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This paper re-examines the taxonomic positions of recently described ( and ), (‘), (‘’) and (, ) species, and other species proposed to represent novel genera highly related to the genus . Phylogenomic and several overall genome relatedness indices (OGRIs) were applied to a total of 118 representative genomes for this purpose. Phylogenomic analyses demonstrated the clade to be distinct from other , clearly defined and containing closely related species. and did not cluster with other members of these proposed genera, indicating incoherence of these genera. Every OGRI measure applied indicated a high level of relatedness among all clade species, including the recently described taxa studied here, and substantially lower between type species representatives for other Where published guidelines were available, OGRI values for clade species were either unsupportive of division into other genera or were at the lowest boundary range (for average amino acid identity). We propose that , , , , and be considered members of a single genus, , and subsequently transfer , , ‘’ and ‘’ to as comb. nov., comb. nov., comb. nov. and comb. nov.


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