Feed the World

With the United Nations' resolution to eliminate world hunger by 2030 and the globe's population heading towards nine billion, the agriculture industry needs to increase livestock production from the same, or less, land. Livestock uses the most agricultural land (80% including grazing land and cropland for feed). Africa and Asia are the continents with the largest share of the world's uncultivated land, but attempts to develop and expand current capacity in order to meet the growing food demand are halted by deadly killers in the form of viruses, bacterial and protozoan parasites. As such, this area of research is hugely important to ensuring the availability of food for the world’s population.
The ‘Feed the World’ collection brings together articles published across the journal portfolio, focussing on food security, and agriculture and livestock diseases that have an economic impact on humans and animals. Guest edited by Alison Mather (Quadram Institute) and Nigel French (University of New Zealand) for Microbial Genomics; Colin Crump (University of Cambridge) for Journal of General Virology, and Sharon Brookes (Animal Plant Health Agency) for Journal of Medical Microbiology.
This collection is now accepting submissions via any participating journal. Please indicate that your submission is part of the ‘Feed the World’ collection.
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 48 results
Parainfluenza virus 5 fusion protein maintains pre-fusion stability but not fusogenic activity following mutation of a transmembrane leucine/isoleucine domain
More LessThe paramyxoviruses Hendra virus (HeV) and parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) require the fusion (F) protein to efficiently infect cells. For fusion to occur, F undergoes dramatic, essentially irreversible conformational changes to merge the viral and cell membranes into a continuous bilayer. Recently, a transmembrane (TM) domain leucine/isoleucine (L/I) zipper was shown to be critical in maintaining the expression, stability and pre-fusion conformation of HeV F, allowing for fine-tuned timing of membrane fusion. To analyse the effect of the TM domain L/I zipper in another paramyxovirus, we created alanine mutations to the TM domain of PIV5 F, a paramyxovirus model system. Our data show that while the PIV5 F TM L/I zipper does not significantly affect total expression and only modestly affects surface expression and pre-fusion stability, it is critical for fusogenic activity. These results suggest that the roles of TM L/I zipper motifs differ among members of the family Paramyxoviridae.
Pectobacterium parvum sp. nov., having a Salmonella SPI-1-like Type III secretion system and low virulence
Pectobacterium strains isolated from potato stems in Finland, Poland and the Netherlands were subjected to polyphasic analyses to characterize their genomic and phenotypic features. Phylogenetic analysis based on 382 core proteins showed that the isolates clustered closest to Pectobacterium polaris but could be divided into two clades. Average nucleotide identity (ANI) analysis revealed that the isolates in one of the clades included the P. polaris type strain, whereas the second clade was at the border of the species P. polaris with a 96 % ANI value. In silico genome-to-genome comparisons between the isolates revealed values below 70%, patristic distances based on 1294 core proteins were at the level observed between closely related Pectobacterium species, and the two groups of bacteria differed in genome size, G+C content and results of amplified fragment length polymorphism and Biolog analyses. Comparisons between the genomes revealed that the isolates of the atypical group contained SPI-1-type Type III secretion island and genes coding for proteins known for toxic effects on nematodes or insects, and lacked many genes coding for previously characterized virulence determinants affecting rotting of plant tissue by soft rot bacteria. Furthermore, the atypical isolates could be differentiated from P. polaris by their low virulence, production of antibacterial metabolites and a citrate-negative phenotype. Based on the results of a polyphasic approach including genome-to-genome comparisons, biochemical and virulence assays, presented in this report, we propose delineation of the atypical isolates as a novel species Pectobacterium parvum, for which the isolate s0421T (CFBP 8630T=LMG 30828T) is suggested as a type strain.
Antimicrobial resistance in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli other than serotype O157 : H7 in England, 2014–2016
More LessIntroduction. Despite many ongoing surveillance projects and the recent focus on the veterinary and clinical ‘One Health’ aspects of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), evidence of the extent of any public health risk posed by animal reservoirs with respect to the transmission of resistant strains of Escherichia coli to humans remains varied and contentious. In the UK, the main zoonotic reservoir for the foodborne pathogen Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) is cattle and sheep. In this study, we adopt an alternative approach to the risk assessment of transmission of AMR E. coli from animals to humans, involving monitoring AMR in isolates of STEC, an established zoonotic, foodborne pathogen, from human cases of gastrointestinal disease.
