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Graphical abstracts

Graphical abstracts are a single image that encompasses the central message of the paper. These are produced by the author, are voluntary, and are requested at the revision stage.

The image needs to be simple, clear, and easily understood by the reader. Please ensure that your image is original unless you have received permission to reuse or adapt the original.

These will be used as an interactive way to publicise your paper and will be placed in the table of contents, the online version of the manuscript and used for social media promotion. We recommend you make them colourful and informative to attract readers.

Please follow the instructions for authors regarding figures here.

You can add a short description of your graphical abstract which will go in the online version of the paper. This should be titled 'Graphical Abstract' and use approximately 30 words to describe the image.

Example of a graphical abstract:

Formation of attaching and effacing lesions on intestinal epithelia by E. coli O157:H7. The LEE-encoded T3SS injects effectors into enterocytes, including the translocated intimin receptor Tir.

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