Most Downloaded Articles of 2018

We are delighted to present a collection of the Microbiology Society’s most downloaded journal content from January–September 2018. This collection highlights the exciting and impactful research across the breadth of microbiology and is an easy way for you to quickly access the content your peers are reading.
Collection Contents
Evaluation of the genomic diversity of viruses infecting bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes using a common bioinformatic platform: steps towards a unified taxonomy
More LessGenome Relationship Applied to Virus Taxonomy (GRAViTy) is a genetics-based tool that computes sequence relatedness between viruses. Composite generalized Jaccard (CGJ) distances combine measures of homology between encoded viral genes and similarities in genome organizational features (gene orders and orientations). This scoring framework effectively recapitulates the current, largely morphology and phenotypic-based, family-level classification of eukaryotic viruses. Eukaryotic virus families typically formed monophyletic groups with consistent CGJ distance cut-off dividing between and within family divergence ranges. In the current study, a parallel analysis of prokaryotic virus families revealed quite different sequence relationships, particularly those of tailed phage families (Siphoviridae, Myoviridae and Podoviridae), where members of the same family were generally far more divergent and often not detectably homologous to each other. Analysis of the 20 currently classified prokaryotic virus families indeed split them into 70 separate clusters of tailed phages genetically equivalent to family-level assignments of eukaryotic viruses. It further divided several bacterial (Sphaerolipoviridae, Tectiviridae) and archaeal (Lipothrixviridae) families. We also found that the subfamily-level groupings of tailed phages were generally more consistent with the family assignments of eukaryotic viruses, and this supports ongoing reclassifications, including Spounavirinae and Vi1virus taxa as new virus families. The current study applied a common benchmark with which to compare taxonomies of eukaryotic and prokaryotic viruses. The findings support the planned shift away from traditional morphology-based classifications of prokaryotic viruses towards a genome-based taxonomy. They demonstrate the feasibility of a unified taxonomy of viruses into which the vast body of metagenomic viral sequences may be consistently assigned.
Genomic epidemiology of the commercially important pathogen Renibacterium salmoninarum within the Chilean salmon industry
Renibacterium salmoninarum is the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD), which is a commercially important disease of farmed salmonids. Typing by conventional methods provides limited information on the evolution and spread of this pathogen, as there is a low level of standing variation within the R. salmoninarum population. Here, we apply whole-genome sequencing to 42 R. salmoninarum isolates from Chile, primarily from salmon farms, in order to understand the epidemiology of BKD in this country. The patterns of genomic variation are consistent with multiple introductions to Chile, followed by rapid dissemination over a 30 year period. The estimated dates of introduction broadly coincide with major events in the development of the Chilean aquaculture industry. We find evidence for significant barriers to transmission of BKD in the Chilean salmon production chain that may also be explained by previously undescribed signals of host tropism in R. salmoninarum. Understanding the genomic epidemiology of BKD can inform disease intervention and improve sustainability of the economically important salmon industry. This article contains data hosted by Microreact.
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
More LessAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global public-health emergency, which threatens the advances made by modern medical care over the past century. The World Health Organization has recently published a global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which includes extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. In this review, we highlight the mechanisms of resistance and the genomic epidemiology of these organisms, and the impact of AMR.
Using average nucleotide identity to improve taxonomic assignments in prokaryotic genomes at the NCBI
Average nucleotide identity analysis is a useful tool to verify taxonomic identities in prokaryotic genomes, for both complete and draft assemblies. Using optimum threshold ranges appropriate for different prokaryotic taxa, we have reviewed all prokaryotic genome assemblies in GenBank with regard to their taxonomic identity. We present the methods used to make such comparisons, the current status of GenBank verifications, and recent developments in confirming species assignments in new genome submissions.
