary phase.
Pseudolysogeny and sequential mutations build multiresistance to virulent bacteriophages in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
More LessCoevolution between bacteriophages (phages) and their prey is the result of mutualistic interactions. Here, we show that pseudolysogeny is a frequent outcome of infection by virulent phages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and that selection of resistant bacterial mutants is favoured by continuous production of phages. We investigated the frequency and characteristics of P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 variants resisting infection by different combinations of virulent phages belonging to four genera. The frequency of resistant bacteria was 10− 5 for single phage infection and 10− 6 for infections with combinations of two or four phages. The genome of 27 variants was sequenced and the comparison with the genome of the parental PAO1 strain allowed the identification of point mutations or small indels. Four additional variants were characterized by a candidate gene approach. In total, 27 independent mutations were observed affecting 14 genes and a regulatory region. The mutations affected genes involved in biosynthesis of type IV pilus, alginate, LPS and O-antigen. Half of the variants possessed changes in homopolymer tracts responsible for frameshift mutations and these phase variation mutants were shown to be unstable. Eleven double mutants were detected. The presence of free phage DNA was observed in association with exclusion of superinfection in half of the variants and no chromosomal mutation could be found in three of them. Upon further growth of these pseudolysogens, some variants with new chromosomal mutations were recovered, presumably due to continuous evolutionary pressure.
The phenotypic evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa populations changes in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin
Ciprofloxacin is a widely used antibiotic, in the class of quinolones, for treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. The immediate response of P. aeruginosa to subinhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin has been investigated previously. However, the long-term phenotypic adaptation, which identifies the fitted phenotypes that have been selected during evolution with subinhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin, has not been studied. We chose an experimental evolution approach to investigate how exposure to subinhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin changes the evolution of P. aeruginosa populations compared to unexposed populations. Three replicate populations of P. aeruginosa PAO1 and its hypermutable mutant ΔmutS were cultured aerobically for approximately 940 generations by daily passages in LB medium with and without subinhibitory concentration of ciprofloxacin and aliquots of the bacterial populations were regularly sampled and kept at − 80 °C for further investigations. We investigate here phenotypic changes between the ancestor (50 colonies) and evolved populations (120 colonies/strain). Decreased protease activity and swimming motility, higher levels of quorum-sensing signal molecules and occurrence of mutator subpopulations were observed in the ciprofloxacin-exposed populations compared to the ancestor and control populations. Transcriptomic analysis showed downregulation of the type III secretion system in evolved populations compared to the ancestor population and upregulation of denitrification genes in ciprofloxacin-evolved populations. In conclusion, the presence of antibiotics at subinhibitory concentration in the environment affects bacterial evolution and further studies are needed to obtain insight into the dynamics of the phenotypes and the mechanisms involved.
Amplification of the CUP1 gene is associated with evolution of copper tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
More LessIn living organisms, copper (Cu) contributes to essential functions but at high concentrations it may elicit toxic effects. Cu-tolerant yeast strains are of relevance for both biotechnological applications and studying physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in stress resistance. One way to obtain tolerant strains is to exploit experimental methods that rely on the principles of natural evolution (evolutionary engineering) and allow for the development of complex phenotypic traits. However, in most cases, the molecular and physiological basis of the phenotypic changes produced have not yet been unravelled. We investigated the determinants of Cu resistance in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that was evolved to tolerate up to 2.5 g CuSO4 l−1 in the culture medium. We found that the content of intracellular Cu and the expression levels of several genes encoding proteins involved in Cu metabolism and oxidative stress response were similar in the Cu-tolerant (evolved) and the Cu-sensitive (non-evolved) strain. The major difference detected in the two strains was the copy number of the gene CUP1, which encodes a metallothionein. In evolved cells, a sevenfold amplification of CUP1 was observed, accounting for its strongly and steadily increased expression. Our results implicate CUP1 in protection of the evolved S. cerevisiae cells against Cu toxicity. In these cells, robustness towards Cu is stably inheritable and can be reproducibly selected by controlling environmental conditions. This finding corroborates the effectiveness of laboratory evolution of whole cells as a tool to develop microbial strains for biotechnological applications.