Aim. The aim of this study was to determine the genome-derived AMR profiles for STEC from human cases to assess the risk of transmission of multidrug-resistant STEC from ruminants to humans.
Methodology. STEC belonging to 10 different clonal complexes (CCs) (n=457) isolated from human faecal specimens were sequenced and genome-derived AMR profiles were determined. Phenotypic susceptibility testing was undertaken on all isolates (n=100) predicted to be resistant to at least one class of antimicrobial.
Results. Of the 457 isolates, 332 (72.7 %) lacked identifiable resistance genes and were predicted to be fully susceptible to 11 classes of antimicrobials; 125/332 (27.3 %) carried 1 or more resistance genes, of which 83/125 (66.4 %) were resistant to 3 or more classes of antibiotic. The percentage of isolates harbouring AMR determinants varied between CCs, from 4% in CC25 to 100% in CC504. Forty-six different AMR genes were detected, which conferred resistance to eight different antibiotic classes. Resistance to ampicillin, streptomycin, tetracyclines and sulphonamides was most commonly detected. Four isolates were identified as extended-spectrum β-lactamase producers. An overall concordance of 97.7 % (n=1075/1100) was demonstrated between the phenotypic and genotypic methods.
Conclusion. This analysis provided an indirect assessment of the risk of transmission of AMR gastrointestinal pathogens from animals to humans, and revealed a subset of human isolates of the zoonotic pathogen STEC were resistant to the antimicrobials used in animal husbandry. However, this proportion has not increased over the last three decades, and thismay provide evidence that guidancepromoting responsible practice has been effective.
Using genomics to understand inter- and intra- outbreak diversity of Pasteurella multocida isolates associated with fowl cholera in meat chickens
More LessFowl cholera, caused by Pasteurella multocida, continues to be a challenge in meat-chicken-breeder operations and has emerged as a problem for free-range meat chickens. Here, using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and phylogenomic analysis, we investigate isolate relatedness during outbreaks of fowl cholera on a free-range meat chicken farm over a 5-year period. Our genomic analysis revealed that while all outbreak isolates were sequence type (ST) 20, they could be separated into two distinct clades (clade 1 and clade 2) consistent with difference in their lipopolysaccharide (LPS) type. The isolates from the earlier outbreaks (clade 1) were carrying LPS type L3 while those from the more recent outbreaks (clade 2) were LPS type L1. Additionally, WGS data indicated high inter- and intra-chicken genetic diversity during a single outbreak. Furthermore, we demonstrate that while a killed autogenous vaccine carrying LPS type L3 had been successful in protecting against challenge from L3 isolates it might have driven the emergence of the closely related clade 2, against which the vaccine was ineffective. The genomic results also revealed a 14 bp deletion in the galactosyltransferase gene gatG in LPS type L3 isolates, which would result in producing a semi-truncated LPS in those isolates. In conclusion, our study clearly demonstrates the advantages of genomic analysis over the conventional PCR-based approaches in providing clear insights in terms of linkage of isolate within and between outbreaks. More importantly, it provides more detailed information than the multiplex PCR on the possible structure of outer LPS, which is very important in the case of strain selection for killed autogenous vaccines.
Eliminating transmissibility of bovine spongiform encephalopathy by dry-heat treatment
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) prion is more resistant to heat inactivation compared to other prions, but the effect of heat inactivation has been reported to differ depending on the BSE-contaminated tissue state or heating type. We aimed to evaluate the secure level of inactivation of original BSE transmissibility by dry-heating. Cattle tissues affected with BSE were subjected to dry-heat treatment for 20 min at various temperatures ranging from 150 to 1000 °C. To assess the inactivation effect, we conducted protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) and follicular dendritic cell (FDC) assays in transgenic mice expressing bovine prion protein genes. Under dry-heating at 600 °C or higher, BSE cattle tissues lost their transmissibility in transgenic mice. In contrast, transmissibility was detected in the cattle tissues treated at temperatures of 400 °C or lower through the FDC assay combined with PMCA. In this study, we confirmed that transmissibility was eliminated in BSE-affected cattle tissues by dry-heating at 600 °C or higher.
