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Blastobotrys baotianmanensis sp. nov. and Blastobotrys xishuangbannaensis f.a., sp. nov., two novel yeast species associated with insects and rotting wood
Five yeast strains were isolated from the gut of the groundbeetle Pterostichus gebleri and rotting wood which were collected from two different localities in China. These strains were identified as representing two novel species of the genus Blastobotrys through comparison of sequences in the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rRNA gene and other taxonomic characteristics. Blastobotrys baotianmanensis sp. nov. produces two to three spherical ascospores per ascus and is most closely related to the type strains of B. elegans B. capitulata B. arbuscula and an undescribed species represented by strain BG02-7-20-006A-3-1. Blastobotrys baotianmanensis sp. nov. differed from these strains by 3.6–8.4 % divergence (21–46 substitutions and 0–4 gaps) in the D1/D2 sequences. Blastobotrys xishuangbannaensis f.a. sp. nov. is closely related to B. nivea B. elegans and B. aristata but the formation of ascospores was not observed on various sporulation media and it differed from its relatives by 6.2–8.5 % divergence (34–43 substitutions and 2–6 gaps) in the D1/D2 sequences. The holotype of Blastobotrys baotianmanensis sp. nov. is NYNU 1581 and the holotype of Blastobotrys xishuangbannaensis f.a. sp. nov. is NYNU 181030.