Polynucleobacter meluiroseus sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from a lake located in the mountains of the Mediterranean island of Corsica
More LessStrain AP-Melu-1000-B4 was isolated from a lake located in the mountains of the Mediterranean island of Corsica (France). Phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genomic traits were investigated. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing referred the strain to the cryptic species complex PnecC within the genus Polynucleobacter . The strain encoded genes for biosynthesis of proteorhodopsin and retinal. When pelleted by centrifugation the strain showed an intense rose colouring. Major fatty acids were C16 : 1ω7c, C16 : 0, C18 : 1ω7c and summed feature 2 (C16 : 1 isoI and C14 : 0-3OH). The sequence of the 16S rRNA gene contained an indel which was not present in any previously described Polynucleobacter species. Genome sequencing revealed a genome size of 1.89 Mbp and a G+C content of 46.6 mol%. In order to resolve the phylogenetic position of the new strain within subcluster PnecC, its phylogeny was reconstructed from sequences of 319 shared genes. To represent all currently described Polynucleobacter species by whole genome sequences, three type strains were additionally sequenced. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that strain AP-Melu-100-B4 occupied a basal position compared with previously described PnecC strains. Pairwise determined whole genome average nucleotide identity (gANI) values suggested that strain AP-Melu-1000-B4 represents a new species, for which we propose the name Polynucleobacter meluiroseus sp. nov. with the type strain AP-Melu-1000-B4T (=DSM 103591T=CIP 111329T)
Expanding an expanded genome: long-read sequencing of Trypanosoma cruzi
Although the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, was first made available in 2005, with additional strains reported later, the intrinsic genome complexity of this parasite (the abundance of repetitive sequences and genes organized in tandem) has traditionally hindered high-quality genome assembly and annotation. This also limits diverse types of analyses that require high degrees of precision. Long reads generated by third-generation sequencing technologies are particularly suitable to address the challenges associated with T. cruzi’s genome since they permit direct determination of the full sequence of large clusters of repetitive sequences without collapsing them. This, in turn, not only allows accurate estimation of gene copy numbers but also circumvents assembly fragmentation. Here, we present the analysis of the genome sequences of two T. cruzi clones: the hybrid TCC (TcVI) and the non-hybrid Dm28c (TcI), determined by PacBio Single Molecular Real-Time (SMRT) technology. The improved assemblies herein obtained permitted us to accurately estimate gene copy numbers, abundance and distribution of repetitive sequences (including satellites and retroelements). We found that the genome of T. cruzi is composed of a ‘core compartment’ and a ‘disruptive compartment’ which exhibit opposite GC content and gene composition. Novel tandem and dispersed repetitive sequences were identified, including some located inside coding sequences. Additionally, homologous chromosomes were separately assembled, allowing us to retrieve haplotypes as separate contigs instead of a unique mosaic sequence. Finally, manual annotation of surface multigene families, mucins and trans-sialidases allows now a better overview of these complex groups of genes.
Gene drive inhibition by the anti-CRISPR proteins AcrIIA2 and AcrIIA4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Given the widespread use and application of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas gene editing system across many fields, a major focus has been the development, engineering and discovery of molecular means to precisely control and regulate the enzymatic function of the Cas9 nuclease. To date, a variety of Cas9 variants and fusion assemblies have been proposed to provide temporally inducible and spatially controlled editing functions. The discovery of a new class of ‘anti-CRISPR’ proteins, evolved from bacteriophage in response to the prokaryotic nuclease-based immune system, provides a new platform for control over genomic editing. One Cas9-based application of interest to the field of population control is that of the ‘gene drive’. Here, we demonstrate use of the AcrIIA2 and AcrIIA4 proteins to inhibit active gene drive systems in budding yeast. Furthermore, an unbiased mutational scan reveals that titration of Cas9 inhibition may be possible by modification of the anti-CRISPR primary sequence.
