
Symbiosis has played a key role in the evolution of life on Earth. Symbiotic mergers of once independent species drove the origin of eukaryotes. Moreover, symbiosis has enabled many species to gain novel functions and occupy new ecological niches, thus underpinning the functioning of diverse ecosystems. As endosymbionts, microbes provide their eukaryotic hosts with an array of ecological and physiological innovations, including new metabolic capabilities, such as autotrophy or nitrogen fixation, and protection against infections or environmental stressors. Microbial eukaryotes also commonly host their own endosymbionts, including bacteria and algae. Understanding the stability and resilience of symbioses is key to predicting the response of important ecosystems, such as coral reefs, to global change. Manipulating symbiotic associations also has far-reaching economic, environmental and medical implications, through the potential to improve crop productivity, reduce reliance on fertilisers, and control the insect vectors of infectious diseases.
This collection, guest edited by Professor Michael Brockhurst (University of Manchester) and Dr. Rebecca J Hall (University of Birmingham), will feature microbe-focused studies of symbiosis, ranging from the molecular mechanisms of host-symbiont interactions, their genetic and genomic diversity, to understanding the impacts of symbioses in natural and manmade ecosystems.
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 68 results
Approaching the domesticated plant holobiont from a community evolution perspective
More LessPlants establish a pivotal relationship with their microbiome and are often conceptualized as holobionts. Nonetheless, holobiont theories have attracted much criticism, especially concerning the fact that the holobiont is rarely a unit of selection. In previous work, we discussed how the plant microbiome can be considered to be an ‘ecosystem on a leash’, which is subject to the influence of natural selection acting on plant traits. We proposed that in domesticated plants the assembly of the plant microbiome can usefully be conceptualized as being subject to a ‘double leash’, which encompasses both the effect of artificial selection imposed by the domesticator on plant traits and the leash from the plant to the microbiome. Here we approach the domesticated plant holobiont, simply defined as a community of organisms, from a community evolution point of view, and show how community heritability (a measure of community selection) complements the ‘double-leash’ framework in providing a community-level view of plant domestication and its impact on plant–microbe interactions. We also propose simple experiments that could be performed to investigate whether plant domestication has altered the potential for community selection at the holobiont level.
Symbiont-mediated immune priming in animals through an evolutionary lens
More LessProtective symbionts can defend hosts from parasites through several mechanisms, from direct interference to modulating host immunity, with subsequent effects on host and parasite fitness. While research on symbiont-mediated immune priming (SMIP) has focused on ecological impacts and agriculturally important organisms, the evolutionary implications of SMIP are less clear. Here, we review recent advances made in elucidating the ecological and molecular mechanisms by which SMIP occurs. We draw on current works to discuss the potential for this phenomenon to drive host, parasite, and symbiont evolution. We also suggest approaches that can be used to address questions regarding the impact of immune priming on host-microbe dynamics and population structures. Finally, due to the transient nature of some symbionts involved in SMIP, we discuss what it means to be a protective symbiont from ecological and evolutionary perspectives and how such interactions can affect long-term persistence of the symbiosis.
Microbe Profile: Buchnera aphidicola: ancient aphid accomplice and endosymbiont exemplar
More LessBuchnera aphidicola is an obligate endosymbiont of aphids that cannot be cultured outside of hosts. It exists as diverse strains in different aphid species, and phylogenetic reconstructions show that it has been maternally transmitted in aphids for >100 million years. B. aphidicola genomes are highly reduced and show conserved gene order and no gene acquisition, but encoded proteins undergo rapid evolution. Aphids depend on B. aphidicola for biosynthesis of essential amino acids and as an integral part of embryonic development. How B. aphidicola populations are regulated within hosts remains little known.