Evolution of the IncP-7 carbazole-degradative plasmid pCAR1 improves survival of its host Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 in artificial water microcosms
More LessIn our previous study, Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1L, harbouring the IncP-7 carbazole-degradative plasmid pCAR1 : : rfp, was shown to be undetectable within 5 days post-inoculation in carbazole-contaminated artificial freshwater microcosms containing several plasmid-free bacteria in addition to Pf0-1L(pCAR1 : : rfp). Fourteen days after the inoculation, carbazole degraders become detectable. Here, we revealed that these isolates were not pCAR1 transconjugants, but Pf0-1L(pCAR1 : : rfp) mutants, based on RFLP and BOX-A1R-based repetitive extragenic palindromic-PCR (BOX-PCR) analysis. Notably, the mutants displayed more rapid initiation of carbazole degradation than the parent strain Pf0-1L(pCAR1 : : rfp). The mutants were unable to degrade anthranilate due to a 163 bp deletion in the antA gene, which was overcome by their transformation with a wild-type antABC-expressing plasmid. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the transcriptional induction of carbazole-, anthranilate- and catechol-degradative genes was comparable in both parent and mutant strains. The deletion mutants became dominant in the artificial water microcosm. The mutation caused anthranilate to accumulate instead of catechol, a toxic compound for the parent strain, and may be beneficial to host survival in artificial microcosms.
Introgression in the genus Campylobacter: generation and spread of mosaic alleles
More LessHorizontal genetic exchange strongly influences the evolution of many bacteria, substantially contributing to difficulties in defining their position in taxonomic groups. In particular, how clusters of related bacterial genotypes – currently classified as microbiological species – evolve and are maintained remains controversial. The nature and magnitude of gene exchange between two closely related (approx. 15 % nucleotide divergence) microbiologically defined species, Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, was investigated by the examination of mosaic alleles, those with some ancestry from each population. A total of 1738 alleles from 2953 seven-locus housekeeping gene sequence types (STs) were probabilistically assigned to each species group with the model-based clustering algorithm structure. Alleles with less than 75 % assignment probability to one of the populations were confirmed as mosaics using the structure linkage model. For each of these, the putative source of the recombinant region was determined and the allele was mapped onto a clonalframe genealogy derived from concatenated ST sequences. This enabled the direction and frequency of introgression between the two populations to be established, with 8.3 % of C. coli clade 1 alleles having acquired C. jejuni sequence, compared to 0.5 % for the reciprocal process. Once generated, mosaic genes spread within C. coli clade 1 by a combination of clonal expansion and lateral gene transfer, with some evidence of erosion of the mosaics by reacquisition of C. coli sequence. These observations confirm previous analyses of the exchange of complete housekeeping alleles and extend this work by describing the processes of horizontal gene transfer and subsequent spread within recipient species.
Genetic adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during chronic lung infection of patients with cystic fibrosis: strong and weak mutators with heterogeneous genetic backgrounds emerge in mucA and/or lasR mutants
More LessDuring the chronic lung infection of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), Pseudomonas aeruginosa can survive for long periods due to adaptive evolution mediated by genetic variation. Hypermutability is considered to play an important role in this adaptive evolution and it has been demonstrated that mutator populations are amplified in the CF lung by hitchhiking with adaptive mutations. Two of the genes that are frequently mutated in isolates from chronic infection are mucA and lasR. Loss-of-function mutations in these genes determine the phenotypic switch to mucoidy and loss of quorum sensing, which are considered hallmarks of chronic virulence. The aims of our study were to investigate (1) the genetic background of the P. aeruginosa subpopulations with non-mutator, weak or strong mutator phenotype and their dynamics during the chronic lung infection, and (2) the time sequence in which the hypermutable, mucoid and quorum-sensing-negative phenotypes emerge during chronic lung infection. For these purposes the sequences of mutS, mutL, uvrD, mutT, mutY and mutM anti-mutator genes as well as of mucA and lasR were analysed in 70 sequential P. aeruginosa isolates obtained from the respiratory secretions of 10 CF patients (one to three isolates per time point). Analysis of the genetic background of the mutator phenotype showed that mutS was the most commonly affected gene followed by mutL in isolates with strong mutator phenotype. The mutT, mutY, mutM genes were affected in isolates with low fold-changes in the mutation frequencies compared to the reference strain PAO1. Isolates with non-mutator, weak or strong mutator phenotype were represented at all time points showing co-existence of these subpopulations, which suggests parallel evolution of the various mutators in the different focal niches of infection in the CF lung. Mutations in mucA and lasR occurred earlier than mutations in the anti-mutator genes, showing that hypermutability is not a prerequisite for the acquisition of mucoidy and loss of quorum sensing, considered hallmarks of chronic virulence. Significantly higher mutation rates and MICs of ceftazidime, meropenem and ciprofloxacin were found for isolates collected late (more than 10 years) during the chronic lung infection compared to isolates collected earlier, which suggests an amplification of the mutator subpopulation by hitchhiking with development of antibiotic resistance. Similar evolutionary pathways concordant with adaptive radiation were observed in different clonal lineages of P. aeruginosa from CF patients.
