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X-AMR, a pop-up journal

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the scope for X-AMR?

Any high-quality work that includes or uses a cross-disciplinary approach to investigate any aspect of AMR will be considered for publication in X-AMR.

We are especially keen to encourage submissions in the following areas:

  • Resistance to antimicrobials, antifungals or antivirals
  • Diagnostics and therapeutics (novel, combination and alternative)
  • Epidemiology and infection control
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Stewardship and surveillance
  • Pharmacokinetic behaviour and pharmacodynamics
  • Environment and ecology of resistance
  • Societal, cultural or economic determinants
  • Veterinary, One Health and agricultural dimensions
  • Policy and regulatory perspectives
  • Genomic and microbiological studies

We will publish reviews, mini-reviews, research articles, methods articles and commentaries.

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2. Where will my article be published?

X-AMR articles will be published in one of our peer-reviewed journals and collected on the  X-AMR page.

For more details about the participating Society journals, follow the links below:

Accepted articles will be published with a DOI and be citable in the usual way. We will also make all X-AMR articles free-to-read, boosting the profile and accessibility of your work. There are no submission, page or colour charges on any of our journals.

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3. What is the submission process for X-AMR?

Simply choose the journal that best fits with your article and submit your work as normal through the journal’s online submission system, mentioning ‘Submission to X-AMR’ in the cover letter to help us assign it to the correct Editor. Any articles that are outside the typical scope of our journals, for example material sciences, should be submitted to Microbiology.

If your paper was commissioned by a Guest Editor, please also mention this in your cover letter.

To submit your AMR article, follow the appropriate journal link below:

4. How will peer review work?

After submission, articles for X-AMR will be assigned to an Editor with expertise in antimicrobial resistance for peer review, using our usual single-blind peer review process. The Editor will choose two Reviewers with appropriate expertise to assess your paper.

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5. Do I have to submit all my data?

While we encourage you to submit your data to a repository such as Figshare or Dryad, this is optional for articles published in Microbiology, Journal of General Virology or Journal of Medical Microbiology. Microbial Genomics does require authors to submit their data. For details, see the Microbial Genomics FAQs.

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6. Do I have to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC)?

If you submit your article to Microbiology, Journal of General Virology or Journal of Medical Microbiology, you can choose to publish as normal without paying any submission or publication fees. However, if you select the Open Access option through OpenMicrobiology, the APC charge of £2100 will apply.

If you submit your article to Microbial Genomics, a Gold Open Access journal, you will be asked to pay the APC of £700. Your article will be published under a CC-BY-NC licence as standard for Microbial Genomics. If your funder mandates it, your article can also be published under a CC-BY license.

There is no APC or any other charge for commissioned articles, in any journal, and all articles published in X-AMR will be free-to-read, boosting the profile and accessibility of your work.

For questions about licences, see our Open Access policy.

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7. What if I have any other questions?

More information can be found in the journals’ 'About' pages and our Information for Authors. You can also contact the Editorial Office directly via email: [email protected]

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