Laboratory challenges in the diagnosis of hepatitis E virus
More LessHepatitis E virus (HEV) is an RNA virus that is an important cause of both acute and chronic hepatitis worldwide. To date, there are eight HEV genotypes that can infect mammals. HEV-1 and HEV-2 infect exclusively humans, while HEV-3 and HEV-4 infect humans and various animals, mainly pigs and deer. Additionally, two new genotypes (HEV-5 and HEV-6) infect mainly wild boar. Recently, newly discovered genotypes HEV-7 and HEV-8 were found to infect camels and possibly humans. Nevertheless, the epidemiological distribution of HEV-7 is not well established. HEV-8 is another newly discovered genotype that was identified in 2016 in Chinese Bactrian camels. Although faecal–oral transmission is the most common route of HEV transmission, HEV can be vertically transmitted from infected mothers to their fetuses. HEV may also spread by zoonotic transmission from infected animals to humans and through person-to-person contact. Nowadays, since the number of reported cases linked to blood donations is increasing annually, HEV is recognized as a transfusion-transmitted virus. Laboratory diagnostic techniques vary in their specificity and sensitivity for HEV detection. Direct techniques allow for detection of the viral proteins, antigens and viral nucleic acid, while HEV-specific IgG and IgM antibodies can help establish a diagnosis in acute and chronic infections. In this review, we will discuss recent technologies in the laboratory diagnosis of HEV, including serological and molecular methods to assess the specificity and sensitivity of currently available HEV commercial assays.
Novel host restriction factors implicated in HIV-1 replication
More LessHuman immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) is known to interact with multiple host cellular proteins during its replication in the target cell. While many of these host cellular proteins facilitate viral replication, a number of them are reported to inhibit HIV-1 replication at various stages of its life cycle. These host cellular proteins, which are known as restriction factors, constitute an integral part of the host’s first line of defence against the viral pathogen. Since the discovery of apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme 3G (APOBEC3G) as an HIV-1 restriction factor, several human proteins have been identified that exhibit anti-HIV-1 restriction. While each restriction factor employs a distinct mechanism of inhibition, the HIV-1 virus has equally evolved complex counter strategies to neutralize their inhibitory effect. APOBEC3G, tetherin, sterile alpha motif and histidine-aspartate domain 1 (SAMHD1), and trim-5α are some of the best known HIV-1 restriction factors that have been studied in great detail. Recently, six novel restriction factors were discovered that exhibit significant antiviral activity: endoplasmic reticulum α1,2-mannosidase I (ERManI), translocator protein (TSPO), guanylate-binding protein 5 (GBP5), serine incorporator (SERINC3/5) and zinc-finger antiviral protein (ZAP). The focus of this review is to discuss the antiviral mechanism of action of these six restriction factors and provide insights into the probable counter-evasion strategies employed by the HIV-1 virus. The recent discovery of new restriction factors substantiates the complex host–pathogen interactions occurring during HIV-1 pathogenesis and makes it imperative that further investigations are conducted to elucidate the molecular basis of HIV-1 replication.
DNA extraction from primary liquid blood cultures for bloodstream infection diagnosis using whole genome sequencing
Purpose. Speed of bloodstream infection diagnosis is vital to reduce morbidity and mortality. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) performed directly from liquid blood culture could provide single-assay species and antibiotic susceptibility prediction; however, high inhibitor and human cell/DNA concentrations limit pathogen recovery. We develop a method for the preparation of bacterial DNA for WGS-based diagnostics direct from liquid blood culture.
Methodology. We evaluate three commercial DNA extraction kits: BiOstic Bacteraemia, Amplex Hyplex and MolYsis Plus. Differential centrifugation, filtration, selective lysis and solid-phase reversible immobilization bead clean-up are tested to improve human cells/DNA and inhibitor removal. Using WGS (Illumina/MinION), we assess human DNA removal, pathogen recovery, and predict species and antibiotic susceptibility inpositive blood cultures of 44 Gram-negative and 54 Staphylococcus species.
Results/Key findings. BiOstic kit extractions yield the greatest mean DNA concentration, 94–301 ng µl−1, versus 0–2.5 ng µl−1 using Amplex and MolYsis kits. However, we note higher levels of inhibition (260/280 ratio 0.9–2.1) and human DNA (0.0–4.4×106 copies) in BiOstic extracts. Differential centrifugation (2000 g , 1 min) prior to BiOstic extraction reduces human DNA by 63–89 % with selective lysis minimizing by a further 62 %. Post-extraction bead clean-up lowers inhibition. Overall, 67 % of sequenced samples (Illumina MiSeq) contain <10 % human DNA, with >93 % concordance between WGS-based species and susceptibility predictions and clinical diagnosis. If >60 % of sequencing reads are human (7/98 samples) susceptibility prediction becomes compromised. Novel MinION-based WGS (n=9) currently gives rapid species identification but not susceptibility prediction.