Entomomonas moraniae gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Pseudomonadaceae isolated from Asian honey bee gut, possesses a highly reduced genome
More LessThe honey bee gut microbiota contains many bacterial lineages that are specific to this ecosystem. Apis cerana, raised across the Asian continent, is of great significance to the maintenance and development of ecology and agriculture in Asia. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of strain QZS01T from the gut of Apis cerana from Pingwu County, Sichuan Province, PR China. The results of phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequences showed that strain QZS01T forms a monophyletic group together with clone sequences derived from variable insect hosts, and it shows 92% sequence similarity to its closest relative, Pseudomonas knackmussii. Strain QZS01T possesses a reduced genome (3.3 Mbp; G+C content, 38.05 mol%) compared to all other Pseudomonas species, and the whole-genome based phylogenetic reconstruction showed that strain QZS01T represents a novel genus within the family Pseudomonadaceae. Strain QZS01T is a Gram-stain-negative facultative anaerobe. It grows on brain heart infusion agar and the energy sources utilized for growth are very limited. Based on the results of genotypic and phenotypic analyses, we propose a novel genus and species, Entomomonas moraniae gen. nov., sp. nov., with the type strain QZS01T (=CGMCC 1.13498T=KCTC 62495T).
Comparative evaluation of pathogenicity of three isolates of vesicular stomatitis virus (Indiana serotype) in pigs
Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is a notifiable disease of livestock affecting cattle, horses, pigs and humans. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) serotypes Indiana and New Jersey are endemic to Central America; however, they also cause sporadic and scattered outbreaks in various countries in South and North America, including the USA. In order to develop an effective experimental challenge model for VSV, we compared the pathogenicity of three VSV serotype Indiana isolates in 36 4–5 week-old pigs. Two bovine isolates of Central American origin and one equine isolate from the USA were used for the experimental infections. Each pig was inoculated with a single isolate by both the intradermal and intranasal routes. Clinical signs of VSV infection were recorded daily for 10 days post-inoculation (days p.i.). Nasal and tonsillar swab samples and blood were collected to monitor immune responses, virus replication and shedding. Post-challenge, characteristic signs of VS were observed, including vesicles on the nasal planum and coronary bands, lameness, loss of hoof walls and pyrexia. Pigs inoculated with the Central American isolates showed consistently more severe clinical signs in comparison to the pigs infected with the USA isolate. Genomic RNA was isolated from the original challenge virus stocks, sequenced and compared to VSV genomes available in GenBank. Comparative genome analysis demonstrated significant differences between the VSV isolate from the USA and the two Central American isolates. Our results indicate that the Central American isolates of VSV serotype Indiana used in this study are more virulent in swine than the USA VSV serotype Indiana isolate and represent good candidate challenge strains for future VSV studies.
Rift Valley fever: biology and epidemiology
More LessRift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis that was first discovered in Kenya in 1930 and is now endemic throughout multiple African countries and the Arabian Peninsula. RVF virus primarily infects domestic livestock (sheep, goats, cattle) causing high rates of neonatal mortality and abortion, with human infection resulting in a wide variety of clinical outcomes, ranging from self-limiting febrile illness to life-threatening haemorrhagic diatheses, and miscarriage in pregnant women. Since its discovery, RVF has caused many outbreaks in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula with major impacts on human and animal health. However, options for the control of RVF outbreaks are limited by the lack of licensed human vaccines or therapeutics. For this reason, RVF is prioritized by the World Health Organization for urgent research and development of countermeasures for the prevention and control of future outbreaks. In this review, we highlight the current understanding of RVF, including its epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and status of vaccine development.
