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Two strains of Gram-negative, anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria, from an abundant but uncharacterized rumen bacterial group of the order ‘, were phylogenetically and phenotypically characterized. These strains, designated R-7 and WTE2008, shared 98.6–99.0 % sequence identity between their 16S rRNA gene sequences. R-7 and WTE2008 clustered together on a distinct branch from other strains and had <88.1 % sequence identity to the closest type-strain sequence from NSJ-44. The genome sequences of R-7 and WTE2008 had 83.6 % average nucleotide identity to each other, and taxonomic assignment using the Genome Taxonomy Database indicates these are separate species within a novel family of the order ‘’. Cells of R-7 and WTE2008 lacked any obvious appendages and their cell wall ultra-structures were characteristic of Gram-negative bacteria. The five most abundant cellular fatty acids of both strains were C, C iso, C anteiso, C and C anteiso. The strains used a wide range of the 23 soluble carbon sources tested, and grew best on cellobiose, but not on sugar-alcohols. Xylan and pectin were fermented by both strains, but not cellulose. Acetate, hydrogen, ethanol and lactate were the major fermentation end products. R-7 produced considerably more hydrogen than WTE2008, which produced more lactate. Based on these analyses, fam. nov. and gen. nov., with type species sp. nov., are proposed. Strains R-7 (=DSM 112795=JCM 34733) and WTE2008 (=DSM 112788=JCM 34734) are the proposed type strains for sp. nov. and sp. nov., respectively.

This study was supported by the:
  • Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment (Award C10X1702)
    • Principle Award Recipient: NotApplicable
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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