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Novel strains, 3B and 7B, were isolated from the oral cavities of young chicks of yellow-eyed penguins (hoiho), . A polyphasic taxonomic characterization of these strains revealed chemotaxonomic, biochemical and morphological features that are consistent with those of the genus . The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values between the strains and their closest phylogenetic neighbour, CCUG 47525 were 99.07 %, values that are in line with their phylogenomic positions within the evolutionary radiation of the genus . Digital DNA–DNA hybridization values and average nucleotide identities between the genome sequences of the two strains and related species were well below the defined threshold values (70 and 95–96 %, respectively) for prokaryotic species delineation. The genome size of these strains varied between 2.45–2.46 Mb with G+C content 62.7–62.9 mol%. Strains 3B and 7B were Gram-stain positive bacilli that were able to grow in presence of 0–10 % (w/v) NaCl and at temperature ranging between 20–37 °C. The major fatty acids (>15 %) were C and C 9, and the mycolic acid profile included 32–36 carbon atoms. We propose that these strains represent a novel species, sp. nov. with 3B (=DSM 111184=NZRM 4755) as the type strain. Phylogenomically, strains 3B and 7B belong to two lineages with subtle differences in MALDI-TOF spectra, chemotaxonomic profiles and phenotypic properties. The fatty acid profile of strain 3B contains C as a predominant type (>15 %), which is a minor component in strain 7B. Strain 7B can oxidize -acetyl--glucosamine, -serine, α-hydroxy-butyric acid, -malic acid, -glutamic acid, bromo-succinic acid and -lactic acid, characteristics not observed in strain 3B. Therefore, we propose that these strains represent two subspecies, namely subsp. subsp. nov. (type strain, 3B=DSM 111184=NZRM 4755) and subsp. subsp. nov. (type strain, 7B=DSM 111183=NZRM 4756).

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This article was made open access via a Publish and Read agreement between the Microbiology Society and the corresponding author’s institution.

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