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Iron (Fe), which is a necessary micronutrient for algal growth, plays an important role in the physiological metabolism and enzymatic reactions of algae. This study aimed to investigate the absorption process of four kinds of complexing iron absorbed by . Results showed that the absorptive capacity of to complex iron was inversely proportional to the stability of the complex bond of complex iron. Complex iron with weak binding ability can be quickly adsorbed by . The absorptive rate was as follows: ferric humate, ferric oxalate >ammonium ferric citrate >EDTA Fe. For EDTA-Fe with a strong binding ability, a moderate iron concentration (e.g. 0.6 mg l) is favourable for iron uptake by . Our experiments also revealed that the process of separating iron from complex iron before entering algal cells was probably as follows: iron complexed with organic ligands were firstly adsorbed on the surface of algae cells; afterwards, iron ions were captured by organic matter on the surface of algae cells, accompanied by the rupture of the bond between Fe and ligand; finally, the Fe entered into the cell of algae while the organic ligands returned to the medium.

This study was supported by the:
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 51708130)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Junxia Liu
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 51308131)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Zhihong Wang

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