Clinical Profiles

Formerly JMM profiles the Journal of Medical Microbiology is now publishing ‘Clinical Profiles’ in one of three categories; Pathogen Profile, Antimicrobial Profile and Diagnostic Profile. These articles will provide a brief summary review in each of these areas. The profiles are fully citable and will make an excellent resource for education or reference.
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 33 results
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: not a typical respiratory pathogen
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a leading cause of community-acquired pneumonia among school-aged children and young adults. Infections occur throughout the year but tend to surge during winter months across Europe. A characteristic epidemic cycle, where a substantial surge in the number of infections occurs, is seen approximately every 1–4 years and hypothesized to be driven by changes in immunity and a shift in circulating variants. Once thought to be an organism of low virulence, it has now been found to possess several virulence factors, including toxin production, biofilm formation and evasion of antibody-mediated immunity. The lack of a cell wall and reduced metabolic pathways limit the options for antibiotic treatment. Acquired macrolide resistance is a growing concern, with >80% of cases in China being macrolide-resistant. Although efforts have been made to develop a vaccine, there are still substantial hurdles to overcome in relation to vaccine-enhanced disease, which results from an inappropriate immune response among vaccinated individuals.
Infectious bronchitis virus: an overview of the “chicken coronavirus”
More LessInfectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious avian Gammacoronavirus that affects mainly chickens (Gallus gallus) but can circulate in other avian species. IBV constitutes a significant threat to the poultry industry, causing reduced egg yield, growth and mortality levels that can vary in impact. The virus can be transmitted horizontally by inhalation or direct/indirect contact with infected birds or contaminated fomites, vehicles, farm personnel and litter (Figure 1). The error-prone viral polymerase and recombination mechanisms mean diverse viral population results, with multiple genotypes, serotypes, pathotypes and protectotypes. This significantly complicates control and mitigation strategies based on vigilance in biosecurity and the deployment of vaccination.
Listeria monocytogenes: the silent assassin
More LessListeriosis is a foodborne infection in humans caused by Listeria monocytogenes. Consumption of contaminated food can lead to severe infection in vulnerable patients, that can be fatal. Clinical manifestations include sepsis and meningitis, and in pregnancy-associated infection, miscarriage and stillbirth. Diagnosis is confirmed by culture and identification of the pathogen from blood, cerebrospinal fluid, vaginal swab, placenta or amniotic fluid. Treatment regimens recommend amoxicillin, ampicillin or an aminoglycoside. Virulence factors mediate bacterial adhesion and invasion of gut epithelial cells. Other factors mediate biofilm formation and tolerance to low temperatures and high salt concentrations facilitating persistence and survival in the environment.
JMM Profile: Rift Valley fever: a zoonotic viral haemorrhagic disease
More LessRift Valley fever (RVF) is caused by infection with Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), a mosquito-borne RNA virus that affects both humans and livestock species. Humans can also acquire infection from contact with infected animals and contaminated bodily fluid. Veterinary vaccines are available for use in livestock, but no vaccines have been approved for humans to date. The virus is currently endemic in most sub-Saharan regions of Africa but numerous incursions into Middle Eastern countries and islands in the Indian Ocean, such as Mayotte (an overseas Department of France), have occurred in the past decade. The risk of further geographical expansion is high and therefore additional investigation is warranted to better understand disease transmission and pathogenic mechanisms to develop threat mitigation strategies.
Mycobacterium bovis and its impact on human and animal tuberculosis
More LessMycobacterium bovis belongs to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex pathogen group (MTBC), which includes M. tuberculosis . These organisms cause tuberculosis (TB), a disease characterized by the formation of tubercles and caseous necrosis in the lungs. M. bovis is the leading cause of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle and other domestic and wild animals. It also causes disease in humans (zoonotic TB). Other MTBC pathogens like M. caprae or M. orygis can also cause bTB. However, M. bovis is the focus of this review. In addition to direct health consequences, bTB has a significant global economic impact in developed and developing countries.
Avian reovirus: a furious and fast evolving pathogen
More LessAvian reoviruses (ARVs) have a significant economic impact on the poultry industry, affecting commercial and backyard flocks. Spread feco-orally, or vertically, many do not cause morbidity, but pathogenic strains can contribute to several diseases, including tenosynovitis/arthritis, which is clinically the most significant. The last decade has seen a surge in cases in the US, and due to ongoing evolution, seven genotypic clusters have now been identified. Control efforts include strict biosecurity and vaccination with commercial and autogenous vaccines. Research priorities include improving understanding of pathogenesis and developing new vaccines guided by ongoing molecular and serologic surveillance.