The impact of intra-specific diversity in the rhizobia-legume symbiosis
More LessRhizobia - nitrogen-fixing, root-nodulating bacteria - play a critical role in both plant ecosystems and sustainable agriculture. Rhizobia form intracellular infections within legumes roots where they produce plant accessible nitrogen from atmospheric nitrogen and thus reduce the reliance on industrial inputs. The rhizobia-legume symbiosis is often treated as a pairwise relationship between single genotypes, both in research and in the production of rhizobial inoculants. However in nature individual plants are infected by a high diversity of rhizobia symbionts. How this diversity affects productivity within the symbiosis is unclear. Here, we use a powerful statistical approach to assess the impact of diversity within the Rhizobium leguminosarum - clover symbiosis using a biodiversity-ecosystem function framework. Statistically, we found no significant impact of rhizobium diversity. However this relationship was weakly positive - rather than negative - indicating that there is no significant cost to increasing inoculant diversity. Productivity was influenced by the identity of the strains within an inoculant; strains with the highest individual performance showed a significant positive contribution within mixed inoculants. Overall, inoculant effectiveness was best predicted by the individual performance of the best inoculant member, and only weakly predicted by the worst performing member. Collectively, our data suggest that the Rhizobium leguminosarum - clover symbiosis displays a weak diversity-function relationship, but that inoculant performance can be improved through the inclusion of high performing strains. Given the wide environmental dependence of rhizobial inoculant quality, multi-strain inoculants could be highly successful as they increase the likelihood of including a strain well adapted to local conditions across different environments.
R-type bacteriocins of Xenorhabdus bovienii determine the outcome of interspecies competition in a natural host environment
Xenorhabdus species are bacterial symbionts of Steinernema nematodes and pathogens of susceptible insects. Different species of Steinernema nematodes carrying specific species of Xenorhabdus can invade the same insect, thereby setting up competition for nutrients within the insect environment. While Xenorhabdus species produce both diverse antibiotic compounds and prophage-derived R-type bacteriocins (xenorhabdicins), the functions of these molecules during competition in a host are not well understood. Xenorhabdus bovienii (Xb-Sj), the symbiont of Steinernema jollieti, possesses a remnant P2-like phage tail cluster, xbp1, that encodes genes for xenorhabdicin production. We show that inactivation of either tail sheath (xbpS1) or tail fibre (xbpH1) genes eliminated xenorhabdicin production. Preparations of Xb-Sj xenorhabdicin displayed a narrow spectrum of activity towards other Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus species. One species, Xenorhabdus szentirmaii (Xsz-Sr), was highly sensitive to Xb-Sj xenorhabdicin but did not produce xenorhabdicin that was active against Xb-Sj. Instead, Xsz-Sr produced high-level antibiotic activity against Xb-Sj when grown in complex medium and lower levels when grown in defined medium (Grace’s medium). Conversely, Xb-Sj did not produce detectable levels of antibiotic activity against Xsz-Sr. To study the relative contributions of Xb-Sj xenorhabdicin and Xsz-Sr antibiotics in interspecies competition in which the respective Xenorhabdus species produce antagonistic activities against each other, we co-inoculated cultures with both Xenorhabdus species. In both types of media Xsz-Sr outcompeted Xb-Sj, suggesting that antibiotics produced by Xsz-Sr determined the outcome of the competition. In contrast, Xb-Sj outcompeted Xsz-Sr in competitions performed by co-injection in the insect Manduca sexta, while in competition with the xenorhabdicin-deficient strain (Xb-Sj:S1), Xsz-Sr was dominant. Thus, xenorhabdicin was required for Xb-Sj to outcompete Xsz-Sr in a natural host environment. These results highlight the importance of studying the role of antagonistic compounds under natural biological conditions.
Identification of Photorhabdus symbionts by MALDI-TOF MS
More LessSpecies of the bacterial genus Photorhabus live in a symbiotic relationship with Heterorhabditis entomopathogenic nematodes. Besides their use as biological control agents against agricultural pests, some Photorhabdus species are also a source of natural products and are of medical interest due to their ability to cause tissue infections and subcutaneous lesions in humans. Given the diversity of Photorhabdus species, rapid and reliable methods to resolve this genus to the species level are needed. In this study, we evaluated the potential of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for the identification of Photorhabdus species. To this end, we established a collection of 54 isolates consisting of type strains and multiple field strains that belong to each of the validly described species and subspecies of this genus. Reference spectra for the strains were generated and used to complement a currently available database. The extended reference database was then used for identification based on the direct transfer sample preparation method and the protein fingerprint of single colonies. High-level discrimination of distantly related species was observed. However, lower discrimination was observed with some of the most closely related species and subspecies. Our results therefore suggest that MALDI-TOF MS can be used to correctly identify Photorhabdus strains at the genus and species level, but has limited resolution power for closely related species and subspecies. Our study demonstrates the suitability and limitations of MALDI-TOF-based identification methods for assessment of the taxonomic position and identification of Photorhabdus isolates.