Detection and quantification of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in blood from infected chickens – addressing challenges with detection of DNA from infectious agents in host species with nucleated red blood cells
Purpose. The present study aimed to establish pretreatment protocols as well as real-time and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodologies to detect and quantify Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (ER) DNA in blood samples from infected chickens, as tools for routine diagnostics and monitoring of experimental infections. Chicken blood is a problematic matrix for PCR analysis because nucleated erythrocytes contribute large amounts of host DNA that inhibit amplification.
Methodology. Using artificially spiked samples of fresh chicken blood, as well as blood samples from three experimental infection studies, the performance of pretreatment protocols, including choice of blood stabilization agent, centrifugation speeds and Ficoll gradient separation, was evaluated. The results were compared with those from traditional culture-based protocols combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS).
Results/Key findings. Simple preparations producing cell-free samples performed well on artificial spike-in samples, providing high sensitivity. However, performance was poor in clinical samples or artificial samples where the bacteria were incubated for 4 h or more in fresh blood prior to DNA extraction. In these samples, a Ficoll separation protocol that creates samples rich in lymphocytes, monocytes and thrombocytes prior to DNA extraction was far more effective.
Conclusions. Our results indicate that ER bacteria undergo rapid phagocytosis in chicken blood and that analysis of a blood fraction enriched for phagocytic cells is necessary for reliable detection and quantification. The presented results explain the poor performance of PCR detection reported in previously published experimental ER infection studies, and the proposed solutions are likely to have broader implications for PCR-based veterinary diagnostics in non-mammalian host species such as poultry and fish.
Endemic fluoroquinolone-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky ST198 in northern India
Salmonella e nterica serovar Kentucky is an emergent human pathogen. Human infection with ciprofloxacin-resistant S. enterica Kentucky ST198 has been reported in Europe and North America as a consequence of travel to Asia/the Middle East. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study reporting the identification of this epidemic clone in India and South Asia.
Minimal standards for the description of new genera and species of rhizobia and agrobacteria
Philippe M. de Lajudie, Mitchell Andrews, Julie Ardley, Bertrand Eardly, Estelle Jumas-Bilak, Nemanja Kuzmanović, Florent Lassalle, Kristina Lindström, Ridha Mhamdi, Esperanza Martínez-Romero, Lionel Moulin, Seyed Abdollah Mousavi, Xavier Nesme, Alvaro Peix, Joanna Puławska, Emma Steenkamp, Tomasz Stępkowski, Chang-Fu Tian, Pablo Vinuesa, Gehong Wei, Anne Willems, Jerri Zilli and Peter YoungHerein the members of the Subcommittee on Taxonomy of Rhizobia and Agrobacteria of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes review recent developments in rhizobial and agrobacterial taxonomy and propose updated minimal standards for the description of new species (and genera) in these groups. The essential requirements (minimal standards) for description of a new species are (1) a genome sequence of at least the proposed type strain and (2) evidence for differentiation from other species based on genome sequence comparisons. It is also recommended that (3) genetic variation within the species is documented with sequence data from several clearly different strains and (4) phenotypic features are described, and their variation documented with data from a relevant set of representative strains. Furthermore, it is encouraged that information is provided on (5) nodulation or pathogenicity phenotypes, as appropriate, with relevant gene sequences. These guidelines supplement the current rules of general bacterial taxonomy, which require (6) a name that conforms to the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes, (7) validation of the name by publication either directly in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology or in a validation list when published elsewhere, and (8) deposition of the type strain in two international culture collections in separate countries.
Pectobacterium polonicum sp. nov. isolated from vegetable fields
Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped pectinolytic bacteria strains designated as DPMP315T, DPMP316, DPMP317 and DPMP318 isolated from groundwater sampled from a vegetable field in the North of Poland, were subjected to the polyphasic analyses. Multilocus sequence analyses based on five housekeeping genes (gyrA, recA, recN, rpoA and rpoS) revealed their distinctiveness from the other species of the genus, simultaneously indicating that the newly described species, Pectobacterium punjabense , as well as Pectobacterium parmentieri and P. wasabiae , to be the closest relatives. In silico DNA–DNA hybridization (<43.1 %) and average nucleotide identity (<92.5 %) values of strain DPMP315T with other type strains of species of the genus Pectobacterium supported the delineation of the novel strain as representing a novel species. The phenotypic comparisons, fatty acid methyl esters compositions, genetic rep PCR fingerprint and detailed whole-cell MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry proteomic profiles permitted the differentiation of Polish strains from the type strains of all other known species of the genus Pectobacterium . The results of polyphasic analyses performed for four Polish strains are the basis for the distinction of the novel species. Here, we propose to establish DPMP315T as a type strain (=PCM3006T=LMG 31077T) with the name Pectobacterium polonicum sp. nov.