Multiple acquisitions of CTX-M plasmids in the rare D2 genotype of Escherichia coli provide evidence for convergent evolution
Over the last decade, CTX-M enzymes have become the most prevalent extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) worldwide, mostly in Escherichia coli, causing a major health problem. An epidemiological relationship has been established between a rare genotype of E. coli, the D2 genotype, and the presence of CTX-M genes. We investigated this striking association by exploring the genetic backgrounds of 18 D2 genotype CTX-M-producing strains and of the plasmids encoding CTX-M enzymes. The 18 strains had different genetic backgrounds, as assessed by multilocus sequence and O typing, and were associated with various plasmids bearing diverse CTX-M genes. The region encompassing the genetic marker of the D2 genotype (TSPE4.C2) was not correlated with the presence of CTX-M genes. CTX-M-producing D2 strains had far fewer virulence factors than a control group of 8 non-ESBL-producing D2 strains, and an inverse relationship was found between the number of co-resistances associated with the CTX-M gene and the number of virulence factors found in the strain. These findings provide evidence for multiple acquisitions of plasmids carrying CTX-M genes in different D2 genotype strains. They strongly suggest that convergent evolution has occurred, and indicate that there has been selection for the association of a specific genetic background of the strain and the CTX-M gene. This fine-tuning of the relationship between the D2 genotype and CTX-M genes presumably increases the fitness of the strain, indicating a role for the host cell in the acquisition and dissemination of CTX-M genes.
An analysis of the evolutionary relationships of integron integrases, with emphasis on the prevalence of class 1 integrons in Escherichia coli isolates from clinical and environmental origins
More LessIntegrons are genetic elements that allow the mobilization and expression of smaller elements called gene cassettes, and are considered to be key elements in the evolution of antibiotic resistance among enteric bacteria. Although in nature integrons appear to be abundant, the presence of class 1 integrons in Escherichia coli has been reported to be much less frequent among isolates of non-human origin than among clinical ones. Searching for integrons in a wide variety of E. coli isolates we found a steep decline in class 1 integron prevalence when going from clinical strains to environmental ones, from outdoor urban dust to the microbiota of wild animals. Attempting to assess the causes of this decline, we addressed the evolution of integron integrases, comparing the amino acid sequence of various of these enzymes, the key proteins in gene-cassette mobilization. We found that all integrases are homologues, but different classes have been recruited by enteric bacteria, supporting the notion that integrons can frequently be gained and lost. Additionally, we found that phylogenetically distant organisms that bear intI1, such as E. coli and other enteric bacteria, but also the Gram-positive corynebacteria, have a similar preferential genomic codon usage (CU), suggesting that CU might play an important role in the acquisition and/or maintenance of integrons. In fact, the CU of intI1 is more similar to the preferential genomic CU of non-enteric bacteria than it is to that of E. coli. CU has been proposed to be involved in the retention of horizontally transferred genes; integrons in E. coli are often plasmid-borne. This might explain the reduced prevalence of integrons in enteric bacteria when not under the selective pressure of antibiotics. Collectively, our results provide evidence that class 1 integrons are important gene mobilizers within E. coli, but are not acquired and/or stably maintained without selective pressure. Thus, although not effective to reduce the prevalence of resistance itself, decreasing the use of antibiotics could be useful to diminish the presence of gene-mobilization machineries.