JMM Profile: Bacillus anthracis
More LessBacillus anthracis has a wide host range among warm-blooded animals and causes the disease anthrax. This manifests in localized forms (skin, alimentary) and as septicaemia, the latter typically being fatal. Bacillus anthracis forms robust and long-lived endospores, which constitute the environmental phase of its lifecycle and are the key infective agents. Elaboration of plasmid-encoded binary toxin complex and a capsule are fundamental to pathogenicity. Epidemiology in animals is typified by prolonged environmental quiescence and acute systemic disease. Human disease is non-contagious and derives usually from contact with livestock or animal products, although military or terrorist dispersal of spores remains a threat.
JMM Profile: West Nile virus
More LessWest Nile virus (WNV) is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family and is maintained in an enzootic cycle between avian hosts and mosquito vectors. Humans, horses and other mammals are susceptible to infection but are dead-end hosts due to a low viraemia. The disease can manifest itself in a variety of clinical signs and symptoms in people and horses from mild fever to severe encephalitis and morbidity. There are no vaccines licensed for human protection, but parts of Europe, North America, Africa and Australia have vaccines commercially available for horses.
JMM Profile: Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum, biovars Pullorum and Gallinarum
More LessSalmonella serovar Gallinarum has two distinct biovars, Pullorum and Gallinarum. They are host-adapted avian pathogens that infect a number of wild and domesticated species but they pose a particular threat to farmed and backyard chickens and turkeys. Both biovars cause invasive and septicaemic disease, often resulting in high mortality. Pullorum is transmitted in eggs and typically affects birds soon after hatch. Gallinarum may cause disease in any age of bird, which often progresses through mature flocks. The establishment of clean breeding stock has resulted in freedom from the pathogens in many countries although even in these territories sporadic incursions still occur.
JMM Profile: Usutu virus
More LessUsutu virus (USUV) is an emerging arbovirus belonging to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. It is maintained in an enzootic cycle, with mosquitos as the vector and birds as the main amplifying host. Humans, and other mammals such as horses, are dead-end hosts. The virus was originally detected in sub-Saharan Africa, but in the past two decades has spread across Europe. In certain bird species, such as the Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula), USUV is extremely virulent and can be fatal. Human infection is rare and often asymptomatic, but multiple short-term neurological diseases have been reported, highlighting its public-health risk.
JMM Profile: Sindbis virus, a cause of febrile illness and arthralgia
More LessSindbis virus (SINV) is the causative agent of a febrile infection commonly called Ockelbo disease, Pogosta disease or Karelian fever in northern Europe. Finland, Sweden, Russia and South Africa experience periodic SINV outbreaks. SINV is classified within the family Togaviridae and genus Alphavirus. Symptoms of SINV infection in humans include joint inflammation and pain, fever, rash and fatigue. In some cases, joint symptoms can persist for years after recovery from the initial infection. Clinical signs of SINV infection are rarely reported in animals, although infection in horses has been documented. There is no specific treatment or vaccination. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, particularly those belonging to the Culex genus, but Aedes, Culiseta or Mansonia species may also act as vectors. Wild birds act as amplifying hosts and are implicated in the long-distance spread of the virus.
JMM Profile: Swine influenza A virus: a neglected virus with pandemic potential
Swine influenza is an acute respiratory disease of swine caused by swine influenza A virus (SwIAV). The ability of SwIAV to spread bidirectionally from animals to humans (zoonotic), and from humans to animals (reverse zoonotic), drives coinfection that can result in gene segment exchange and elevates the risk of generating viruses with pandemic potential. Compared to human-origin influenza A viruses, current data indicate a greater diversity amongst circulating SwIAVs, with three major subtypes (classified by haemagglutinin and neuraminidase) circulating globally in swine (H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2). The lack of protection afforded by human seasonal influenza vaccines against SwIAVs exacerbates the risk associated with reassortment of human, swine and potentially avian viruses. As such, global monitoring of SwIAVs is important for both human and animal health as they represent a true ‘One Health’ challenge with pandemic potential.
JMM Profile: Bartonella bacilliformis: a forgotten killer
More LessBartonella bacilliformis causes Carrión’s disease, an infectious disease present in rural Andean areas of Peru and Ecuador. The disease has an acute and a chronic phase called Oroya fever and Peruvian wart, respectively. Oroya fever is potentially fatal if treated inadequately. Female Lutzomyia verrucarum, a phlebotomine sand fly endemic to South America, is the major vector. B. bacilliformis exhibits high susceptibility levels to a variety of antibacterial agents. B. bacilliformis is difficult to culture. Most endemic areas are remote with fragile health systems and poor communication. Thus, the true burden of the disease is difficult to ascertain.
JMM Profile: Japanese encephalitis virus: an emerging threat
More LessJapanese encephalitis (JE) is an infection that occurs predominantly in Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is transmitted by mosquito bites, with the main vector being Culex tritaeniorhynchus, and is maintained in enzootic cycles involving pigs, wild birds and mosquitoes. JE is caused by infection with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), a zoonotic pathogen that also causes disease in mammals such as pigs and horses. In humans, most symptoms are mild or flu-like but can progress to encephalitis. Pigs are considered amplification hosts, and sows may have gestational complications. Horses may exhibit neurological signs. Detection of the virus can be confirmed by serological or molecular laboratory tests. Vaccination offers protection against JEV infection in humans, pigs and horses. Whilst there is no effective treatment of JE, human cases may require hospitalization for supportive therapy, which may include administration of fluids, oxygen and medication to treat symptoms.