Antibiotic resistomes of healthy pig faecal metagenomes
More LessAntibiotic resistance reservoirs within food-producing animals are thought to be a risk to animal and human health. This study describes the minimum natural resistome of pig faeces as the bacteria are under no direct antibiotic selective pressure. The faecal resistome of 257 different genes comprised 56 core and 201 accessory resistance genes. The genes present at the highest relative abundances across all samples were tetW, tetQ, tet44, tet37, tet40, mefA, aadE, ant(9)−1, ermB and cfxA2. This study characterized the baseline resistome, the microbiome composition and the metabolic components described by the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways in healthy pig faeces, without antibiotic selective pressures. The microbiome hierarchical analysis resulted in a cluster tree with a highly similar pattern to that of the accessory resistome cluster tree. Functional capacity profiling identified genes associated with horizontal gene transfer. We identified a statistically significant positive correlation between the total antibiotic resistome and suggested indicator genes, which agree with using these genes as indicators of the total resistomes. The correlation between total resistome and total microbiome in this study was positive and statistically significant. Therefore, the microbiome composition influenced the resistome composition. This study identified a core and accessory resistome present in a cohort of healthy pigs, in the same conditions without antibiotics. It highlights the presence of antibiotic resistance in the absence of antibiotic selective pressure and the variability between animals even under the same housing, food and living conditions. Antibiotic resistance will remain in the healthy pig gut even when antibiotics are not used. Therefore, the risk of antibiotic resistance transfer from animal faeces to human pathogens or the environment will remain in the absence of antibiotics.
Characterization of Fowlpox virus in chickens and bird-biting mosquitoes: a molecular approach to investigating Avipoxvirus transmission
Avian pox is a highly contagious avian disease, yet relatively little is known about the epidemiology and transmission of Avipoxviruses. Using a molecular approach, we report evidence for a potential link between birds and field-caught mosquitoes in the transmission of Fowlpox virus (FWPV) in Singapore. Comparison of fpv167 (P4b), fpv126 (VLTF-1), fpv175–176 (A11R-A12L) and fpv140 (H3L) gene sequences revealed close relatedness between FWPV strains obtained from cutaneous lesions of a chicken and four pools of Culex pseudovishnui, Culex spp. (vishnui group) and Coquellitidea crassipes caught in the vicinity of the study site. Chicken-derived viruses characterized during two separate infections two years later were also identical to those detected in the first event, suggesting repeated transmission of closely related FWPV strains in the locality. Since the study location is home to resident and migratory birds, we postulated that wild birds could be the source of FWPV and that bird-biting mosquitoes could act as bridging mechanical vectors. Therefore, we determined whether the FWPV-positive mosquito pools (n=4) were positive for avian DNA using a polymerase chain reaction-sequencing assay. Our findings confirmed the presence of avian host DNA in all mosquito pools, suggesting a role for Cx. pseudovishnui, Culex spp. (vishnui group) and Cq. crassipes mosquitoes in FWPV transmission. Our study exemplifies the utilization of molecular tools to understand transmission networks of pathogens affecting avian populations, which has important implications for the design of effective control measures to minimize disease burden and economic loss.
A low-passage insect-cell isolate of bluetongue virus uses a macropinocytosis-like entry pathway to infect natural target cells derived from the bovine host
Bluetongue virus (BTV) causes an economically important disease in domestic and wildlife ruminants and is transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. In ruminants, BTV has a wide cell tropism that includes endothelial cells of vascular and lymphatic vessels as important cell targets for virus replication, and several cell types of the immune system including monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. Thus, cell-entry represents a particular challenge for BTV as it infects many different cell types in widely diverse vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Improved understanding of BTV cell-entry could lead to novel antiviral approaches that can block virus transmission from cell to cell between its invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Here, we have investigated BTV cell-entry using endothelial cells derived from the natural bovine host (BFA cells) and purified whole virus particles of a low-passage, insect-cell isolate of a virulent strain of BTV-1. Our results show that the main entry pathway for infection of BFA cells is dependent on actin and dynamin, and shares certain characteristics with macropinocytosis. The ability to use a macropinocytosis-like entry route could explain the diverse cell tropism of BTV and contribute to the efficiency of transmission between vertebrate and invertebrate hosts.
Identification of Pythium insidiosum complex by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry
More LessPurpose. Pythiosis is an infection of humans and other animals caused by the fungal-like pathogen Pythium insidiosum. This pathogen causes life-threatening infection in the infected hosts. Culture, histopathology, serology and molecular tools are used to diagnose its infections. Successful management of pythiosis is directly linked to an early diagnosis. Thus, a rapid identification of putative cultures developing submerged sparsely septate hyphae is of extreme importance. However, few laboratories are familiar with the culture identification of this unique pathogen and its differential diagnosis with similar filamentous fungi.
Methodology. We have evaluated the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) on 53 isolates of P. insidiosum collected from cases of human and animal pythiosis in the USA and around the world. To assess the specificity of the approach, 18 pathogenic and saprotrophic filamentous fungal and fungal-like microbes were also tested.
Results. MALDI-TOF in-house spectra correctly identified the 53 P. insidiosum isolates (score range 1.93–2.51). MALDI-TOF based identification within P. insidiosum isolates showed protein spectra variation between geographical diverse isolates. A mass spectrometry approach was able to discriminate P. insidiosum from the 18 filamentous fungal and fungal-like microbes in this study, including four Pythium spp. and Phytopythium litorale plant pathogenic species.
Conclusion. The data showed MALDI-TOF could be used for the accurate and rapid culture identification of P. insidiosum in the clinical laboratory.
The limitations of commercial serological assays for detection of chlamydial infections in Australian livestock
More LessChlamydia pecorum and Chlamydia abortus are related ruminant pathogens endemic to different global regions. Potential co-infections combined with the lack of species-specific serological assays challenge accurate diagnosis. Serological screening revealed low C. abortus seropositivity with the peptide-based ELISA (1/84; 1.2%) in Australian sheep yet moderate seropositivity in a Swiss flock with history of C. abortus -associated abortions (17/63; 26.9%). By whole cell antigen complement fixation tests (CFT) and ELISA, chlamydial seropositivity was significantly higher in all groups, suggesting cross-reactivity between these two chlamydial species and non-specificity of the tests. However, only C. pecorum DNA could be detected by qPCR in Chlamydia seropositive Australian animals screened, suggesting chlamydial seropositivity was due to cross-reactivity with endemic C. pecorum infections. These results suggest ascribing Chlamydia seropositivity to chlamydial species in livestock using whole-cell antigen CFT or ELISA should be treated with caution; and that peptide-based ELISA and qPCR provide greater chlamydial species-specificity.
Characterization of intestinal Escherichia coli isolated from calves with diarrhea due to rotavirus and coronavirus
Purpose. To address more information about changes in commensal Escherichia coli during virus intestinal infection, we characterized 30 faecal E. coli isolates from calves (21 to 60 days old) with diarrhea due to rotavirus and coronavirus, which received, before diagnosis, tetracycline, gentamicin and enrofloxacin drugs.
Methodology. Clermont’s phylogenetic classification; presence of genes for curli, cellulose, fimbriae (F4, F5, F6, F18, F41); and antimicrobial susceptibility were used to characterize the isolates. Disk diffusion technique and PCR were used as methodologies.