Genetic regulation, biochemical properties and physiological importance of arginase from Sinorhizobium meliloti
In bacteria, l-arginine is a precursor of various metabolites and can serve as a source of carbon and/or nitrogen. Arginine catabolism by arginase, which hydrolyzes arginine to l-ornithine and urea, is common in nature but has not been studied in symbiotic nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. The genome of the alfalfa microsymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 has two genes annotated as arginases, argI1 (smc03091) and argI2 (sma1711). Biochemical assays with purified ArgI1 and ArgI2 (as 6His-Sumo-tagged proteins) showed that only ArgI1 had detectable arginase activity. A 1021 argI1 null mutant lacked arginase activity and grew at a drastically reduced rate with arginine as sole nitrogen source. Wild-type growth and arginase activity were restored in the argI1 mutant genetically complemented with a genomically integrated argI1 gene. In the wild-type, arginase activity and argI1 transcription were induced several fold by exogenous arginine. ArgI1 purified as a 6His-Sumo-tagged protein had its highest in vitro enzymatic activity at pH 7.5 with Ni2+ as cofactor. The enzyme was also active with Mn2+ and Co2+, both of which gave the enzyme the highest activities at a more alkaline pH. The 6His-Sumo-ArgI1 comprised three identical subunits based on the migration of the urea-dissociated protein in a native polyacrylamide gel. A Lrp-like regulator (smc03092) divergently transcribed from argI1 was required for arginase induction by arginine or ornithine. This regulator was designated ArgIR. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that purified ArgIR bound to the argI1 promoter in a region preceding the predicted argI1 transcriptional start. Our results indicate that ArgI1 is the sole arginase in S. meliloti , that it contributes substantially to arginine catabolism in vivo and that argI1 induction by arginine is dependent on ArgIR.
Photorhabdus: a tale of contrasting interactions
More LessDifferent model systems have, over the years, contributed to our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning the various types of interaction between bacteria and their animal hosts. The genus Photorhabdus comprises Gram-negative insect pathogenic bacteria that are normally found as symbionts that colonize the gut of the infective juvenile stage of soil-dwelling nematodes from the family Heterorhabditis. The nematodes infect susceptible insects and release the bacteria into the insect haemolymph where the bacteria grow, resulting in the death of the insect. At this stage the nematodes feed on the bacterial biomass and, following several rounds of reproduction, the nematodes develop into infective juveniles that leave the insect cadaver in search of new hosts. Therefore Photorhabdus has three distinct and obligate roles to play during this life-cycle: (1) Photorhabdus must kill the insect host; (2) Photorhabdus must be capable of supporting nematode growth and development; and (3) Photorhabdus must be able to colonize the gut of the next generation of infective juveniles before they leave the insect cadaver. In this review I will discuss how genetic analysis has identified key genes involved in mediating, and regulating, the interaction between Photorhabdus and each of its invertebrate hosts. These studies have resulted in the characterization of several new families of toxins and a novel inter-kingdom signalling molecule and have also uncovered an important role for phase variation in the regulation of these different roles.
Adaptation to pH stress by Vibrio fischeri can affect its symbiosis with the Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes)
More LessMany microorganisms engaged in host-microbe interactions pendulate between a free-living phase and a host-affiliated stage. How adaptation to stress during the free-living phase affects host-microbe associations is unclear and understudied. To explore this topic, the symbiosis between Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) and the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri was leveraged for a microbial experimental evolution study. V. fischeri experienced adaptation to extreme pH while apart from the squid host. V. fischeri was serially passaged for 2000 generations to the lower and upper pH growth limits for this microorganism, which were pH 6.0 and 10.0, respectively. V. fischeri was also serially passaged for 2000 generations to vacillating pH 6.0 and 10.0. Evolution to pH stress both facilitated and impaired symbiosis. Microbial evolution to acid stress promoted squid colonization and increased bioluminescence for V. fischeri , while symbiont adaptation to alkaline stress diminished these two traits. Oscillatory selection to acid and alkaline stress also improved symbiosis for V. fischeri , but the facilitating effects were less than that provided by microbial adaptation to acid stress. In summary, microbial adaptation to harsh environments amid the free-living phase may impact the evolution of host-microbe interactions in ways that were not formerly considered.
Defining the requirements for the conjugative transfer of Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid pRleVF39b
More LessRhizobium leguminosarum strain VF39 contains a plasmid, pRleVF39b, which encodes a distinctive type of conjugation system (rhizobial type IVa) that is relatively widespread among rhizobial genomes. The cluster of genes encoding the transfer functions lacks orthologs to genes such as traCD, traF and traB, but contains 15 conserved genes of unknown function. We determined the importance of these genes in conjugation by constructing marked and unmarked mutations in each gene, and established that six genes, now designated trcA-F, played a significant role in plasmid transfer. Like the relaxase gene, traA, and the genes encoding the MPF system (trb genes), five of these genes, located in two divergently transcribed operons, are regulated by the Xre family repressor TrbR. The other gene, trcF encodes a protein with similarity to histidinol phosphatases, and its role in conjugation is unclear, but mutations in trcF are severely impaired for conjugation. TrcF does not play a role in regulation of other conjugation genes.
Polyamines produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm8530 contribute to symbiotically relevant phenotypes ex planta and to nodulation efficiency on alfalfa
More LessIn nitrogen-fixing rhizobia, emerging evidence shows significant roles for polyamines in growth and abiotic stress resistance. In this work we show that a polyamine-deficient ornithine decarboxylase null mutant (odc2) derived from Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm8530 had significant phenotypic differences from the wild-type, including greatly reduced production of exopolysaccharides (EPS; ostensibly both succinoglycan and galactoglucan), increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and decreased swimming motility. The introduction of the odc2 gene borne on a plasmid into the odc2 mutant restored wild-type phenotypes for EPS production, growth under oxidative stress and swimming. The production of calcofluor-binding EPS (succinoglycan) by the odc2 mutant was also completely or mostly restored in the presence of exogenous spermidine (Spd), norspermidine (NSpd) or spermine (Spm). The odc2 mutant formed about 25 % more biofilm than the wild-type, and its ability to form biofilm was significantly inhibited by exogenous Spd, NSpd or Spm. The odc2 mutant formed a less efficient symbiosis with alfalfa, resulting in plants with significantly less biomass and height, more nodules but less nodule biomass, and 25 % less nitrogen-fixing activity. Exogenously supplied Put was not able to revert these phenotypes and caused a similar increase in plant height and dry weight in uninoculated plants and in those inoculated with the wild-type or odc2 mutant. We discuss ways in which polyamines might affect the phenotypes of the odc2 mutant.
Bacteriophage acquisition restores protective mutualism
More LessInsects are frequently infected with inherited facultative symbionts known to provide a range of conditionally beneficial services, including host protection. Pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) often harbour the bacterium Hamiltonella defensa , which together with its associated bacteriophage A. pisum secondary endosymbiont (APSE) confer protection against an important natural enemy, the parasitic wasp Aphidius ervi. Previous studies showed that spontaneous loss of phage APSE resulted in the complete loss of the protective phenotype. Here, we demonstrate that APSEs can be experimentally transferred into phage-free (i.e. non-protecting) Hamiltonella strains. Unexpectedly, trials using injections of phage particles alone failed, with successful transfer occurring only when APSE and Hamiltonella were simultaneously injected. After transfer, stable establishment of APSE fully restored anti-parasitoid defenses. Thus, phages associated with heritable bacterial symbionts can move horizontally among symbiont strains facilitating the rapid transfer of ecologically important traits although natural barriers may preclude regular exchange.
