Knocking Out AMR

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of most urgent global threats to our healthcare systems, economies, the environment and animal health. Microbiologists in academic, industrial and clinical settings worldwide are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to tackle AMR. We believe now is the time to act and focus on an interdisciplinary, solutions-driven approach in a ‘One Health’ context. To this end, the Microbiology Society is launching the ‘Knocking Out AMR’ project, an ambitious, bold and extensive scheme of work aiming to promote feasible and effective solutions to AMR through cross-disciplinary and multi-sector collaboration worldwide.
To accompany this, we are building a Knocking Out AMR collection to serve as a central hub for the AMR content published in our portfolio. This page will soon be updated with new content as well as relevant research already published in our portfolio. In the meantime, check out our existing AMR collections: