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Spencerozyma pingqiaoensis sp. nov., a yeast species isolated from the external surface of rice leaves in China
Four strains (NYNU 178247 NYNU 178251 DMKU-PAL160 and DMKU-PAL137) representing a novel yeast species were isolated from the external surfaces of rice and pineapple leaves collected in China and Thailand. Phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit rRNA gene revealed that the novel species belonged to the genus Spencerozyma. The D1/D2 sequence of the novel species differed from its closest relative Spencerozyma acididurans SYSU-17T by 3.2 % sequence divergence. The species also differed from Spencerozyma crocea CBS 2029T and Spencerozyma siamensis DMKU13-2T by 3.0–6.9 % sequence divergence in the D1/D2 sequences out of 592 bp. In the ITS regions the novel species displayed 19.8–29.2% sequence divergence from S. acididurans SYSU-17T S. crocea CBS 2029T and S. siamensis DMKU13-2T out of 655 bp. Furthermore the novel species could also be differentiated from the closely related species by some physiological characteristics. The species name of Spencerozyma pingqiaoensis sp. nov. (Holotype CBS 15238 Mycobank MB 844734) is proposed to accommodate these four strains.