Regulation of hsnT, nodF and nodE genes in Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 and their roles in the synthesis of Nod factors and in the symbiosis
Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT 899 possesses outstanding agronomic properties as it displays tolerance to environmental stresses, a broad host range and high effectiveness in fixing nitrogen with the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.); in addition, it carries intriguing features such as five copies of the regulatory nodD gene, and the capacity to synthesize a variety of nodulation factors (NFs), even in a flavonoid-independent manner, when submitted to abiotic stresses. However, the roles of several nod genes of the repertoire of CIAT 899 remain to be determined. In this study, we obtained mutants for the hsnT, nodF and nodE genes of CIAT 899 and investigated their expression, NF structures and symbiotic properties. Either in the presence of the flavonoid apigenin, or of salt the expression of hsnT, nodF and nodE in wild-type CIAT 899 was highly up-regulated in comparison to the mutants of all five copies of nodD, indicating the roles that regulatory nodD genes play in the activation of hsnT, nodF and nodE; however, NodD1 was recognized as the main inducer. In total, 29 different NF structures were synthesized by wild-type CIAT 899 induced by apigenin, and 36 when induced by salt, being drastically reduced by mutations in hsnT, nodF and nodE, especially under osmotic stress, with specific changes related to each gene, indicating that the three genes participate in the synthesis of NFs. Mutations in hsnT, nodF and nodE affected differently symbiotic performance (nodule number and shoot dry weight), according to the host plant. Our results indicate that the expression of hsnT, nodF and nodE genes of CIAT 899 is mediated by nodD genes, and although these three genes do not belong to the main set of genes controlling nodulation, they contribute to the synthesis of NFs that will impact symbiotic performance and host specificity.
Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 copA gene plays a fundamental role in copper tolerance in both free life and symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris
Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 is a facultative symbiotic diazotroph able to deal with stressful concentrations of metals. Nevertheless the molecular mechanisms involved in metal tolerance have not been elucidated. Copper (Cu2+) is a metal component essential for the heme-copper respiratory oxidases and enzymes that catalyse redox reactions, however, it is highly toxic when intracellular trace concentrations are surpassed. In this study, we report that R. tropici CIAT 899 is more tolerant to Cu2+ than other Rhizobium and Sinorhizobium species. Through Tn5 random mutagenesis we identify a R. tropici mutant strain with a severe reduction in Cu2+ tolerance. The Tn5 insertion disrupted the gene RTCIAT899_CH17575, encoding a putative heavy metal efflux P1B-1-type ATPase designated as copA. Phaseolus vulgaris plants inoculated with the copA::Tn5 mutant in the presence of toxic Cu2+ concentrations showed a drastic reduction in plant and nodule dry weight, as well as nitrogenase activity. Nodules induced by the copA::Tn5 mutant present an increase in H2O2 concentration, lipoperoxidation and accumulate 40-fold more Cu2+ than nodules formed by the wild-type strain. The copA::Tn5 mutant complemented with the copA gene recovered the wild-type symbiotic phenotypes. Therefore, the copA gene is essential for R. tropici CIAT 899 to survive in copper-rich environments in both free life and symbiosis with P. vulgaris plants.