Modelling the spatial dynamics of plasmid transfer and persistence
More LessBacterial plasmids are extra-chromosomal genetic elements that code for a wide variety of phenotypes in their bacterial hosts and are maintained in bacterial communities through both vertical and horizontal transfer. Current mathematical models of plasmid–bacteria dynamics, based almost exclusively on mass-action differential equations that describe these interactions in completely mixed environments, fail to adequately explain phenomena such as the long-term persistence of plasmids in natural and clinical bacterial communities. This failure is, at least in part, due to the absence of any spatial structure in these models, whereas most bacterial populations are spatially structured in microcolonies and biofilms. To help bridge the gap between theoretical predictions and observed patterns of plasmid spread and persistence, an individual-based lattice model (interacting particle system) that provides a predictive framework for understanding the dynamics of plasmid–bacteria interactions in spatially structured populations is presented here. To assess the accuracy and flexibility of the model, a series of experiments that monitored plasmid loss and horizontal transfer of the IncP-1β plasmid pB10 : : rfp in Escherichia coli K12 and other bacterial populations grown on agar surfaces were performed. The model-based visual patterns of plasmid loss and spread, as well as quantitative predictions of the effects of different initial parental strain densities and incubation time on densities of transconjugants formed on a 2D grid, were in agreement with this and previously published empirical data. These results include features of spatially structured populations that are not predicted by mass-action differential equation models.
Biological cost of hypermutation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from patients with cystic fibrosis
The high prevalence of hypermutable (mismatch repair-deficient) Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is thought to be driven by their co-selection with adaptive mutations required for long-term persistence. Whether the increased mutation rate of naturally hypermutable strains is associated with a biological benefit or cost for the colonization of secondary environments is not known. Thirty-nine P. aeruginosa strains were collected from ten patients with CF during their course of chronic lung infections and screened for hypermutability. Seven hypermutable P. aeruginosa strains (18 %) isolated from six patients with CF (60 %) were identified and assigned to five different genotypes. Complementation and sequence analysis in the mutS, mutL and uvrD genes of these hypermutable P. aeruginosa strains revealed novel mutations. To understand the consequences of hypermutation for the fitness of the organisms, five pairs of clinical wild-type/hypermutable, clonally related P. aeruginosa strains and the laboratory strains PAO1/PAO1ΔmutS were subjected to competition in vitro and in the agar-beads mouse model of chronic airway infection. When tested in competition assay in vitro, the wild-type outcompeted four clinical hypermutable strains and the PAO1ΔmutS strain. In vivo, all of the hypermutable strains were less efficient at establishing lung infection than their wild-type clones. These results suggest that P. aeruginosa hypermutation is associated with a biological cost, reducing the potential for colonization of new environments and therefore strain transmissibility.
Stability of a promiscuous plasmid in different hosts: no guarantee for a long-term relationship
More LessBroad-host-range (BHR) IncP-1 plasmids have the ability to transfer between and replicate in nearly all species of the Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, but surprisingly few data are available on the stability of these plasmids in strains within their host range. Moreover, even though molecular interactions between the bacterial host and its plasmid(s) exist, no systematic study to date has compared the stability of the same plasmid among different hosts. The goal of this study was to examine whether the stability characteristics of an IncP-1 plasmid can be variable between strains within the host range of the plasmid. Therefore, 19 strains within the Alpha-, Beta- or Gammaproteobacteria carrying the IncP-1β plasmid pB10 were serially propagated in non-selective medium and the fraction of segregants was monitored through replica-picking. Remarkably, a large variation in the stability of pB10 in different strains was found, even between strains within the same genus or species. Ten strains showed no detectable plasmid loss over about 200 generations, and in two strains plasmid-free clones were only sporadically observed. In contrast, three strains, Pseudomonas koreensis R28, Pseudomonas putida H2 and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia P21, exhibited rapid plasmid loss within 80 generations. Parameter estimation after mathematical modelling of these stability data suggested high frequencies of segregation (about 0.04 per generation) or high plasmid cost (i.e. a relative fitness decrease in plasmid-bearing cells of about 15 and 40 %), which was confirmed experimentally. The models also suggested that plasmid reuptake by conjugation only played a significant role in plasmid stability in one of the three strains. Four of the 19 strains lost the plasmid very slowly over about 600 generations. The erratic decrease of the plasmid-containing fraction and simulation of the data with a new mathematical model suggested that plasmid cost was variable over time due to compensatory mutations. The findings of this study demonstrate that the ability of a so-called ‘BHR’ plasmid to persist in a bacterial population is influenced by strain-specific traits, and therefore observations made for one strain should not be generalized for the entire species or genus.