Conclusion. Our method for DNA preparation allows WGS-based diagnosis direct from blood culture bottles, providing species and antibiotic susceptibility prediction in a single assay.
Stress responses, outer membrane permeability control and antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacteriaceae
More LessBacteria have evolved several strategies to survive a myriad of harmful conditions in the environment and in hosts. In Gram-negative bacteria, responses to nutrient limitation, oxidative or nitrosative stress, envelope stress, exposure to antimicrobials and other growth-limiting stresses have been linked to the development of antimicrobial resistance. This results from the activation of protective changes to cell physiology (decreased outer membrane permeability), resistance transporters (drug efflux pumps), resistant lifestyles (biofilms, persistence) and/or resistance mutations (target mutations, production of antibiotic modification/degradation enzymes). In targeting and interfering with essential physiological mechanisms, antimicrobials themselves are considered as stresses to which protective responses have also evolved. In this review, we focus on envelope stress responses that affect the expression of outer membrane porins and their impact on antimicrobial resistance. We also discuss evidences that indicate the role of antimicrobials as signaling molecules in activating envelope stress responses.
Triggering the stringent response: signals responsible for activating (p)ppGpp synthesis in bacteria
More LessThe stringent response is a conserved bacterial stress response mechanism that allows bacteria to respond to nutritional challenges. It is mediated by the alarmones pppGpp and ppGpp, nucleotides that are synthesized and hydrolyzed by members of the RSH superfamily. Whilst there are key differences in the binding targets for (p)ppGpp between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial species, the transient accumulation of (p)ppGpp caused by nutritional stresses results in a global change in gene expression in all species. The RSH superfamily of enzymes is ubiquitous throughout the bacterial kingdom, and can be split into three main groups: the long-RSH enzymes; the small alarmone synthetases (SAS); and the small alarmone hydrolases (SAH). Despite the prevalence of these enzymes, there are important differences in the way in which they are regulated on a transcriptional and post-translational level. Here we provide an overview of the diverse regulatory mechanisms that are involved in governing this crucial signalling network. Understanding how the RSH superfamily members are regulated gives insights into the varied important biological roles for this signalling pathway across the bacteria.
Multi-clonal evolution of multi-drug-resistant/extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a high-prevalence setting of Papua New Guinea for over three decades
An outbreak of multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) has been reported on Daru Island, Papua New Guinea. Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains driving this outbreak and the temporal accrual of drug resistance mutations have not been described. Whole genome sequencing of 100 of 165 clinical isolates referred from Daru General Hospital to the Supranational reference laboratory, Brisbane, during 2012–2015 revealed that 95 belonged to a single modern Beijing sub-lineage strain. Molecular dating suggested acquisition of streptomycin and isoniazid resistance in the 1960s, with potentially enhanced virulence mediated by an mycP1 mutation. The Beijing sub-lineage strain demonstrated a high degree of co-resistance between isoniazid and ethionamide (80/95; 84.2 %) attributed to an inhA promoter mutation combined with inhA and ndh coding mutations. Multi-drug resistance, observed in 78/95 samples, emerged with the acquisition of a typical rpoB mutation together with a compensatory rpoC mutation in the 1980s. There was independent acquisition of fluoroquinolone and aminoglycoside resistance, and evidence of local transmission of extensively drug resistant (XDR) strains from 2009. These findings underline the importance of whole genome sequencing in informing an effective public health response to MDR/XDR TB.