ngrA-dependent natural products are required for interspecies competition and virulence in the insect pathogenic bacterium Xenorhabdus szentirmaii
More LessXenorhabdus species are symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes and pathogens of susceptible insects. Nematodes enter insect hosts and perforate the midgut to invade the haemocoel where Xenorhabdus bacteria are released transitioning to their pathogenic stage. During nematode invasion microbes from the insect gut translocate into the haemocoel. Different species of nematodes carrying specific strains of Xenorhabdus can also invade the same insect. Xenorhabdus species thereby compete for nutrients and space with both related strains and non-related gut microbes. While Xenorhabdus species produce diverse antimicrobial compounds in complex media, their functions in insect hosts are not well understood. We show that Xenorhabdus szentirmaii produced ngrA-dependent antibiotics that were active against both gut-derived microbes and Xenorhabdus nematophila whereas antibiotics of X. nematophila were not active against X. szentirmaii . X. nematophila growth was inhibited in co-cultures with wild-type X. szentirmaii in medium that mimics insect haemolymph. An antibiotic-deficient strain of X. szentirmaii was created by inactivating the ngrA gene that encodes the enzyme that attaches the 4′ phosphopantetheinyl moiety to non-ribosomal peptide synthetases involved in antibiotic biosynthesis. X. nematophila growth was not inhibited in co-cultures with the ngrA strain. The growth of X. nematophila was suppressed in Manduca sexta co-injected with wild-type X. szentirmaii and X. nematophila . In contrast, growth of X. nematophila was not suppressed in M. sexta co-injected with the ngrA strain. Two unique compounds were detected by MALDI-TOF MS analysis in haemolymph infected with the wild-type but not with the ngrA strain. Finally, killing of M. sexta was delayed in insects infected with the ngrA strain. These findings indicate that in the insect host X. szentirmaii produces ngrA-dependent products involved in both interspecies competition and virulence.
Phylogenetic analyses of antibiotic-producing Streptomyces sp. isolates obtained from the stingless-bee Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae: Meliponini)
Many insects have been associated with actinobacteria in protective symbiosis where antimicrobial metabolites inhibit host pathogens. However, the microbiota of neotropical insects such as the stingless-bee Tetragonisca angustula is poorly explored. T. angustula is a meliponid bee widely distributed in Latin America, its honey is traditionally exploited because of its ethno-pharmacological properties and its antimicrobial activity has been demonstrated. Also, the well-structured nest of this species allows exploration of the microbiota of its different components. Even though Streptomyces spp. have been cultured from stingless-bees, little is known about their role in this insect–microbe relationship. In this study, we examined the association between culturable actinobacteria and T. angustula, and evaluated the isolates’ potential as antimicrobial producers. We isolated 51 actinobacteria from adult bees and different substrates of the hive of T. angustula (pollen and honey storage, garbage pellets and cerumen). We then performed a 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis that clusters the bacteria to previously described lineages of host-associated Streptomyces . In addition, all the isolates were classified according to their antibacterial activity against human pathogens, measured by a growth inhibition test based on diffusion in agar. More than 50 % of our isolates exhibit antimicrobial activity, mainly to Gram-positive bacteria and fungi and only two against Gram-negative bacteria. Additionally, we obtained electron micrographs of adult bees with what appears to be patches of hyphae with Streptomyces -like cell morphology on their body surface. Our results suggest that T. angustula possibly uptakes and transfers actinobacteria from the environment, acting as vectors for these potentially beneficial organisms. This research provides new insights regarding the microbiota associated with T. angustula and justify future studies exploring the full diversity of the microbial community associated with the hive and the possible exchange of microbes with the crops they pollinate.
Symbiont evolution during the free-living phase can improve host colonization
More LessFor micro-organisms cycling between free-living and host-associated stages, where reproduction occurs in both of these lifestyles, an interesting inquiry is whether evolution during the free-living stage can be positively pleiotropic to microbial fitness in a host environment. To address this topic, the squid host Euprymna tasmanica and the marine bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri were utilized. Microbial ecological diversification in static liquid microcosms was used to simulate symbiont evolution during the free-living stage. Thirteen genetically distinct V. fischeri strains from a broad diversity of ecological sources (e.g. squid light organs, fish light organs and seawater) were examined to see if the results were reproducible in many different genetic settings. Genetic backgrounds that are closely related can be predisposed to considerable differences in how they respond to similar selection pressures. For all strains examined, new mutations with striking and facilitating effects on host colonization arose quickly during microbial evolution in the free-living stage, regardless of the ecological context under consideration for a strain’s genetic background. Microbial evolution outside a host environment promoted host range expansion, improved host colonization for a micro-organism, and diminished the negative correlation between biofilm formation and motility.