JMM Profile: Trichosporon yeasts: from superficial pathogen to threat for haematological-neutropenic patients
More LessTrichosporon yeasts are classical agents of superficial mycoses, and they are ranked as the first to second predominant basidiomycetous yeast able to cause invasive infections. The clinical presentation of Trichosporon infections varies with the affected anatomical site, with fungaemia present in the majority of invasive trichosporonosis cases. Only a limited number of antifungal compounds can be used to treat Trichosporon infections. Azoles are the first choice due to their intrinsic resistance to echinocandins. Better laboratory methods and up-to-date databases of commercial platforms are required to improve identification, susceptibility testing and surveillance of this potentially threating infection.
JMM Profile: Staphylococcus epidermidis
More LessStaphylococcus epidermidis is the most abundant commensal bacterium of human skin. Despite protecting us from foreign invaders, S. epidermidis itself exploits human vulnerability when given the opportunity. Such opportunities arise when patients are immunocompromised or when biomedical implants present an opportunity to colonize the surface and form biofilms. S. epidermidis is one of the most frequently isolated organisms from implanted devices and from bloodstream infections. However, S. epidermidis infections are often recalcitrant to antibiotics because of biofilm-associated antibiotic tolerance. Furthermore, the emergence and spread of nearly pan-resistant strains is a considerable health concern. Symptoms can be subclinical, making diagnosis challenging, and treatment with antibiotics is inefficient. For now, infection prevention remains the best strategy available.
JMM Profile: Brachyspira species: the causative agent of Avian Intestinal Spirochaetosis
More LessThe genus Brachyspira includes nine officially recognised species, several of which are pathogenic to mammals and birds. B. pilosicoli, B. intermedia, and B. alvinipulli are the causative agents of avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS), a gastrointestinal disease in poultry caused by the colonisation of the caeca and/ or colo-rectum by Brachyspira . AIS primarily affects layer hens and broiler breeders over the age of 15 weeks. The severity of symptoms can vary but typically presents as reduced growth rates, delayed onset of lay, reduced egg production, faecally stained eggs, and diarrhoea. This disease is estimated to cost the UK laying industry £18 million per annum. Brachyspira colonisation in humans is common in populations from developing countries and HIV-positive patients; however, it is rarely investigated as a human pathogen.
JMM Profile: Avian paramyxovirus type-1 and Newcastle disease: a highly infectious vaccine-preventable viral disease of poultry with low zoonotic potential
Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious disease of poultry caused by virulent avian paramyxovirus-1 (APMV-1) (previously termed avian avulavirus-1 and avian orthoavulavirus-1). APMV-1 is endemic in poultry in many developing countries, whilst outbreaks still occur in developed countries, affecting both commercial and backyard flocks. ND outbreaks can have substantial economic consequences due to high mortality rates and the imposition of trade restrictions. APMV-1 nucleic acid can be detected from swabs or tissues of suspected cases by PCR. Evidence of infection or vaccination may be demonstrated by the presence of specific antibodies against HN in serum samples. No anti-viral treatments exist, but vaccines are available, although there are currently concerns over their efficacy.
JMM Profile: Fosfomycin: a potential antibiotic for multi- and extensively resistant bacteria
More LessFosfomycin (FOF) is the first antimicrobial of the epoxide class. It is commercially available in oral and parenteral formulations. Oral FOF is widely used to treat uncomplicated cystitis in women, while parenteral FOF is extensively utilized for upper urinary tract infections. FOF has a broad-spectrum bactericidal activity with a low risk of cross-resistance to other antimicrobial classes. Therefore, parenteral FOF is increasingly prescribed adjunctive therapy to treat extra-urinary tract infections caused by multidrug-resistant, Gram-negative bacteria.
JMM profile: rifampicin: a broad-spectrum antibiotic
More LessRifampicin (also known as rifampin) inhibits RNA synthesis, and is used to treat tuberculosis, leprosy, staphylococcal infections and legionnaires’ disease. It can also protect at-risk populations from Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis . It is a polyketide antibiotic and is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines due to its critical importance to human medicine. The adverse effect of liver toxicity is controlled by testing during prolonged treatment regimes. Rifampicin’s red–orange colour can result in the colouration of sweat, tears and urine. Resistance to rifampicin arises from mutation of the target RNA polymerase or ADP ribosylation of the antibiotic or efflux. Mycobacteria may become singularly resistant to rifampicin or as part of multidrug or extensive drug resistance.