The algal chloroplast as a synthetic biology platform for production of therapeutic proteins
More LessThe chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and other microalgae represents an attractive new platform for the synthesis of recombinant therapeutics using synthetic biology (synbio) approaches. Transgenes can be designed in silico, assembled from validated DNA parts and inserted at precise and predetermined locations within the chloroplast genome to give stable synthesis of a desired recombinant protein. Numerous recent examples of different therapeutic proteins produced successfully in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast highlight the potential of this green alga as a simple, low-cost and benign host. Furthermore, some of the features of the alga may offer additional advantages over more-established microbial, mammalian or plant-based systems. These include efficient folding and accumulation of the product in the chloroplast; a lack of contaminating toxins or infectious agents; reduced downstream processing requirements; the possibility to make complex therapeutics such as immunotoxins; and the opportunity to use the whole alga as a low-cost oral vaccine. In this paper we review the current status of algal chloroplast engineering with respect to therapeutic proteins. We also consider future advances in synbio tools, together with improvements to recipient strains, which will allow the design of bespoke strains with high levels of productivity.
Cell-wall recycling and synthesis in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa – their role in the development of resistance
More LessThe bacterial cell-wall that forms a protective layer over the inner membrane is called the murein sacculus – a tightly cross-linked peptidoglycan mesh unique to bacteria. Cell-wall synthesis and recycling are critical cellular processes essential for cell growth, elongation and division. Both de novo synthesis and recycling involve an array of enzymes across all cellular compartments, namely the outer membrane, periplasm, inner membrane and cytoplasm. Due to the exclusivity of peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell-wall, these players are the target of choice for many antibacterial agents. Our current understanding of cell-wall biochemistry and biogenesis in Gram-negative organisms stems mostly from studies of Escherichia coli. An incomplete knowledge on these processes exists for the opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this review, cell-wall synthesis and recycling in the various cellular compartments are compared and contrasted between E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Despite the fact that there is a remarkable similarity of these processes between the two bacterial species, crucial differences alter their resistance to β-lactams, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides. One of the common mediators underlying resistance is the amp system whose mechanism of action is closely associated with the cell-wall recycling pathway. The activation of amp genes results in expression of AmpC β-lactamase through its cognate regulator AmpR which further regulates multi-drug resistance. In addition, other cell-wall recycling enzymes also contribute to antibiotic resistance. This comprehensive summary of the information should spawn new ideas on how to effectively target cell-wall processes to combat the growing resistance to existing antibiotics.
Deciphering the unexplored Leptospira diversity from soils uncovers genomic evolution to virulence
Despite recent advances in our understanding of the genomics of members of the genus Leptospira, little is known on how virulence has emerged in this heterogeneous bacterial genus as well as on the lifestyle of pathogenic members of the genus Leptospira outside animal hosts. Here, we isolated 12 novel species of the genus Leptospira from tropical soils, significantly increasing the number of known species to 35 and finding evidence of highly unexplored biodiversity in the genus. Extended comparative phylogenomics and pan-genome analyses at the genus level by incorporating 26 novel genomes, revealed that, the traditional leptospiral ‘pathogens’ cluster, as defined by their phylogenetic position, can be split in two groups with distinct virulence potential and accessory gene patterns. These genomic distinctions are strongly linked to the ability to cause or not severe infections in animal models and humans. Our results not only provide new insights into virulence evolution in the members of the genus Leptospira, but also lay the foundations for refining the classification of the pathogenic species.
Implications of segment mismatch for influenza A virus evolution
More LessInfluenza A virus (IAV) is an RNA virus with a segmented genome. These viral properties allow for the rapid evolution of IAV under selective pressure, due to mutation occurring from error-prone replication and the exchange of gene segments within a co-infected cell, termed reassortment. Both mutation and reassortment give rise to genetic diversity, but constraints shape their impact on viral evolution: just as most mutations are deleterious, most reassortment events result in genetic incompatibilities. The phenomenon of segment mismatch encompasses both RNA- and protein-based incompatibilities between co-infecting viruses and results in the production of progeny viruses with fitness defects. Segment mismatch is an important determining factor of the outcomes of mixed IAV infections and has been addressed in multiple risk assessment studies undertaken to date. However, due to the complexity of genetic interactions among the eight viral gene segments, our understanding of segment mismatch and its underlying mechanisms remain incomplete. Here, we summarize current knowledge regarding segment mismatch and discuss the implications of this phenomenon for IAV reassortment and diversity.