CRISPR elements in Yersinia pestis acquire new repeats by preferential uptake of bacteriophage DNA, and provide additional tools for evolutionary studies
More LessThe remarkable repetitive elements called CRISPRs (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) consist of repeats interspaced with non-repetitive elements or ‘spacers’. CRISPRs are present in both archaea and bacteria, in association with genes involved in DNA recombination and repair. In the Yersinia pestis genome, three such elements are found at three distinct loci, one of them being highly polymorphic. The authors have sequenced a total of 109 alleles of the three Y. pestis CRISPRs and they describe 29 new spacers, most being specific to one isolate. In nine strains of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 132 spacers were found, of which only three are common to Y. pestis isolates. In Y. pestis of the Orientalis biovar investigated in detail here, deletion of motifs is observed but it appears that addition of new motifs to a common ancestral element is the most frequent event. This takes place at the three different loci, although at a higher rate in one of the loci, and the addition of new motifs is polarized. Interestingly, the most recently acquired spacers were found to have a homologue at another locus in the genome, the majority of these inside an inactive prophage. This is believed to be the first time that the origin of the spacers in CRISPR elements has been explained. The CRISPR structure provides a new and robust identification tool.
Biofilms promote altruism
More LessThe origin of altruism is a fundamental problem in evolution, and the maintenance of biodiversity is a fundamental problem in ecology. These two problems combine with the fundamental microbiological question of whether it is always advantageous for a unicellular organism to grow as fast as possible. The common basis for these three themes is a trade-off between growth rate and growth yield, which in turn is based on irreversible thermodynamics. The trade-off creates an evolutionary alternative between two strategies: high growth yield at low growth rate versus high growth rate at low growth yield. High growth yield at low growth rate is a case of an altruistic strategy because it increases the fitness of the group by using resources economically at the cost of decreased fitness, or growth rate, of the individual. The group-beneficial behaviour is advantageous in the long term, whereas the high growth rate strategy is advantageous in the short term. Coexistence of species requires differences between their niches, and niche space is typically divided into four ‘axes' (time, space, resources, predators). This neglects survival strategies based on cooperation, which extend the possibilities of coexistence, arguing for the inclusion of cooperation as the fifth ‘axis’. Here, individual-based model simulations show that spatial structure, as in, for example, biofilms, is necessary for the origin and maintenance of this ‘primitive’ altruistic strategy and that the common belief that growth rate but not yield decides the outcome of competition is based on chemostat models and experiments. This evolutionary perspective on life in biofilms can explain long-known biofilm characteristics, such as the structural organization into microcolonies, the often-observed lack of mixing among microcolonies, and the shedding of single cells, as promoting the origin and maintenance of the altruistic strategy. Whereas biofilms enrich altruists, enrichment cultures, microbiology's paradigm for isolating bacteria into pure culture, select for highest growth rate.
Koch's Bacillus – a look at the first isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a modern perspective
More LessUsing molecular methods the authors have studied mycobacterial DNA taken from a 19th century victim of tuberculosis. This was the case from which Robert Koch first isolated and cultured the organism responsible for tuberculosis. The mycobacteria were preserved within five glass culture tubes as abundant bacterial colonies on slopes of a gelatinous culture medium of unknown composition. Originally presented by Koch to surgical laryngologist Walter Jobson Horne in London in 1901, the relic has, since 1983, been in the care of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Light and electron microscopy established the presence of acid-fast mycobacteria but showed that morphological preservation was generally poor. Eleven different genomic loci were successfully amplified by PCR. This series of experiments confirmed that the organisms were indeed Mycobacterium tuberculosis and further showed that the original strain was in evolutionary terms similar to ‘modern’ isolates, having undergone the TB D1 deletion. Attempts to determine the genotypic group of the isolate were only partially successful, due in part to the degraded nature of the DNA and possibly also to a truncation in the katG gene, which formed part of the classification scheme. Spoligotyping resulted in amplification of DR spacers consistent with M. tuberculosis but with discrepancies between independent extracts, stressing the limitations of this typing method when applied to poorly preserved material.
