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Two strains of lactic acid bacteria, designated Hs20B0-1 and Hs30E4-3, were isolated from the gut of the damp-wood termite . These strains were characterized genetically and phenotypically. Strain Hs20B0-1 was related to DSM 6634 showing 96.3 and 84.2 % sequence similarity in 16S rRNA gene and gene sequences, respectively. Strain Hs30E4-3 was related to DSM 20686 showing 94.8 and 82.2 % sequence similarity in 16S rRNA gene and gene sequences, respectively. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strains Hs20B0-1 and Hs30E4-3 was 95.7 %. Furthermore, genomic comparisons using pairwise average nucleotide identity (ANI) and digital DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) analyses between strain Hs20B0-1 and DSM 6634 resulted in values of 73.5 and 20.1 %, respectively. Strain Hs30E4-3 had 72.8 % ANI similarity and 21.3 % DDH similarity to DSM 20686. Strains Hs20B0-1 and Hs30E4-3 had 75.4 % ANI similarity and 21.1 % DDH similarity to each other. The cell-wall peptidoglycan types of strains Hs20B0-1 and Hs30E4-3 were A4α, Lys-Asp and A3α, Lys–Thr–Ala, respectively. The two strains, Hs20B0-1 and Hs30E4-3, are distinguishable from each other and other established species phylogenetically and phenotypically. In conclusion, two novel species of the genus are proposed, namely Hs20B0-1 (=JCM 33485=DSM 110147) and Hs30E4-3 (=JCM 33486=DSM 110148), respectively.

Keyword(s): rpoB and termite
This study was supported by the:
  • Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (Award JP19gm6010007)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Mitsuo Sakamoto
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Award 17H01447, 19H05689, 19H05679)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Moriya Ohkuma
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Award 17K07555, 19K06334)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Satoko Noda

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