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Corrigendum: Identification and structural characterisation of a catecholate-type siderophore produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a
Idification and structural characterisation of a catecholate-type siderophore produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a
Siderophores are produced by several bacteria that utilise iron in various environments. Elucidating the structure of a specific siderophore may have valuable applications in drug development. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia a Gram-negative bacterium that inhabits a wide range of environments and can cause pneumonia produces siderophores. However the structure was unknown and therefore in this study we aimed to elucidate it. We purified siderophores from cultures of S. maltophilia K279a using preparative reversed-phase HPLC. The structure was analysed through LC-MS and 1H and 13C NMR. The results demonstrated that S. maltophilia K279a produces 23-dihydroxybenzoylserine (DHBS) a monomer unit of enterobactin. We suggested the uptake of Iron(III) by the DHBS complex. DHBS production by S. maltophilia K279a could be attributed to an incomplete enterobactin pathway. Drugs targeting DHBS synthesis could prevent S. maltophilia infection.
Fourteen novel lipomycetaceous yeast species isolated from soil in Japan and transfer of Dipodascopsis anomala to the genus Babjevia based on ascospore production phenotype
Fourteen novel lipomycetaceous yeasts species were isolated from soil samples collected from the Hokkaido Chiba and Okinawa prefectures of Japan. Phylogenetic analyses of the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit rRNAs and translation elongation factor 1 alpha genes (TEF1-α) revealed that five strains of two species from the soil in Furano-shi Hokkaido were related to Dipodascopsis anomala and 29 strains representing 12 species from soils in Kamogawa-shi Chiba and Iriomote Island Okinawa were in the Myxozyma clade. The two species of Dipodascopsis form globose or ellipsoid ascospores in their sac-like ascus and pseudohyphae. Furthermore these species produce ascospores in their pseudohyphae and do not produce an acicular ascus which is common among the three species including D. anomala. Therefore we propose transferring D. anomala to the genus Babjevia and amending Babjevia. Two novel species were described and included in the genus Babjevia: Babjevia hyphoforaminiformans sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 111233; MycoBank no. MB 829051) and Babjevia hyphasca sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 112965; MycoBank no. MB 829053). The 12 species in the Myxozyma clade produce neither ascospores nor pseudohyphae and have different characteristics in assimilating several carbon sources from each other. Thus we propose that the novel species of Lipomyces be classified as forma asexualis (f.a.). From Kamogawa-shi Chiba (19 strains representing five species): Lipomyces melibiosiraffinosiphilus f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 111411; MycoBank no. MB 829034) Lipomyces kiyosumicus f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 111424; MycoBank no. MB 829035) Lipomyces chibensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 111413; MycoBank no. MB 829036) Lipomyces kamogawensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 112967; MycoBank no. MB 829037) Lipomyces amatsuensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 111420; MycoBank no. MB 829041). From Iriomote island Okinawa (10 strains representing seven species): Lipomyces taketomicus f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 112966; MycoBank no. MB 829042) Lipomyces yaeyamensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 110433; MycoBank no. MB 829050) Lipomyces iriomotensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 110436; MycoBank no. MB 829045) Lipomyces haiminakanus f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 110435; MycoBank no. MB 829046) Lipomyces komiensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 110440; MycoBank no. MB 829047) Lipomyces nakamensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 110434; MycoBank no. MB 829048) Lipomyces sakishimensis f.a. sp. nov. (holotype NBRC 110439; MycoBank no. MB 829049).