Results. E. coli isolates from calves with diarrhea were phylogenetically classified as B1 (70%, 21/30), B2 (3.33%, 1/30), C (3.33%, 1/30), D (3.33%, 1/30), E (13.33%, 4/30) and unknown (6.7 %; 2/30), whereas E. coli isolates from the control group were classified only as B1 (83.3%, 25/30), E (10 %; 3/30) and unknown (6,7 %; 2/30). E. coli isolates from calves with diarrhea showed a much higher resistance profile with 16 (53.3%) multiresistant isolates. Only isolates (30%-9/30) from diarrheic calves were also positive for fimbriae, specifically 16.7% (5/30) for F5 and 13.3% (4/30) for F18.
Conclusion. To sum up, E. coli isolates from calves with diarrhea showed differences in relation to the control group, confirming changes in commensal E. coli during virus intestinal infection. It can be emphasized that some care should be taken to manage diarrheic calves: the pathological agent must be diagnosed prior to treatment; antibacterial treatment should be with antimicrobials with a different mechanism of action; and finally, treated animals should be maintained separately from others because they can carry micro-organisms with a resistant profile.
A novel ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ subgroup 16SrI-(E/AI)AI associated with blueberry stunt disease in eastern Canada
Phytoplasmas (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species) are phytopathogenic bacteria vectored by insects and are associated with crop diseases that cause severe yield losses by affecting reproductive tissue development. Infection of northern highbush blueberry plants (Vaccinium corymbosum; Ericaceae) with phytoplasma leads to yield losses by altering plant development resulting in stunting and subsequent plant death. Samples collected from symptomatic blueberry plants in two important blueberry-producing areas in Canada, in the provinces of Québec and Nova Scotia, were analysed for the presence of DNA sequences associated with phytoplasma. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the plants were infected with a strain of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’, which was previously identified as blueberry stunt phytoplasma (BBS; 16SrI-E). Examination of further bacterial sequences revealed that two distinct 16S rRNA-encoding gene sequences were present in each sample in combination with a single chaperonin-60 (cpn60) sequence and a single rpoperon sequence, suggesting that this strain displays 16S rRNA-encoding gene sequence heterogeneity. Two distinct rrnoperons, rrnE and the newly described rrnAI, were identified in samples analysed from all geographic locations. We propose, based on the sequences obtained, delineating the new subgroup 16SrI-(E/AI)AI, following the nomenclature proposed for heterogeneous subgroups. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a heterogeneous phytoplasma strain affecting blueberry plants and associated with blueberry stunt disease.
Potent neutralization activity against type O foot-and-mouth disease virus elicited by a conserved type O neutralizing epitope displayed on bovine parvovirus virus-like particles
More LessIn this study, ten sites on the N terminus and different surface variable regions (VRs) of the bovine parvovirus (BPV) VP2 capsid protein were selected according to an alignment of its sequence with that of the BPV-1 strain HADEN for insertion of the type O foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) conserved neutralizing epitope 8E8. Ten epitope-chimeric BPV VP2 capsid proteins carrying the 8E8 epitope were expressed in Sf9 cells, and electron micrographs demonstrated that these fusion proteins self-assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) with properties similar to those of natural BPV virions. Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and Western blot analysis demonstrated that each of the ten epitope-chimeric VLPs reacted with both anti-BPV serum and anti-type O FMDV mAb 8E8. These results indicated that insertions of the 8E8 epitope at these sites on the BPV VP2 protein did not interfere with the immunoreactivity of VP2 or VLP formation, and that the exogenous epitope 8E8 was correctly expressed in BPV VLPs. In addition, anti-BPV IgG antibodies were induced in mice by intramuscular inoculation with each of the ten chimeric VLPs, indicating that the immunogenicity of the chimeric VLPs was not disrupted. Importantly, potent anti-FMDV viral neutralizing (VN) antibodies, which exhibited the highest titre of 1 : 176, were induced by two chimeric VLPs, rBPV-VLP-8E8(391) and rBPV-VLP-8E8(395), in which the 8E8 epitope was inserted into positions 391/392 and 395/396, respectively, in the VR VIII of BPV VP2. Our results demonstrated that the 391/392 and 395/396 positions in the VR VIII of the BPV VP2 protein can effectively display a foreign epitope, making this an attractive approach for the design of nanoparticle-vectored and epitope-based vaccines.