Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

Ebola first became headline news in 2014–2016 when it was transmitted throughout West Africa. In 2019, this severe and often fatal disease has once again been declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) with over 1700 deaths in this latest outbreak. With vaccines now available, this outbreak could be contained, but only with increased production and delivery of vaccines within the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This collection brings together articles from our portfolio of journals on Ebola virus disease. The Microbiology Society has made this content freely available in the interests of widest possible distribution of relevant research.
Collection Contents
Roles of YIGL sequence of Ebola virus VP40 on genome replication and particle production
More LessEbola virus (EBOV) VP40 is a major driving force of nascent virion production and a negative regulator of genome replication/transcription. Here, we showed that the YIGL sequence at the C-terminus of EBOV VP40 is important for virus-like particle (VLP) production and the regulation of genome replication/transcription. Accordingly, a mutation in the YIGL sequence caused defects in VLP production and genome replication/transcription. The residues I293 and L295 in the YIGL sequence were particularly critical for VLP production. Furthermore, an in silico analysis indicated that the amino acids surrounding the YIGL sequence contribute to intramolecular interactions within VP40. Among those surrounding residues, F209 was shown to be critical for VLP production. These results suggested that the VP40 YIGL sequence regulates two different viral replication steps, VLP production and genome replication/transcription, and the nearby residue F209 influences VLP production.
Regulation of Marburg virus (MARV) budding by Nedd4.1: a different WW domain of Nedd4.1 is critical for binding to MARV and Ebola virus VP40
More LessThe VP40 matrix protein of Marburg virus (MARV) has been shown to be the driving force behind MARV budding, a process in which the PPPY L-domain motif of VP40 plays a critical role. Here, we report that Vps4B and Nedd4.1 play critical roles in MARV VP40-mediated budding. We showed that unidentified activities of the Nedd4.1 HECT domain, along with its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, may be required for MARV budding. Moreover, we showed that the first WW domain of Nedd4.1, WW1, is critical for binding to MARV VP40, indicating that MARV VP40 and Ebola virus VP40 are recognized by a different WW domain of Nedd4.1. This is the first report showing that the viral L-domains containing PPxY have specificities for binding to WW domains. Our findings provide new insights into MARV budding, which may contribute to the development of novel anti-MARV therapeutic strategies.
The role of the Type I interferon response in the resistance of mice to filovirus infection
More LessAdult immunocompetent mice inoculated with Ebola (EBO) or Marburg (MBG) virus do not become ill. A suckling-mouse-passaged variant of EBO Zaire ’76 (‘mouse-adapted EBO-Z’) causes rapidly lethal infection in adult mice after intraperitoneal (i.p.) inoculation, but does not cause apparent disease when inoculated subcutaneously (s.c.). A series of experiments showed that both forms of resistance to infection are mediated by the Type I interferon response. Mice lacking the cell-surface IFN-α/β receptor died within a week after inoculation of EBO-Z ’76, EBO Sudan, MBG Musoke or MBG Ravn, or after s.c. challenge with mouse-adapted EBO-Z. EBO Reston and EBO Ivory Coast did not cause illness, but immunized the mice against subsequent challenge with mouse-adapted EBO-Z. Normal adult mice treated with antibodies against murine IFN-α/β could also be lethally infected with i.p.-inoculated EBO-Z ’76 or EBO Sudan and with s.c.-inoculated mouse-adapted EBO-Z. Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice became ill 3–4 weeks after inoculation with EBO-Z ’76, EBO Sudan or MBG Ravn, but not the other viruses. Treatment with anti-IFN-α/β antibodies markedly accelerated the course of EBO-Z ’76 infection. Antibody treatment blocked the effect of a potent antiviral drug, 3-deazaneplanocin A, indicating that successful filovirus therapy may require the active participation of the Type I IFN response. Mice lacking an IFN-α/β response resemble primates in their susceptibility to rapidly progressive, overwhelming filovirus infection. The outcome of filovirus transfer between animal species appears to be determined by interactions between the virus and the innate immune response.
Recombinant Ebola virus nucleoprotein and glycoprotein (Gabon 94 strain) provide new tools for the detection of human infections
After cloning and sequencing the glycoprotein (GP) gene of one of the Gabonese strains of Ebola virus isolated during the 1994–1996 outbreak, it was shown that the circulating virus was of the Zaire subtype. This was confirmed in this study by cloning and sequencing the nucleoprotein (NP) gene of this strain. These two structural proteins were also expressed as recombinant proteins and used in ELISA tests. NP was expressed as a His-tagged fusion protein in Escherichia coliand was purified on resins charged with nickel ions. GP was expressed by means of recombinant baculoviruses in Spodoptera frugiperda cells. Both recombinant proteins reacted positively in ELISAs for the detection of IgG antibodies in convalescent human sera from Gabon and Zaire. The difference in the relative titres of anti-NP and -GP antibodies was variable, depending on the sera. In addition, the recombinant NP reacted with heterologous sera from Cĉte d’Ivoire and was used successfully to detect IgM antibodies by μ-capture ELISA in sera from Gabonese patients.