Polyamines are required for normal growth in Sinorhizobium meliloti
More LessPolyamines (PAs) are ubiquitous polycations derived from basic l-amino acids whose physiological roles are still being defined. Their biosynthesis and functions in nitrogen-fixing rhizobia such as Sinorhizobium meliloti have not been extensively investigated. Thin layer chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses showed that S. meliloti Rm8530 produces the PAs, putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and homospermidine (HSpd), in their free forms and norspermidine (NSpd) in a form bound to macromolecules. The S. meliloti genome encodes two putative ornithine decarboxylases (ODC) for Put synthesis. Activity assays with the purified enzymes showed that ODC2 (SMc02983) decarboxylates both ornithine and lysine. ODC1 (SMa0680) decarboxylates only ornithine. An odc1 mutant was similar to the wild-type in ODC activity, PA production and growth. In comparison to the wild-type, an odc2 mutant had 45 % as much ODC activity and its growth rates were reduced by 42, 14 and 44 % under non-stress, salt stress or acid stress conditions, respectively. The odc2 mutant produced only trace levels of Put, Spd and HSpd. Wild-type phenotypes were restored when the mutant was grown in cultures supplemented with 1 mM Put or Spd or when the odc2 gene was introduced in trans. odc2 gene expression was increased under acid stress and reduced under salt stress and with exogenous Put or Spd. An odc1 odc2 double mutant had phenotypes similar to the odc2 mutant. These results indicate that ODC2 is the major enzyme for Put synthesis in S. meliloti and that PAs are required for normal growth in vitro.
Ultrastructural and microbial analyses of cellulose degradation in leaf-cutter ant colonies
More LessLeaf-cutter ants (Atta and Acromyrmex) use fresh leaves to cultivate a mutualistic fungus (Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) for food in underground gardens. A new ant queen propagates the cultivar by taking a small fragment of fungus from her parent colony on her nuptial flight and uses it to begin her own colony. Recent research has shown that the ants’ fungus gardens are colonized by symbiotic bacteria that perform important functions related to nitrogen fixation and have been implicated in contributing to plant biomass degradation. Here, we combine bacterial culturing in several media for counts and identification using the 16S rRNA gene with electron microscopy to investigate the process of cellulose degradation in the fungus garden and refuse dumps, and to assess the potential role of symbiotic bacteria. We show through electron microscopy that plant cell walls are visibly degraded in the bottom section of fungus gardens and refuse dumps, and that bacteria are more abundant in these sections. We also consistently isolated cellulolytic bacteria from all sections of fungus gardens. Finally, we show by culture-dependent and electron microscopy analysis that the fungus garden pellets carried by recently mated queens are colonized by fungus garden-associated bacteria. Taken together, our results indicate that cellulose is degraded in fungus gardens, and that fungus garden bacteria that may contribute to this deconstruction are vertically transmitted by new queens.
Physical contact and carbon transfer between a lichen-forming Trebouxia alga and a novel Alphaproteobacterium
More LessRecent progress in molecular techniques has begun to alter traditional recognition of lichens as symbiotic organisms comprised of a fungus and photosynthetic partners (green algae and/or cyanobacteria). Diverse organisms, especially various non-photosynthetic bacteria, are now indicated to be integral components of lichen symbiosis. Although lichen-associated bacteria are inferred to have functions that could support the symbiosis, little is known about their physical and nutritional interaction with fungi and algae. In the present study, we identified specific interaction between a lichen-forming alga and a novel bacterium. Trebouxia alga was isolated from a lichen, Usnea hakonensis, and kept as a strain for 8 years. Although no visible bacterial colonies were observed in this culture, high-throughput sequencing of DNA isolated from the culture revealed that the strain is composed of a Trebouxia alga and an Alphaproteobacterium species. In situ hybridization showed that bacterial cells were localized on the surface of the algal cells. Physiological assays revealed that the bacterium was able to use ribitol, glucose and mannitol, all of which are known to exist abundantly in lichens. It was resistant to three antibiotics. Bacteria closely related to this species were also identified in lichen specimens, indicating that U. hakonensis may commonly associate with this group of bacteria. These features of the novel bacterium suggest that it may be involved in carbon cycling of U. hakonensis as a member of lichen symbiosis and less likely to have become associated with the alga after isolation from a lichen.