Molecular analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA from a family of 18th century Hungarians
The naturally mummified remains of a mother and two daughters found in an 18th century Hungarian crypt were analysed, using multiple molecular genetic techniques to examine the epidemiology and evolution of tuberculosis. DNA was amplified from a number of targets on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome, including DNA from IS6110, gyrA, katG codon 463, oxyR, dnaA–dnaN, mtp40, plcD and the direct repeat (DR) region. The strains present in the mummified remains were identified as M. tuberculosis and not Mycobacterium bovis, from katG and gyrA genotyping, PCR from the oxyR and mtp40 loci, and spoligotyping. Spoligotyping divided the samples into two strain types, and screening for a deletion in the MT1801–plcD region initially divided the strains into three types. Further investigation showed, however, that an apparent deletion was due to poor DNA preservation. By comparing the effect of PCR target size on the yield of amplicon, a clear difference was shown between 18th century and modern M. tuberculosis DNA. A two-centre system was used to confirm the findings of this study, which clearly demonstrate the value of using molecular genetic techniques to study historical cases of tuberculosis and the care required in drawing conclusions. The genotyping and spoligotyping results are consistent with the most recent theory of the evolution and spread of the modern tuberculosis epidemic.
The evolution of bacterial LuxI and LuxR quorum sensing regulators
More LessQuorum sensing is a widespread form of bacterial communication in which individual cells produce and respond to specific N-acyl homoserine lactone signal metabolites. The different autoinducer synthases that generate these signals and the receptor/activator proteins that mediate the cell’s response to them constitute evolutionarily conserved families of regulatory proteins known as the LuxI and LuxR families, respectively. We have performed a phylogenetic analysis of 76 individual LuxI and LuxR homologues present in diverse members of the Gram-negative Proteobacteria. The results were consistent with an early origin for these regulators during the evolution of the Proteobacteria, with functional pairs of luxI and luxR genes possibly coevolving as regulatory cassettes. In many cases, specific LuxI and LuxR family members appeared to have been inherited horizontally. In particular, those species containing multiple LuxI and/or LuxR homologues usually appeared to have obtained each individual homologue or functional pair of homologues from an independent source. Because multiple homologues interact to form regulatory cascades, this finding suggests that hierarchical signalling pathways can potentially evolve by the sequential integration of pre-existing regulatory circuits acquired from diverse sources.
Rapid phenotypic change and diversification of a soil bacterium during 1000 generations of experimental evolution
More LessEvolutionary pathways open to even relatively simple organisms, such as bacteria, may lead to complex and unpredictable phenotypic changes, both adaptive and non-adaptive. The evolutionary pathways taken by 18 populations of Ralstonia strain TFD41 while they evolved in defined environments for 1000 generations were examined. Twelve populations evolved in liquid media, while six others evolved on agar surfaces. Phenotypic analyses of these derived populations identified some changes that were consistent across all populations and others that differed among them. The evolved populations all exhibited morphological changes in their cell envelopes, including reductions of the capsule in each population and reduced prostheca-like surface structures in most populations. Mean cell length increased in most populations (in one case by more than fourfold), although a few populations evolved shorter cells. Carbon utilization profiles were variable among the evolved populations, but two distinct patterns were correlated with genetic markers introduced at the outset of the experiment. Fatty acid methyl ester composition was less variable across populations, but distinct patterns were correlated with the two physical environments. All 18 populations evolved greatly increased sensitivity to bile salts, and all but one had increased adhesion to sand; both patterns consistent with changes in the outer envelope. This phenotypic diversity contrasts with the fairly uniform increases in competitive fitness observed in all populations. This diversity may represent a set of equally probable adaptive solutions to the selective environment; it may also arise from the chance fixation of non-adaptive mutations that hitchhiked with a more limited set of beneficial mutations.